Thursday, September 26, 2024



                                                                    People have to face tough situations now and then. such thing has to be handled in life with courage to come out successful. The self-development always helps to stand successfully against it. Some qualities are to be acquired to see that things become smooth and less painful.

                                      The superiority complex is sometimes helpful but the inferiority complex brings depression and nervousness. Therefore one must take a stand confidently as if one is right. In the process, if some people underestimate you then also one will have the upper hand in the matter.

                                      One should have the patience to listen to others which is the key to success. Besides that one has to be calm which is a sign of confidence. It is observed that egoistic people make a lot of noise and they do not care to listen to others.

                                    Sometimes a day is bad but that does not mean that whole life is going to be bad. Motivation and Consistency are more important in life to achieve success. It is like one may read 100 books but only one can change the life. One meets 100 people in life but only one can change the life.

                                   Worries create anxiety but anxiety will not change the future but truth of life is that action will only change the future. One must have a disciplined life to maintain continuity in life. It s not true that discipline brings perfection but it does bring self-control and mental balance.

                                     In short, all this self-development is necessary to face the cruel and difficult world. 



Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Interesting On Ancient Maya Culture

                                                                      It is said that the Mayan Culture is one of the most well-known cultures in the world. It can compete with Indian, Chinese, and Egyptian cultures which are also very ancient.  Maya culture was situated in South America and was well organized with knowledge in various fields including Astronomy. Its Temple is an Architectural monument in the world.

                                                Maya people were excellent Astronomers. In their book 'Dresden Code' they analyzed Venus and Luner tables. They had 260 days a year in their time. They had also knowledge of the recurrence of periodical Solar Eclipses. Their predictions were also satisfactory.
 All these show that they had skilled Naked-eye scientific knowledge of Astronomy.




Friday, September 6, 2024



                                                                                 Dementia is an old disease among seniors of advanced age.  However, women are more at risk of suffering from Dementia. It is also believed that it comes in inheritance. The latest research says that about more than 45% of cases of dementia can be prevented or can be delayed. Hence so many preventive measures are being suggested by experts.

                              The risk factors of dementia are many among them are Smoking, Obesity,  No Physical Activity, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, and Overdrinking Alcohol. All these lead to suggest living a healthy life to avoid dementia.

                            Eat lots of Fruits, Vegetables, and Fish, and do not drink sweetened drinks to keep one healthy. Even 'LDLCholostral' has been added as a risk factor for Dementia. Besides that, it is suggested that one should also do some brain exercises, including learning musical instruments or a foreign language or doing crosswords and sudoku puzzles.

                           It is also observed that loss of Vision and Hearing can be also factors of risk for Dementia.  It is also believed that sleep disorders can lead to dementia It is said that a higher level of Education lowers the risk of dementia.

                            It is found by researchers that the incidence rate of dementia is being reduced in Western Countries. It may be due to handling the risk factors effectively. However, it is reported that in China and Japan, age-related Dementia cases are climbing. It has become the fifth most important cause of death in those countries.

                          The preventive measures and a healthy life with a nutritious diet will only help to control Dementia.




Friday, August 16, 2024


Hinduism And Vedas

                                       Hinduism is a very ancient philosophy and belief that is being accepted and practiced. It is more or less a very deep treasure of thinking contributed by intellectuals than Religion. when the whole world was struggling in search of truth the Indian Vedas spread knowledge on every subject related to the human race. 

                                       Sometimes even Hindus also lack the true knowledge of its philosophy which offers tremendous knowledge on all critical subjects concerning life.  This happened because all Vedas and Upanishads were forgotten as they were written in the ancient language of Sanskrit. The Sanskrit language also disappeared from India in day-to-day use.  

                                     What are Vedas and what it contains therein? vedas are written and Sung in the Sanskrit language. It is divided into two sections. One is which is being Heard and the other one is which is being remembered. They are divided into main sections. i.e. Rugved, Yajurved,  Samved and Atharved.

