Saturday, September 23, 2023



                                                                   Depression comes when there is failure and frustration. One loses all expectation of happiness in life which leads to depression.

                                                                  What is depression and what are the signs of it? Depression sometimes brings all negative thoughts in life. Besides that one can not explain the reason for negativity.  One sometimes does not experience happiness even on good occasions. One also remains sad in happy events.

                                                                   One also loses peace of mind and happiness when one is depressed.  It is said that when one cries then one can recover from unhappiness. But when it does not happen then one falls into depression.  If one loses interest in life within and outside then it is a clear sign of depression.

                                                                  Sometimes one loses control over the mind and intelligence under depression and starts eating irresponsibly and excessively.  One looks very rundown and unable to make decisions in any matter which is also a sign of depression. Besides that under depression, one suffers from an inferiority complex and believes that the world has done injustice to him. 

                                                                   In short, failure has nothing to do with depression but it is a fact that if one does not come out of failure then it may lead to frustration.




Friday, September 15, 2023



                                           Nvidia was once in the business of video games but from chip-making of video games, it has become the One Trillion Doller company. It can now stand with some of the Giants of high-tech Industries. 

                                     It has started now on Artificial intelligence and MFG of the chips thereof. There are many companies that are in software and hardware that cover Artificial intelligence. However, it appears that Nvidia is ahead of them in making special chips for AI.

                                   Nvidia has also produced products with the use of AI which is absolutely new in the computing area.  In view of the above Nvidia's share value has also risen doubled. Its chip performance is very high. It holds more than 75% of the market share in Special Chips of AI  at present. It has also invested in advanced Networking as AI models are required. Besides that Nvidia has a strength in its software programming which is specialized under AI.

                                 It can also create more competitors if there is a very good profit in any sector. Therefore Nvidia has to be diligent in maintaining its present dominant position in the market.  Hence Nvidia has to be vigilant to maintain its vast customers. Amazon and Alphabet are some of its competitors which are also in the same field.

                                Nvidia has the advantage in its ability to provide Packages of Networking, Software, and Chips related to AI. 

                               This shows that Nvidia has a very bright future.





Sunday, September 3, 2023

 Artificial Intelligence and IQ

                                                    Chat GPT is a product of Artificial Intelligence.  It has humanlike skills like writing Essays, and Poems, telling Jokes and Fairy Tales.  Besides that, it can draw nice Pictures and Fashion and Design-based things.   It can also explain scientific phenomena and can compose computer Code.

                                                   One asks some questions to said chat box like What is the meaning of Gadgets? "The answer will be mobile. " It can also describe that it is a device for a specific purpose." In such cases, Chat GPT will get full credit.  Chat Bots can also give some answers regarding General knowledge.

                                                   It is reported that Despite the high IQ of Chat GPT it can fail regarding human-like reasoning or understanding of the physical and social world. Sometimes it answers ' I am sorry I cannot answer this question. I do not have much context to identify which thing you are referring to.

                                                   The Chat GPT IQ is 155 while the score among college-educated Students is 113. Only 5% can score 132 0r higher.  However, it raises the question that some of the aspects of intelligence can not be measured by IQ by looking at the failure of Chat GPT in certain aspects.  

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