The Great Countries of the World and its People
The poor and prosperous country does not depends on its natural resources. Races and Color of the people also does not make difference. Even intellect difference also does not make difference. But it does make difference if there is a lack of Ethics, Attitude, Responsibility and Punctuality. It does make difference if there is no respect for majority and no respect for law. It does affect the county if there is no efforts to save and invest. The high productivity rate with quality goods does makes effect.The negative aspect faced by country also does not make much difference. However education is a good mold for progress. Chanakya, an ancient Indian expert , who is considered authority on the political and social science had said 'An educated person is respected everywhere. The education can beats the beauty and youth.'
Japan is covered with 80% mountainous region without much natural resources However they import all rawmatirail and manufactures the quality goods for export . Japan is worlds second biggest Economy.
Switzerland does not produce any coco but it manufactures the best chokletes. They do not have much economic resources but they have world class big banks. It is due to perfect security. Even the small country like Newzeland is also making progress.
Germany is a country which can stand with high head among the nations. They are proud of their race and country. They believes that their race has pure Aryan blood They have studied the sanskrit language very well which is considered to be Aryan spoken language. They are having the best library of all ancient books and scripture of sanskrit.They accepted the swastika as their State logo during Nazi Regime. It is highly industrialized county and consider to be one of the big economic power. They fought second world war to establish their supremacy. However they were ruined completely in the last world war. Germany was also divided in East and West Germany after the war. The German infrastructure was also destroyed . The end of second world war inflation rate was very high in the Germany. The German people had very bad time due high prices. However they had strong will to unit again and they were united. The unified Germany is now once again economical power and helping all developing countries including Europian Countries.
Japan was defeated and ruined in the second world war. The Hiroshima and Nagasaki cities were completely destroyed due to Atom Bombs i.e.Thrown by America. However Japan came up very fast after those distructions It is mainly due to the Japanese people's positive attitude towards hard work and their love for country Japan love its religious belief and they have prohibited conversion in the Japan . The sincerity of work, and high moral have reestablished the Japan as one of the top economy of the work.
Chines a yellow race has been always considered very aggressive They have civilization of thousands of year. Besides that they were inventors of explosive, and paper currency The china was once upon a time completely colonized by western countries and chines people were made addict to drugs etc. In this colonial powers followed the rule that 'Let Dragon Sleep. The waken up Dragon may be very Dangerous . However Maotse Tung liberated china from all the evils and now it has become very powerful country. it has now become one of the biggest economies of the world. Chines people are very hard working , Intelligent and very aggressive.
England is one of the most important nations in the world. Its people are very loyal to the Crown. They are intelligent, and adventurous people. They were a navel power in the past. It had helped them to colonized half of the world. Once upon time it was said that 'Sun never Set in the British Empire.'
Israel is a Jew State which was established in some of the the Palestine territory. It is a country which is surrounded by all hostile Muslim States. It is also situated in deserted area. However with modern scientific technic it has been converted into Green State. Jews moral is very high and they are ready to sacrifice any thing for their country. They have small army but armed with highly sophisticated arms. Its intelligent agency against terrorism is also highly skilled. There expertise is being used by many countries including India The skilled of Israel intelligence agency was found when Juval Avive, a Israelite intelligent agent informed USA one month before the 9/11 attack on world trade center, New York. He was very specific that attack will be on high profile building or historical building. Besides that he also stated one week before in Bill O 'Reilly show that London subway bomb attack will take place in near future. The question is why suitable actions are not taken on such information? Besides that it also shows how Israel is surviving against all hostile countries around This is because of high moral of the Jews citizens.
Why India with so much resources, vast population, and intelligent people is still declining stage? It is because we lack of patriotism sincerity towards work, lack of attitude, and no respect for rule and regulations. Our records in punctuality is also vary poor. Besides that very recently it is reported that out of total population in India about One crore is Begging, One crore is in Hospital, One crores are Politicians who use it as means to earn money, instead of serving people, Seven crores Retired, Ten crores Unemployed, Thirty one crores are Govt Employees, and 21 crores are Women who are doing nothing and remains in the house. It is very disheartening figures because we do not see any hope.
We can only pray to God to save India and make some way to lift it prestige among the Nations.