Saturday, March 23, 2024


Self Reliance-India's Mission

                                                      The Indian government is determined to make India self-reliant in Manufacturing i.e. Defence, Technology, and   Food, etc. There is already a surplus in food production. India also manufactures light Aircraft, Naval Ships, Aircraft Carrier, and Submarines. It is already ahead in Rocket Technology.

                                                    However, India does not want to depend upon the import of spare parts for manufacturing and already started giving incentives for the startup thereof. About 125000 startups are operating in various sectors.

                                                    Besides that, there are a lot of IPOs coming up in  India with plenty of foreign investments. In the year 2023, 194 companies had gone to the public.  Some of them are also related to Consumer Goods, Pharma, Construction, Steel, Electrical Components and Food. The Auto spare parts manufacturing companies are also on the verge of entering in share market.

                                                 It is reported that three chip-making companies are now planning to put their plants in India.  Apple and Samsung have already started making their latest phones in India.

                                                All this shows that India has the fastest developing economy in the world while some of the advanced countries are facing adverse economic situations.


Sunday, March 10, 2024

Indian Economy In The Year 2023
                                                                American Trade war with China has created India as a business destination in Asia. Besides that India with about 65% of the young population and intellectual values thereon gives it an additional advantage. India is already the fifth largest economy in the world and will reach fourth position very soon by passing the economy of Germany.
                                                             Foreign investment was 34% of GDP in the year 2023 which had also increased business and export. It has also generated large cash in the Indian market.  Besides that, the foreign investment was about 71 Billion Dollars in the year 2023. 

                                                           The Indian government had invested about 36.5%  in Bridges and Roads. While 20 % was invested in the power sector. The  2.3 % was an investment in the Chemical Manufacturing Sector. Indian government encouraged  14 sectors by giving production-based incentives. The taxes are also reduced.  The banking sector also improved its position by wring off bad loans which has started giving better returns. Besides that Indian government has completed the project of 72 Billion Dollars which has further strengthened the Indian economy. 
                                                           The share market has improved gradually and several startups have come into the market. All these developments show a bright future for the Indian economy and now feel that the best is yet to come for India. 


Tuesday, March 5, 2024


Sleep Loss -Root Cause of Many Deceases

                                                                            Physical Health has a direct relation with sleep. Therefore one should have a sound sleep. Health is also related to sleeping habits. People with 7 to 8 hours of sleep will have better resistance power against health problems. This is because the body works more efficiently at night time than during day time.

                                                                         Irregular sleeping habits have adverse effects on Brian and sometimes it leads to mental problems. Even disturbed sleep can also create stomach disturbances and affect one digestive system. In some cases, disturbed sleep also adversely affects memory power. One gets deep sleep in the early morning then an increase in noise value can further disturb the sleep. It comes in the way of getting the required rest for the body.

                                                                        Some people have a habit of keeping Mobile, Laptop, TV, and other Gadgets near to bed which can disturb their sleep. Therefore it is better to keep them away from bed.

                                                                        It is observed that people who are doing night duty are physically affected in the long run. It may be because of a lack of sufficient sleep. They become old early and their memory power may also be affected.  In such conditions, some people may also face vision problems.

                                                                    It is also observed that during sleep ' Cytokine' is produced (i.e.It generates Protein) which is good for Health. In the absence of sound sleep, once immunities decrease or damage. That can lead to serious physical problems.

        Hence for a Healthy life ' Early to Bed and Early to Rise' is the Right Slogan.