                                     Rugved contains knowledge regarding water, wind, fire, and the treatment of the mind.  It is in the form of prayers. Yajurved throws light on Karma, Spiritualism, the Soul, Substances, the Universe, and God. It also describes Yagna's performance. While Samved contains knowledge regarding Classical Music, Art, and Dance. It is presented in Musical form. Atharved presents Ayurved and Herbal Medical Science thereon. It  also deals with mysterious Stories and the Science of Astrology

                                      Besides that, there are 108 Upanishads which are the shortest versions of Vedas. However, 10 Upanishads are more important among them. Upanishads also deal with questions regarding the existence of God. How is the Universe? It also throws light on Moksha, Yoga, and deep Medication. It is also believed that it is a main source of Hindu Spiritualism.

                                    In short, Vedas contain Ayurved, Grammar, Astrology, Education, and Serious subjects that are closely connected with humanity. However, it is required further deep study of Vedas to find answers to critical problems faced by the world.



Friday, August 9, 2024


The Fastest Growing Indian Economy

                                                                             In Ninty then Prime Minister Narasimha Rao opened the Indian Economy and tried to loosen the permit Raj in India, enhancing economic development. He incidentally became the root cause of the fast economic growth of the Indian economy.

                                                                           However, now the Indian economy has the most developing economy in the world. Remarkably, inflation is stable. It has a large Exchange Reserve with large domestic savings. Besides, the 2016 bankruptcy act has helped liquidate bad loans worth 106 billion dollars. The banks were injected funds through the government with new rules that consolidated the positions of the banks. The government merged 27 government-run banks into 12. Even rules were changed for acquiring Indian banks by foreign banks and foreign banks were allowed to expand their branches in India to share the business. 

                                                                         All these tight measures have brought down nonperforming assets to 4% from 15% in 2018. The operation of Private Banks was also allowed. All these measures have strengthened to get loans for Consumption, Housing, and Industry. The expansion of Branches by Banks in deep Rural Areas has changed the credit scenario in rural India. 520 million poor people opened accounts with 28 Billion Dollars.  It has strengthened the financial sector of the Indian economy. 


                                                                         Indian share markets also booming. It is now near the sharemarkets of America, China, Hong Kong, and Japan. 20% of the Indian population owns a share in the share market. Mutual funds are also booming in the Market. In one Decade from 2013 to 2023, its business has increased by 600%. Even foreign investment has reached 40 Billion Dollars showing increasing interest by foreign investors.

                                                                      India's manufacturing and productive market has also improved with the production of quality goods at the international level. It is gradually increasing the export. Ola Electric Scooter and Alphacraft produce products for local consumption and have foreign customers in Britain and America. It is reported that the top 20 companies in India earned 79% of profits. India is becoming more innovative as the valuation of Indian patents has increased tripled in the last five years.

                                                                    The Chinese factor has further increased the manufacturing activities in India. Samsung, Apple, and Amazon have started manufacturing their product which are mostly exported and supplied for local consumption. The 1600 firms are manufacturing products for foreign companies like Target, HSBC, and Tesco.  Besides that foreign companies like Suzuki, Hindustan Unilever, Nestle, Honda, Whirlpool, AstraZeneca, and Disney are already operating to capture the local market and exporting their product.

                                                                     Reliance Industries, Tata, Adani, Bajaj, and state-owned companies like Hindustan Aromatic are dealing in manufacturing various products that are adding fuel to the Bubbling Economy. India is not behind in space science and it is helping various countries to launch their satellites in space through its highly developed space science. 

                                                                Besides that government of India has opened its economy with various reforms which are making it easy to do business in India.



Wednesday, August 7, 2024


Sharp Brain

                                      It is observed that the brain also goes through wear and tear with age. when one reaches to old age its deterioration gets faster. Therefore it is necessary to make efforts to see that it remains active and does not make disable. Disability is the greatest enemy of the people which makes one live without life.

                                    The brain is like iron which gets rusted if suitable care is not being taken. Hence it requires lots of physical care through various ways directly or indirectly.

                                      One has to change the lifestyle to have a healthy life. Cycling and Morning walks are the best tonic for refreshing the brain. Our Nervous System has an effect on the working of the brain. Therefore the nervous system requires refreshing of the body. It is better to little bit of cold water bath instead of hot water.

