Mahatma Gandhi -Birthday 2nd October
The name of Mahatma Gandhi a Father of the Nation has been used by wasted interest in whichever way it suits them without understanding his personality and principles. His views about Nonviolence, Partition of the Country, Principles and Values in public life and including of sex are being twisted by his so called followers and his opponents.
Late Narayan Desai son of Mahadev Desai who played on the lap of Mahatma had tried to convey his true messages through his 'Gandhi Katha. He described true Gandhi therein. He said firmly that Gandhi was never in fevour of Partition of the Country but then Congress Working Committee overruled him. He was not happy about it and never took part in the independence celebrations. He spent his said time in the Communal Riot trodden place of Noakhali in Bengal. However he has been accused by Hindu Communal section that he was fevouring Muslims. His crime was that he pleaded to give Rs 55 crores to Pakistan which was a part of Agreement during Partition. Some people also wrongly accuse him for partition the mistake which he never committed. It is very unfortunate that recently Hindu Maha Sabha unveiled bust of Nathuram Godse in Madhya Pradesh who killed Mahatma Gandhi on account of his misconception about him. The real Culprits for Partition of India were then Congress Leadership, Mohamed Ali Zeena, and the last Viceroy Lord Mountbatten. One will be surprised to know that Nehru told that they accepted Partition as then Congress Leadership was tired due to long Independent Struggle. Lord Mountbatten expressed sorry at latter stage for the killing of one Million people during the Partition. Mohmad Ali Zeena also accepted his mistake for creating partition before his Death. However Communal Element in India made Mahatma Gandhi Scape Goat for all those problems and for which he was not responsible. It is very sad episode for which precious life of Mahatma Gandhi was lost.
Gandhi also said that he never approves the Non Violence of Cowards. The first Indian Commander in Chief Carriappa once asked Gandhi"How can he advise his soldiers to observe Non Violence at the time of the defending the Country?" Gandhi Smiled and never replied his question. That means he approved violence in such circumstances.
Mahatma Gandhi believed that one can be in politics with maintaining values and principles. He wanted people in public life to be simple and without Pomp and Show. He believed that Britishers were living with Pomp and Show in order to create fear among our people. But why our Leaders should follow them? We find lots of corruption, crime, and deterioration of values in public life as we have not followed his simple advise.
He was aware of the weakness of human beings and also experimented in sex field. He knew the weaknesses of his followers in this regard but he tolerated them. He wanted to use their good qualities to achieve freedom of the country. There are instances when he was stiff when the limits are crossed. However he was not rigid as reported by some people in this regard. He frankly stated that " who is he to point out the weaknesses of other people when he himself is also human being? "
He made Nehru as a First Prime Minister of India as Nehru was not ready to work under Anybody. However he balanced him by inducting unwilling Sardar Patel as a Deputy Prime Minister in the Cabinet. Indira Gandhi splited Congress in the 1968 for power but Gandhi prevented split in the Congress at the time of Independence.
Mahatma Gandhi was a Man of Commonsense and stated once that I am a Common man but people have made me Mahatma. That was the Greatness of Gandhi. Therefore to day also he is respected and known as a 'Father of the Nation'.
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