Sardar Patel and Jawaherlal Nehru
We have seen that in this December 2013 the death anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai was celebrated by two types of people one who really admires him and another one who wants to exploit his name for their own interest. Besides that any leader who wants to glorifies him will put Sardar against his name without knowing what Sardar stood for. His opponent says he was communal that is only to maline him without knowing that he was loyal to India and was for people who are loyal to India. There are instances where Sardar helped Muslims out of way. There was a Muslim state of Sachin.(i.e. Situated near Surat ) Begum of Sachin was in financial difficulties during the integration of Native States. He helped her financially from his own money. She wanted to return the said money to Sardar afterwards. However he refused to take back money stating that 'I will not take back money which was given to my sister'. This shows he was not communal at all.
While Jawaherlal Nehru was very temperamental and use to lose his temper at any time. Nehru had more exposure to international issues as he was educated in London and use to visit Switzerland and foreign countries during the grave illness of his wife. He was more scared of international reaction for handling of any problem faced by India. Hence he was not practical. He was also ambitious for becoming international leader where by he overlooked some time the interest of India. He did made mistakes in handling the international problems faced by India after independence. However nobody can doubt his patriotism.
There were common thing between Sardar and Nehru i.e.Patriotism and respect for their mentor Mahatma Gandhi.Nehru entirely differed with Gandhiji on policy matters but Sardar was with Gandhiji on most of his Ideology. Nehru threatened Gandhji to divide congress if he is not made Prime minister of India while Sardar gave up his genuine right for Prime Minister position as directed by Mahatma Gandhi. Nehru encouraged Nehru dynasty by installing Indira Gandhi as congress president in his life time(i.e. to become prime minister of india ultimately). We do not know where the democrat Nehru was lost then. while Sardar kept all his close relative away from taking any advantage of his position. He even disconnected his relation with his only son in order to stop him for taking advantage of his position.
Sardar was very generous towards the weaknesses of Nehru and he always praised him positively. He wrote in the souvenir which was published on the 60 Th Birthday of Jawaherlal Nehru as under" Nehru has highly explosive temper due to his dislikes for reducing the delay in the work. Besides that his volatile nature was also helpful against laziness and inordinate delay. He further added that Jawaher mood goes on changing from childish to mature person. However he is always ready to accept any thing new even if it is against his nature"
Jawaherlal Nehru also gave a glaring tribute to Sardar on his 75 Th birthday of in following words. i.e. on 31st October 1950 "I have close connection with Sardar since 30 years and both us have seen ups and down with great events. Sardar Patel has come out of those critical problems with very strong personality. I have also seen that lots of people are seeking his guidance on various types of problems. I wish he maintains his heath and continue to do so for years.
You will rarely find such great leaders with different views, Natures and out looks can work to gather for several decades that too with tremendous respect for each other. It may be due to the great personality like Mahatma Gandhi.
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