                                    Reading books about different subjects and issues is also a good hobby which keeps the brain healthy. Besides that games of Chess or solving puzzles can also stimulate the Brain. Memorizing phone numbers or playing with numbers can also sharpen memory. 

                                   Even constructive socializing can also help to keep brain healthy. i.e. One may try to spend more time with young people with innovative minds. It can keep one brain active.

                                  It is better to talk to strangers if one gets the opportunity to meet. It may stimulate the brain to deal with new subjects and issues. One can sometimes able to learn new languages and speak thereof through socializing with unknown and different sections of society. The important thing is it helps one brain remain more active and sharp.

                                 Anger is most harmful to the brain as it wastes energy. hence it is better to train oneself to remain calm. 

                         In short, one has to adopt a lifestyle that stimulates the Brain.




Friday, July 19, 2024

Medicines - Consumer  Protection Thereof

                                                                                 Medicines being taken by Patients which are prescribed by their Doctors.  However, it may carry side effects. Sometimes consumers are ignorant about the same.  It is to be noted that side effects of those medicines can create different problems in one body. 

                                         Besides that, some medicines could contain chemicals that can lead to very dangerous diseases like Cancer. However, there are some NGOs whose scientists are doing research and warning the people if there is anything wrong with any specific medicine. 

                                        ' Valisure' is one such American organization that is doing such work in the best interest of the public. It detected cancer-causing chemicals in widely used medications like Hand Sanitizers, Sunscreen Perspirantbody Sprays, Dry Shampoos, and Acne Treatments. Sometimes such research leads to several suits and even recall of the concerned product. It is also reported that the majority of Americans do believe that the products they buy are safe, tasted, and harmless.

                                        In the year 2021 'Valisure' found Benzene in Suncare products in 29 Brands and year 2022 it tested 148 Products and found Benzene in 60% Batches of  Dryshampo. It is already reported that benzenes lead to grave diseases.

                                     Drug Testing Authorities and Trade Groups sometimes treat the findings of NGOs like 'Valisure' as not based on science and it leads to scare people and has a nuisance value. While research scientists consider their research as a powerful instrument to protect consumers.


Sunday, July 14, 2024

Health Care-Innovation

                                                                        Some scientists in the health sector are trying to find new treatments for hazardous diseases which are taking lots of lives in the world. They are trying to make relative  treatment smooth, simple, and efficient 

                                                                       Rectal cancer is one of the very complicated diseases that is now being treated by immunotherapy which has given very astonishing results. It does not mean that last-stage cases of rectal cancers are not treated by radiation or surgery. However, scientists are trying to make immunotherapy more effective. 

                                                                       One of the companies has started using selected pig organs on merit to transplant into the human body. In one case pig kidney is transplanted in a patient and it is doing well after one month. This is beginning and if its success continues it will be easy to treat kidney transplant problems easy. 

                                                                     It is observed that in serious accidents people lose their ability to walk and they have to go through several serious operations.  Sometimes it is a long process for the patient to recover so that one can walk. However for very serious cases now a new 'Digital Bridge' technique is being developed between the Brain and Legs, which can help a victim to ascend even a staircase with the help of a walker. It reduces the problem to a great extent for patients. However, it may take one decade to develop the said technique fully for reaching to large number of such accident victims.

                                                                   It is reported that a factory in Brazil will release soon the product 'Mosquitoes' which will carry some short bacteria and insects that are not harmful to Humans but prevent the Virus that carries the disease 'Dengue'. It will be very helpful to prevent' Dengue' which kills thousands of people Annually.

                                                                  These few above instances show that Healthcare is going change very much in time to come.






Monday, July 8, 2024

Easy Way To  Sleep

                                          It is reported that a huge percentage of the world's population is suffering from want of sleep. It is due to lots of stress, strain, and due to competitive lives. But it is also a fact that lack of sleep is the root cause of many diseases in the world.

