'Dhanterash'- A day for praying Laxmi the Goddess of wealth
Hindus have recently celebrated the 'Dhanterash' day very recently. Some one will say it is contradiction of Hindu philosophy of Tyaga. However Hindu is not Religion but it is full of practical beliefs which are very well balanced. Every thing in moderate way can tune the life for happiness. Hence Hindu philosophy is Moderate not Extreme. Every year Indians are buying Tons of gold from world market in order to increase their wealth in the form of Ornaments. On every 'Dhanterash' prior to Diwali Hindu prays Goddess of wealth Laxmi by putting before her whatever wealth they are having. Besides that they increase their wealth by buying some more gold/ diamonds Ornaments. Besides that they also present gold to their favorite Daities/ Temple which has also made many Temples like Ambaji(Gujarat), Sai Temple(Sharadi, Maharashtra), Tirupati (Andhra Pradesh) and Padmanabh Temple (Kerala) etc. Those Temples are worth of crores of Rupees and their wealth are increasing year by year.
It is very interesting to note that India's gold reserve is the highest in the world as it is mostly in the private hands in the forms of gold ornaments. It is said that India is having the gold in private hands which is amounting to the total of all gold reserves of five big Countries of world. This is because Indian believes that investment in gold is the most reliable and stable. It also shows that India is not poor in the terms of of gold reserve as it consumes the 39%of the world gold production per year. The 86%of the imported gold is going in private hands in the forms of Ornaments/Investments. It is estimated that 2000 Tons of gold is in the hands of Indian Temples only.
This is because the Hindu culture gives more importance to Gold as a good investment. It also encourages to the people to buy more and more gold on 'Dhanterash'. Indian people also buy Gold on the Marriages and on the important Social Events. The gold is being accumulated for protecting one against the adverse time and the situation. In other words it is the economical and cultural doctrine of Hindu Culture.
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