Kashmir Issue- Its Practical Solution
Kashmir is the very difficult problem between India and Pakistan. Besides that Kashmir is a matter of interest for Western Powers and China in context its Geographical situation.
However it has also become huge financial liability for india due to the mischief played by Pakistan and interested concerned Countries. India canot go back after spending Billions of Rupees for keeping Status co. In the process people in Kashmir and Pakistani occupied Kashmir are suffering on account of underdevelopment, unemployment,and poverty. Therefore people of Kashmir is not happy and started thinking why not to go for independent status. However it is not a good sign for India and Pakistan as well as. India is not having much problem in Jammu, and Ladakh where majority population are Hindu and Buddhist. The crust of the problem is Kashmir valley where majority population is Muslim. Even occupied Kashmir is also having majority Muslim population. The Article 370 applicable to the Kashmir has also come directly or indirectly in the development of Kashmir. The said Article and unstable political situation have also become hindrance in the way of Foreign/Indian investment.
One may differ with our Prime Minister, Narendra Modi on different issues but his policy of development with support of local people can work in Kashmir. The development and education can also help to remove Article 370 in respect of Kashmir which is creating problem even emotionally integrating people of Kashmir into India. Therefore it is necessary to take up the development activities in Kashmir on large scale. Besides that it may also help the amenable party to come in power in Jammu/ Kashmir. who will agree to give up Article 370 for total integration in Indian Union.
The total integration of Kashmir in India can very much help to resolve the dispute with Pakistan with give and take policy. Even Pakistan may agree some what with present Status Co position which can remove the tension on this Subcontinent. It will give way for development in Pakistan and India. That will be in the best interest of both Countries. We hope for the Best.
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