                                 Therefore there must be vigorous effort to make sleep easy. however, it also stresses the change of lifestyle of people. There must be regular timing to go to sleep. Besides that bedtime routine should be avoided or reduced,

                               The bedroom should be quiet and cool so that it helps to sleep smoothly. Even light thereon has to be deemed a little bit dark. Anyhow use of night light is very much necessary.

                               Some people have a habit of keeping a watch near the bed and also go on marking the time of sleeping and waking. However, they fail to understand those actions obstruct sleep or disturb it. Hence it is advisable that the watch has to be kept away. The phone is also supposed to be kept away which can disrupt sleep.

                             The night dinner has to be light and it is also advisable to avoid using tobacco or caffeinated products before sleep. One can use sleep-supplemented melatonin under a doctor's advice.

                             Besides that one should also avoid day napping to get easy sleep in the night time. One has to return to the bedroom as soon as one is sleepy. The last and important tip is to go for meditation at sleep time which satisfies one sleep need.

                   These are a few steps to make one sleep easy and maintain a healthy life.




Monday, June 24, 2024


Bertrand  Russel's Philosophy

                                                     Bernard Russel was a thinker and philosopher. He said many things wisely which can guide us through life.

                                                    He believed in humbleness which one can have a great quality in life. Therefore he said' Humbleness is part of Truth'. It can lead to success in life. He also believed that the truth has to be accepted by using wisdom. It is a simple solution to avoid conflict and friction

                                                 One has to present such ideas that it make people think about it. That means it should be appealing on a large scale. One can't achieve anything by force but flexibility and adjustment are very important things in life. 

                                                  The goal can be achieved if it's worth it. one can't depend upon public opinion about it.  It is a historical fact that if one tries to destroy other's opinions then such action will damage own self. Hence one has to be tolerant.

                                                   Do not hesitate to think of something new and do not be afraid to do something unique. It is the key to success. If someone wants to live in heaven let him live. There is no use being jealous of him and to waste energy. The real heaven is only in the reality of life.

                                                  Bernard Russell concludes that the true way is short and right but wrong ways always remain before one without fail. 



Wednesday, June 19, 2024

India's Border- To Day and Past. 

                                                        ' Akhand Bharat' word is frequently used in India in the context of the historical and ancient border of India in the past. It is also reported that in the Indian parliament, one map shows the past map of 'Akhand Bharat' or United India.  It has created lots of heartburn and controversy worldwide, including in Pakistan. During their regime in India, the British Imperial power separated many Regions once part of India over time.

                                                       Once India was spread over 83 lakh square kilometers which is now  33 lakh square kilometers.  It was from Iran to Burma and Indonesia from the Himalayas to Kanyakumari( i.e. To the Indian Ocean.) This is because the following Countries were separated from India by the British colonial regime.

Name of the Country-----               Year 

1) Afghanistan  ----------                1876

2)Bhutan          -----------                1906

3) Sri Lanka -----------                    1935

4)Burma          -----------                 1939

5)Tibet            ------------                 1907

6) Pakistan    -------------                 1947

7) Nepal        -------------                  1904

                                             Besides that India had political and religious influences in Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, and Malaysia. It was a time when India was a very rich and prosperous country and it was very powerful around. 

                                             Therefore every Indian lives in the Dream of 'Akhand Bharat 'which is very logical and rational.



Tuesday, June 4, 2024


Health Care - The Latest 

                                               Certain parameters are generally fixed for certain diseases but revised with time. This may be related to better health care or further research on those diseases. 

                                                Blood pressure is the biggest problematic disease in human health. It can lead to Paralysis, Heart problems, and Blood-related illnesses in the human body. It is reported that in the year 1970, the Blood Pressure parameters were 180 /110  but now it is 120/80. This is to be noted for people who are suffering from the disease of high or low blood pressure.

                                                In the case of diabetes the sugar level after the meal was 180, and fasting it was 130 i.e. That was the parameter for it since 1990. However now it is 150 after meals and 120 fasting.  All these show that with time, research, and experience health care is changing very fast.

