Sunday, November 19, 2023

 Indian Economy

                                                                         India has the fastest-developing economy in the world. It is observed that when the world is suffering from the insecurity of recession while India's GDP is nearly 7%.  It is also reported that the Indian economy has reached to Four Trillion which can soon surpass the Economy of Japan. It may very soon become the fourth-biggest Economy in the world. 

                                                                       India is the country that manufactures the highest cell phones in the world. Samsung, Apple and so many other companies have their plants in India. India has also implemented and adopted digital systems successfully for day-to-day use. 

                                                                      India has a large generation of cash in the economy through efficient collection of income tax and collection of GST tax. The GST collection has gone up gradually to lakhs of crores. This is also a sign of the increasing prosperity of the country.  The income gap is also being reduced between the various classes of people. The sale of automobiles and two-wheelers is going up because of the above economic development.  The lower middle class has come up and some part of the lower class has also come up. In short, the class gap is reduced due to speedy economic development.

                                                                    Besides that, the Rich class of Billionaires is now rising in India as the economy is bubbling with the generation of cash.  There are about 1319  Rich Men worth about and more than 120 million Dollars. Mukesh Ambani and Gautam Adani are on top of the list Worth 98 Billion Dollars and Dollars 57.5 billion respectively. There are other Billionaires in India like Cyrus Poonawalla, Shivnadar, Gopichand Hinduja, Dilip Shanghvi, L N Mittal, Radhakrishnan Damani, Kumar Mangalam Birla and Niraj Bajaj. 

                                                                  All this shows that India is becoming a developed economy which will lead to it to one of the superpowers in the world. 


Monday, November 13, 2023


The Latest Focus On War - Jews

                                                          There are two wars that are going on in the world which can turn into a world war. One is fought in Ukraine between Russia and Ukraine and another one is between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The common factor in those wars is Western Powers. i.e. America and NATO countries of Europe.  In both wars, America and some of the NATO countries of Europe are actively helping economically and miitarily Ukraine and Israel.

                                                        It is also reported that there is another common factor which is Jews. i.e. Jewish State Israel is fighting against Hamas a Muslim Terrorist organization in the Gaza Strip.  Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenky of the Ukraine is also Jewish. Besides that large number of Jewish-origin soldiers are also fighting in the Ukraine Army against Russia. The grave of Brasov who founded one of the branches of the Judith Sect( i.e. of Jews)  is also lying at Uuman in Ukraine. Many Russian Jews also visit the said grave to pay respect. Hence Ukraine is also very much involved with the Jewish community.  In short, Jews are the focus point in the above wars. 

                                                    The Jewish community is a very powerful community in the world.  There are several Nobel prize winners from the Jewish community. This shows their intellectual power.  They are also dominating in Science, Culture, Art,   Politics, Wall Street, and Hollywood. Albert Einstein and Ludwig Wittgenstein are the famous Jews. Jews suffered very badly at the hands of the German Nazy party during the Second World War. Thereafter in  1948, America curved out Israel's state for  Jews around Jerusalem which was protested by all Muslim States around.  Israel still faces the hostility of all those Muslim states.  


                                                     In spite of all odds, Israel is now the most developed and powerful State. The credit goes to the high morale, sincerity, patriotism, and intellectual contribution of the Jewish people. It has a population of 9.6 million people out of which 7 million are Jewish. Jewish people are ready to go up to any extent to protect their country.  They have also the solid support of America and the most powerful Countries in Europe.  Hence we do not know when the war against Jews can turn into a world War.



Friday, November 10, 2023

Health Care- Minimum

                                                         There are several organs of the body that play a very important role in keeping one Healthy.  Those organs are looked after through minimum care then they remain overall Healthy. It does not require much effort but a very practical approach towards them.

                            The Brain is the most important organ of the body which is very active and controls the body's all movements. However, it also requires rest and that can be sound sleep. The brain gets more rest during sleep and it can recoup more energy to work efficiently. Therefore to keep the brain healthy it requires a minimum of eight hours of sound sleep.

                         The eyes are also the more delicate part of the body and if it becomes weak then one loses much efficiency in the movement. Hence it has to be taken care of by massaging before going to bed.

                         The stomach is another organ that looks after the digestion of food. Hence its working has to be efficient otherwise it will become a root cause of deadly deceases. Simply one must avoid consuming cold things including very cold water.

                         The lungs are the most essential part of the body which filter the air. The smoking of cigarettes should be avoided and the consumption of fast food should be reduced.

                         The black chili is the most effective to clear the throat. The bad throat makes life very uncomfortable.

                         The kidney is also one of the most delicate organs of the body the failure of which can make one very sick. It is better to take sufficient water per day and have a habit of clearing the bladder before one goes to bed.

                         The Phuddino and Mint can keep the Nose Healthy. It may help to clear the stuffing of the Nose.

                        The Heart is the most important organ of the body which keeps the body alive. However, it is said that excess input of salt damages the Heart. 

            In short, if we take minimum care of all organs of the body then it helps to keep one Healthy.
