Sunday, December 17, 2023

Foreign Investments -India

                                              The trade war is going on between China and America and it has indirectly helped India in respect of Manufacturing and in foreign investments. 

                                              There are so many industrially developing Asian Countries but why India is getting the advantage of the same? There are many reasons for natural advantage. India has the fastest developing economy with a fast emerging Market. Besides that, it has cheap lebour with plenty of high-tech young people.  It is also reported that India has more than 65% young population.  while the USA, Japan, and  China are suffering on account of the increased aging population. Even the Birth rate of those countries has also gone down. Indian government policies are also encouraging foreign investments. 

                                                It is also reported that 11000 foreign companies entered India between 2014 to 2021. Several foreign companies are affiliated with Indian companies that are doing good business in India. The prominent among them are Abbott India, Honeywell Automation, 3M India, ABB India, Maruti Suzuki India, Pfizer, BASF India, Nestle India, Hindustan Unilever, and Sanofi India. All those companies doing well and paying 10% to 30% return to their shareholders.  Besides that, Hyundai of South Korea, and Honda of Japan also entered India.  Apple has also started manufacturing of iPhone in India. Besides that, the Vesta of Denmark and Senvion of Germany are producing wind turbines in India. Tesla is also in the process of entering to manufacturing of Electric Cars in India.

                                               Google, Meta, and Black Rock have also invested Billions of Dollars in India through Reliance Industries Ltd. Amazon and Walmart have a good amount of stake in India.

                                                  This seems to be the beginning of foreign investment in India and will reach pick when the investment starts in Defence, Pharmaceutical, and Health Care. This is to show nobody can stop India from becoming one of the Superpowers in the world.






Wednesday, December 13, 2023

 Health and Water

                                           Water can be very helpful in maintaining one's health if it is taken systematically under the advice of a doctor. The shortage of water in the body can create dehydration and can be the cause of many diseases.

                                         Two or three glasses of water in the morning with an empty stomach can help to avoid constipation and help one to clear their stomach. It is observed that some people are in the habit of taking enema with water in the morning to clear their stomach.   Drinking one glass of water before a meal can make one digestive system more active.

                                            It is also reported that drinking one glass of water before a bath can keep blood pressure low. Besides that taking one glass of water before bed can reduce the possibility of a heart attack and it also reduces muscle and vein problems.

                                          Some people do not drink water before going to bed to avoid going to the bathroom frequently which disturbs sleep. However, the lack of water in the body can create some other side effects of which they may not be aware.

                            In short, water is very much essential for the health of a person.


Tuesday, December 5, 2023


Russia-Ukraine War- Reason

                                                                       Russia- Ukraine war has been going on for a long time and Ukraine has suffered very badly financially and in infrastructure. Ukraine is a very small country in comparison with mighty Russia but Ukraine is resisting Russia with its full strength. The resisting force of Ukraine is mainly based on the financial and military support of Western Countries i.e. America, the UK, and the European Union.

                                                       Ukraine was once a part of Russia but it separated and became an independent sovereign country during the dissolution of the former soviet union.  It appears Russia has been feeling the pinch of losing one of the best wheat-growing and Industrial parts of the country. Therefore it has sharp eyes on it and its political movements. Ukraine has been moving near to Western powers. It may be due to the insecurity of Russia. The Ukraine doubt was confirmed when Russia took over Crimea the most important part of Ukraine. Thereafter Russia made full-fledged aggression on Ukraine. 

                                                    Why Russia should be hostile to a small country like Ukraine? The reason is Ukraine has a border with Russia and it has applied the membership in 'NATO'( i.e. North Atlantic Treaty Organization). Ukraine's membership in 'NATO' will further encircle Russia and it can bring 'NATO 'very near to the Russian Door. In short, it is the military insecurity of Russia. The 'NATO' which considers an attack on any one of its members will be an attack on itself and all its members will join to face the aggression. This is the main cause of the Russian-Ukraine conflict.  There may be a ceasefire in the Russia- Ukraine war if 'NATO' gives the guarantee that it will not admit Ukraine. 

                                                  America and 'NATO' countries have not shown any inclination to deny membership of Ukraine in 'NATO' but on the contrary, Western Powers are giving financial and military aid to Ukraine to face Russian Aggression. It amounts to the proxy war of Western Powers against Russia.