                                              The fast and comparative world has also created lots of stress and strain which is creating mental problems. It is reported that 90% of health problems are Mental while only 8% are related to other parts of the body. It is observed that knowledge of disease leads to more tension and stress on the body which adversely affects the victim. Hence it is not advisable to talk much about diseases to patients but it is wise to talk about improvement in the health of the victim.

                                            This is also noted that with improved health care, most diseases can be treated and get rid of it. In most diseases, the victim person requires sympathy and positive talk for a speedy recovery that too with modern Health Care.


Sunday, May 26, 2024


Truth Of  Life

                                                                  We must always search for the truth to face the difficult situation in life.  It is observed that one comes across many people in life.  It is not a permanent association with them. Therefore it is necessary to digest the truth that all people who came into one life will not remain with us forever. 

                                     Some people get hurt in life, but remembering that bad event will be a waste of time and energy. It is better to proceed further by forgetting and forgiving which can lead to one's growth.

                                    One has to be positive in life because most difficult struggles in life can become a blessing. That means the experience thereon may help to solve future problems smoothly.

                                   Failure creates frustration and depression in life but it is also said that failure is the key to success. In short, one must never give up.

                                  One step ahead can take ahead in one's difficult goal. Even difficult times can pass eventually. However one has to pass some time and that too with a lot of patience.

                                 It will bring failure and sadness if one tries to please everyone. People also search the happiness in the world but they fail to know that happiness is in their hands and within.

                                 Life is very precious and it is to live purposefully. It is also the fact that life is not easy to live. But one has to live it positively being born as a human being. That is also one of the truths of life.

                                 Given above better to know the bare truth of life to swim smoothly in the ocean of life.


Wednesday, May 8, 2024


                                                                          What one does positively or negatively in life is karma. The law of action and reaction is said to be equal and opposite. Therefore, if one has good and positive karma, one receives good results; if one has negative karma, the results are bad and negative. Besides that Lord, Krishna says in Gita that we have the right to do karma but have no control over its result. That does not mean that one stops doing karma as it is a life process. 

                                                                   However, it is very necessary to understand the rules of karma.  Karma also affects the lives of all. 

                                                              It is said that whatever thought and energy one puts out to the world, i.e. One gets back results good or bad. Besides that one should see that action is taken before things happen. i.e. Instead of waiting for everything to happen magically for him. 

                                                             It is also necessary to be humbled to understand that all situations and results are on account of their past actions.  One has to control own self and not others and has to focus on personal growth.  The change has to start with oneself which can lead to self-growth through positive karma.

                                                          Whatever happens in one life is because of one own karma. Besides that, it is to be owned by one who brought it through one own action. That means it is one own choice.  In life past, present, and future everything is connected.  The past action leads to the present situation and what one does today will determine what will be tomorrow. Hence karma of past and present determines everything one gets in life.

                                                                The action of giving is an action that one believes from the heart. It reflects one inherent belief in living a positive life. It is one of the positive karmas that one can implement in life. The bad karma will go on repeating if one does not take lessons from mistakes. One must learn lessons from history and change own life. It will bring positivity and improvement in doing good work.

                                                             Patience, Hard Work, and Self-assurance are the parts of Positive Karma that bring success and satisfaction to one life. Whatever way one makes positive contributions in the form of karma always brings positivity and happiness in life.

   In short, every walk of life requires one to do karma which brings happiness and satisfaction in life.


Sunday, May 5, 2024


Uyghurs In China

                                      12 Million Uyghurs live in the Xinjiang province in the far western region of China. It is a Muslim-majority Region of China, 

                                     China has imposed special rules on the said Region in the name of Chinese style. i.e.  From religious talk to Mosque construction should be in the Chinese Way. This also prevents individuals or organizations from inducing the local population to believe or not believe in any religion.  About a Million Muslims were also kept or locked in camps for re-educating during the years 2018 and 2019 respectively. 

                                       The religious festival of Ramadan on which final day Muslims observe fasting during the daytime has also become risky because of being caught. Even the Iftar party has also disappeared. In short, China is trying to show that Xinjiang is now in the mainstream of China.

