Christmas is the most important event in the Christianity It was day when the Christ was born to mother Merry. Christ is also considered as the a son of God .
Christ was born at the time when people were suffering under ignorance, tyranny and Blind faith in Rituals. Roman Emperor were ruling then and they were hostile to Christ teaching. However Christ birth was the sign of light and disappearance of darkness. It was the beginning regarding victory of virtues over evils.Therefore Christmas is celebrated with Candle lights and with decorated tree.
However Christ was crucified by Roman but he rises again after three days. Thereafter he gave his message to his main followers like Mosses, Peter, Thomas, James ( brother) and others. James spreaded his message to Russia and Peter went to Rome. Roman Emperor Nero was then very hostile towards Peter but Emperor Augustine accepted the Christianity as a state religion.
It appears that lot of violence took place in the transit period. However Christ messages were of Love, Equality, Faith in God and Observance of Non Violence. They brought lasting peace and joy in the hearts of the people.
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