Ever Going Violence in America- The Gun Culture
Every day we hear about shootings at different places in America. It also causes the death of innocent people. The such shootings had taken places in Mall, Theater, School, University and in Gurudwara ( Sikh Temple). It is unabated violence going on the name of Insanity or Personal Grudge or in the Name of Fundamentalism. However it is taking the life of Children, Youth and Old people with out any reason.
It is a constitutional right to have Gun for self defense. But now the time is changed along with the color of America. We can not go with the uncontrollable Gun Culture. Twenty young children were killed in the Connecticut and Five Indian American were killed in Gurudwara, Oak Creek,Wisconsin. Besides that twelve persons were shoot down in theater at Denver, Colorado and very recently Three persons were killed in Bombing/Shooting during the Marathon race at Boston, Massachusetts.
However it is surprising that the membership of American Rifle Association is increasing which is the strongest organization in the favor of free Gun, The Anti Gun Control lobby is also trying to propagate its cause by showing the picture of President Barack Obama in Gun Shooting Game. However there is a positive sign that the President Barack Obama is giving more importance to 'Gun Control Law'.
More people are injured and have became disabled in such shooting incidents then number of people who were killed. The lives of those victims are also going to become miserable that too for without any reason. Therefore it is necessary that strict Gun Control law with the provisions of Screening the Background of Gun Holder along with reducing the capacity of Gun. Besides that Gun holder should be held responsible for the misuse of his Gun i.e.Gun should be in lock and key so that no unauthorized person can have excess to it.
Besides that Gun culture has not erupted in America overnight. We have systematically introduced in the the generation to generation. Our Medias, Movies, Video Game, including Children Games also reflects aggressively the said ' Violent Culture'. The Aggressive and Collective efforts have to be made to reform and educate our Media, Movie, Video Game Industries. That can only save our generation to come from such violence.
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