                                      Besides that one Ancient Adobe Brick Mosque was also converted into a Musiuim by giving one or other reasons. some of the mosques are also being dismantled. The Chinese flag is being raised in the Mosque garden along with playing the Chinese National Anthem. In short, China is in the process of dismantling Muslim Culture and replacing Chinese-mandated culture in Xinjiang. 

                                       The religious freedom of the people in Xinjiang is being curbed with strict rules and people are under surveillance in their own place.  Unfortunately,  Muslim Countries are also not raising any protests against the ill-treatment given to their Muslim brothers in  China.  It is also surprising that 'where Muslims have full freedom to observe their Religion' Muslim Countries are raising protests against them on one or another ground. 



Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Tata- Ideal Indian Industrial House 

                                                         Jamsedji Tata, one of the Parsi community members, Started the first steel mill in Jamshedpur in Bihar which is now in Jharkhand in India. He also established the first five-star Taj Mahal Hotel in Mumbai during British rule in India. They are also the pioneer of the cancer hospital 'Tata Memorial Hospital in Mumbai, India. Tata has also created a trust for their own community to see that any Parsi does not suffer for wants of financial need. It is a soft-spoken and friendly community. 

                                                             Parsi community singley is tiny in terms of its population but has made remarkable contributions to public service in India. Parsi known as Zorastrian came from Persia and landed in South Gujarat, India with the assurance to the king that they would mix with local people like sugar in milk. 

                                         Tata owns 'Air India 'one of the biggest Airlines in India. They are also in the Car manufacturing industries including in the manufacturing of electric cars. One in Seven passenger cars in India is sold by Tata Motors.

                                     Tata has several chains of Hotels in most of India's metropolitan Cities, including at all important tourist resorts. Besides Tata is in the high-tech sector also under the name of 'Tata Consultancy'which is spread all over the world. Tata is putting up Chip-Making plants in Gujarat and Assam in collaboration with a Taiwanese Company. The Gujarat plant will cost  11 Billion Dollars with the employment of 20000 people while the Assam packaging plant will cost 3 Billion Dollars with the employment of 30000 people. Tata is a Century-old Company but observes high Moral standards in Business.  It is now a company worth about 400 Billion Dollars.  



Climate Change

                                                                Cyclones, Flooding, Heavy Rain, Severe Colds, and the Eruption of Volcanos are now common calamities all over the world. The world is going through several disasters which are costing Trillions of Dollars Every year. 

                                 All these calamities are one or another way connected with Climate Change. It is believed that the Earth is warming up which causes the melting of Glaciers and Mountain Ice including from the North and South Poles. All these bring floods in Rivers and high levels of the Ocean which bring lots of misery to people living around them

                               Besides that unplanned increases in industrialization have increased the Carbon in the atmosphere which is polluting the environment and creating unhealthy pollution. The use of oil and coal in Industrial Plants is throwing Carbon which is polluting the air and leading to an unhygienic Climate. The Excess Carbon also breaks the layer of Ozone in the sky and the Rays of the Sun become more severe which makes the Earth unusually warm.  

                           In 1991 Mount Pinatubo erupted in the Philippines and blasted 20 million tons of SO2 into the atmosphere which created a blockage in the atmosphere and cooled the atmosphere by 0.5 degrees. However, there are many such volcanoes all over the world that erupt from time to time and affect the climate of the Earth.

                        Some of the countries that are in Desert Areas and that lack drinking water and enough rain are trying to get it by spraying chemicals in the clouds. But sometimes it gets misfired.  The recent flood and heavy rains in the United Arab Region may be one of the examples of such incidents. Hence artificial methods to deal with climate can also create an adverse effect for humanity.

                      In short, it is better not to touch the natural climate and try to deal with the factors that have adversely affected the climate. We can reduce the consumption of Oil, Coal, and harmful chemicals in our daily lives so that the atmosphere does not get polluted. We can go for clean energy as far as possible.  

                    Natural disasters like the eruption of volcanoes can't be eliminated and their effect on climate. However, we can considerably reduce the adverse effects of climate change with collective efforts to clean the pollution.
