India and china are neighbour country but it appears there is tension in their relationship. It can be very easily described as a cold war. In the economic development also they are rivals in the world. They stands fifth and fourth rank among the biggest economies of the world.
Which things are common between India and China? Their culture are thousands of years. They had religious, social and business connections since long time. The disciples of Buddha had taken Buddhism from India to China. It also carried the family values from India to China. Besides that the most pious places of Hindu religion Mansarover(Lake) and Kailash Mountain are in Tibet. In short India and China has been exchanging cultural, social and scientific knowledge since long time. Besides that India and China were colonized by European countries and even exploited .
Therefore there are deep wounds of exploitations on the people of both this countries.
However the yellow race of China is considered to be one of the Superior races of the world. Therefore it is said you do not awaken the Dragon otherwise it will distrube you. The strength of China reflects in the historical achievements of Changiskhan, Kublikhan etc. The Marxist leader Moutse Tung revolutionised the China. Thereafter China emerged as one of the the powerful countries in the world. That mean Chines Dragon has awaken and we do not know where and when it will distrube the world. China lays it hands any where they feel it belonged to them. They took, Hongkong, Macao,and Tibet and now their eyes are on Taiwan, and the international water of South Asian Sea. They want Akshaychin, Arunachal Pradesh and other Areas of India by creating border disputes. China wants to become super power in the world by increasing their domination, and acquiring strategic territories.
The report of the intelligent bureau of India says that during the year 2010 to 2011 China crossed the Indian territories in 750 places which covers Ladakh, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh. Some places they came inside up to 3km to 7 km. Besides that China alleged that India has destroyed their surveillance post in Ladakh. This shows that after the war of 1962 they are still keeping military pressure on India. It reflects their malicious intention.
China has surpassed India in Economic progress with highhanded manner with their autocratic rule. China is a close country while India is open with Democracy. The intellectual power of India is higher. India may be having slow progress then China but it is steady and sound. Therefore one American journalist has said 'The China may be factory of the world but India is laboratory.
Besides that there is report from the American ‘ Think Tank Middle East Media Research Institute ‘ that Pakistan is having military strategy with China under which Pakistan is giving Gilgit/Baltistan to China for 50 years lease under the pretext of development Scheme. However China may strengthen its position there within the lease period. It will be very adverse military situation for India if it becomes reality. It also shows how China is increasing pressure on India.
China consider India as a very soft target looking at the weak Indian policy. Indian foreign minister recently stated that Tibet is a internal part of China while allowing Exile government of Tibet is freely operating in India. It is contradiction and weak policy of India.
In the 1962 war clearly proved that China is a leader of Asia in every sense.Sardar Patel also warned Nehru well in advanced and much before 1962 aggression of China regarding the malicious intention of China. This is only to show that China has been playing its card very smartly in foreign policy.
There is no doubt that India is well prepared militarily now then 1962. India have mountain brigade of our army on the Border Area with China. Besides that India also constructed Airstrips and Roads across the border area with China. However India should be more alert with China then Pakistan.
Bharat Desai
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