Friday, July 19, 2024

Medicines - Consumer  Protection Thereof

                                                                                 Medicines being taken by Patients which are prescribed by their Doctors.  However, it may carry side effects. Sometimes consumers are ignorant about the same.  It is to be noted that side effects of those medicines can create different problems in one body. 

                                         Besides that, some medicines could contain chemicals that can lead to very dangerous diseases like Cancer. However, there are some NGOs whose scientists are doing research and warning the people if there is anything wrong with any specific medicine. 

                                        ' Valisure' is one such American organization that is doing such work in the best interest of the public. It detected cancer-causing chemicals in widely used medications like Hand Sanitizers, Sunscreen Perspirantbody Sprays, Dry Shampoos, and Acne Treatments. Sometimes such research leads to several suits and even recall of the concerned product. It is also reported that the majority of Americans do believe that the products they buy are safe, tasted, and harmless.

                                        In the year 2021 'Valisure' found Benzene in Suncare products in 29 Brands and year 2022 it tested 148 Products and found Benzene in 60% Batches of  Dryshampo. It is already reported that benzenes lead to grave diseases.

                                     Drug Testing Authorities and Trade Groups sometimes treat the findings of NGOs like 'Valisure' as not based on science and it leads to scare people and has a nuisance value. While research scientists consider their research as a powerful instrument to protect consumers.


Sunday, July 14, 2024

Health Care-Innovation

                                                                        Some scientists in the health sector are trying to find new treatments for hazardous diseases which are taking lots of lives in the world. They are trying to make relative  treatment smooth, simple, and efficient 

                                                                       Rectal cancer is one of the very complicated diseases that is now being treated by immunotherapy which has given very astonishing results. It does not mean that last-stage cases of rectal cancers are not treated by radiation or surgery. However, scientists are trying to make immunotherapy more effective. 

                                                                       One of the companies has started using selected pig organs on merit to transplant into the human body. In one case pig kidney is transplanted in a patient and it is doing well after one month. This is beginning and if its success continues it will be easy to treat kidney transplant problems easy. 

                                                                     It is observed that in serious accidents people lose their ability to walk and they have to go through several serious operations.  Sometimes it is a long process for the patient to recover so that one can walk. However for very serious cases now a new 'Digital Bridge' technique is being developed between the Brain and Legs, which can help a victim to ascend even a staircase with the help of a walker. It reduces the problem to a great extent for patients. However, it may take one decade to develop the said technique fully for reaching to large number of such accident victims.

                                                                   It is reported that a factory in Brazil will release soon the product 'Mosquitoes' which will carry some short bacteria and insects that are not harmful to Humans but prevent the Virus that carries the disease 'Dengue'. It will be very helpful to prevent' Dengue' which kills thousands of people Annually.

                                                                  These few above instances show that Healthcare is going change very much in time to come.






Monday, July 8, 2024

Easy Way To  Sleep

                                          It is reported that a huge percentage of the world's population is suffering from want of sleep. It is due to lots of stress, strain, and due to competitive lives. But it is also a fact that lack of sleep is the root cause of many diseases in the world.

                                 Therefore there must be vigorous effort to make sleep easy. however, it also stresses the change of lifestyle of people. There must be regular timing to go to sleep. Besides that bedtime routine should be avoided or reduced,

                               The bedroom should be quiet and cool so that it helps to sleep smoothly. Even light thereon has to be deemed a little bit dark. Anyhow use of night light is very much necessary.

                               Some people have a habit of keeping a watch near the bed and also go on marking the time of sleeping and waking. However, they fail to understand those actions obstruct sleep or disturb it. Hence it is advisable that the watch has to be kept away. The phone is also supposed to be kept away which can disrupt sleep.

                             The night dinner has to be light and it is also advisable to avoid using tobacco or caffeinated products before sleep. One can use sleep-supplemented melatonin under a doctor's advice.

                             Besides that one should also avoid day napping to get easy sleep in the night time. One has to return to the bedroom as soon as one is sleepy. The last and important tip is to go for meditation at sleep time which satisfies one sleep need.

                   These are a few steps to make one sleep easy and maintain a healthy life.
