Qualities-Good and Bad
There is always conflict between good and bad qualities in life. It has also long history in this world. Good has to always suffer at the hand of bad but it is said that ultimately goodness prevails. All Epics and great Wars were fought only on that basis. In Gita it is said that Dharma always prevail i.e. Goodness always Wins. Christ said when he was crucified that 'They do not know what they are doing' i.e. They have given up the good qualities of their Lives.
It is also true that the importance of goodness will not be recognized if there is no badness. The Love, Affection, Mercy,Nonviolence, Tolerance, Truth and Forgiveness are some of the aspects which are connected with goodness. While Violence, Lies, Cruelty, Vindictiveness. Jealousy and Greediness are some of the aspect are connected with badness. Hence life is a struggle wherein one has to fight even against badness. Therefore conflict of good and bad is inevitable in life.
The some of the poets have tried to differentiate the differences between good and bad in their own way.
One of the poet said ' Once Ocean asked River-
" Why do you merge in my salty water?"
"It is process to make you Sweeter" replied River.
That is how poet tries to show contrast in good and bad qualities.
This is one another instance wherein flower was asked-
" What do you get by spreading your fragrance?"
" To take is trading, but one gets lots of love without expectations" replied Flower.
It shows that people with good qualities will always react positively while badness reaction is negative. It is said that 'Truth always Win'. That is to say that good qualities always stand by Truth. Therefore all Saints are the ' Truth Seeker'.
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