Monday, May 29, 2023


Japanese Philosophy

                                           Japan is a small country but its achievements in every sphere of life are tremendous. Japan was very much ruined at the end of the second world war.  Hiroshima and Nagasaki two big cities were destroyed by atom bombs. But Japan rose very fast and become one the most developed countries in the world thereafter. 

                                             The Japanese people are very hard-working, intelligent, creative, and of high character. Besides that, they are very disciplined people. They are also patriotic and love their country. Earthquakes and Cyclones are common in Japan but they have a tensity to face those natural calamities. 

                                             Progressive Japan has a very strong outlook which makes it a powerful Nation. Japanese believe that life development is a continuous process. The achievements of small goals are also important along with reaching big goals in life. In short, Japan tries to reach its goal gradually and steadily. Besides that learning is a continuous process for Japanese.  It has nothing to do with age.

                                             Japanese also believe that in the beginning, one should learn about the fundamental principles and system of one sphere of activities. Therefore one should be always in search of a good guide. Once one achieves expertise then becomes capable of creating new things in the world. Once one becomes creative then one can form the own rule for success. 

                                                Japanese philosophy emphasizes more on Patience, tolerance, and sustainability in order to face adverse circumstances.  It is very important to know the limitation of life which can give a better understanding of setbacks in one life. Therefore introspection is also a very important factor in the development of oneself.

                                                  These are the brief philosophical principles that have made Japan one of the strong nations in the world.  





Wednesday, May 10, 2023

 China Cunning Diplomacy

                                                         China has excess money reserved earned through exporting cheap and competitive goods in the world.  The spare money is being used to increase their political influence all over the world.

                                                           Besides that, China gives the money in such a way that borrowing countries can long run come into financial difficulties. Sometimes China might be aware that it will be difficult for borrowing countries to return the borrowed money. However, china goes for it with some types of strategies.  Sri Lanka and Pakistan are examples of victimization of the chines debt strategies.   Pakistan and Sri Lanka have lost control over their developing ports. China also keeps watch over trade and the natural resources of borrower countries which can be exploited in Chinese favor.

                                                             However, now China is trying to help Afghanistan which is being isolated in the world due to its Islamic policy. China appears to have entered into a treaty with Afghanistan in order to help financially. Afghanistan has rich minerals and other natural resources on which China has an eye. Besides that, it can also build a trade route through Afghanistan.

                                                               The new axis of Pakistan,  Afghanistan, and China is throwing dangerous signals for India. China is building China Pakistan economic corridor from Gwadar port of Pakistan through Sin Gingiang of China. Once it is completed then it will be difficult for India to regain the Pak-occupied Kashmir from Pakistan. Therefore the new axis of Pakistan, Afghanistan, and China is going against the Indian interest.  Hence it is in India's interest to act to get Pak- Occupied  Kashmir as early as possible because China can go up to any extent to damage Indian interests.



Thursday, May 4, 2023


Health Tips From Ancient India

                                                                       It is said that Surgical art and Health care were very well developed in India since ancient times. Some of the Rishis in Vedic times had done lots of research regarding medical science.

                                                       A lot of health tips given in ancient times are still relevant in modern times. It was observed that whatever is taken in lunch is not digested then dinner becomes poison. It spoils sleep at night and makes one miserable. Besides that, most of the diseases start from the stomach which is very much related to indigestion.

                                                      All green pules and green grams are best for one health which increases immunity. Garlic helps very much to keep one healthy.

                                                      The excess taste for anything is harmful to health as it increases the consumption of the said food. It is also to be noted that all green vegetables have medical benefits to the body.

                                                       Worries are the main reason for aggravating ill health. One should not bother much about the things on which one does not have control. Hence it is better to develop stressless life.

                                                       Some people do not chew food properly which leads to bad health. One should chew the food like a Goat.

                                                             The bath removes depression but one should not take a bath immediately after taking food. Pure water is the best medicine for indigestion. However, rainwater is pure water.

                                                            Take food with six tastes i.e. Salt, Sweet, Bitter, Sour, Astringent, and Pungent. It is good to fill one stomach with half solid.

                                                           One should go for food leaving aside all things when it is time for food. Besides that, it is not good for health if one sits idle after food. 

              These are a few suggestions reported from the experiences and research of Indian Rishis.
