Thursday, March 23, 2023


The War Between Russia And Ukraine

                                                                  Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that war is not the solution to any problem and that is coming true in the case of war between Russia and Ukraine. The said war is going on for more than one year but without any result.

                                                                  Russia had attacked Ukraine with the sole purpose take over so that it does not join the western front. This is more because Ukraine is near Russia. Russia also does not want 'NATO' to touch its border through Ukraine. It makes Russia more unsecured.

                                                                 while Ukraine wants to remain an independent democratic country with separate culture from Russia. Ukraine also wants to join 'NATO' so it can get protection from Russia and other countries.

                                                                 In short, it is a  conflict of world interest. But what is the net result of the war?  The infrastructure of Ukraine is being destroyed by Russia gradually. But the Russian goal is still not being achieved. In the process, Russia has suffered a loss of men and military equipment. Besides that Russia is facing economic sanctions by western powers. Hence it is a great economic setback for Russia.

                                                              The western powers are helping Ukraine by supplying the latest military hardware. That hardware is being tested against Russian military equipment. In short, that military hardware is being used on others' land without much damage to western countries.

                                                           The war has economically damaged Russia and Ukraine is being destroyed. This is the end result of Russian Ukraine War. It is better that said war is ended as early as possible. It will be in the best interest of both i.e. Russia and Ukraine. 

                                   It is proved that war is not the solution to any problem.


Monday, March 20, 2023


The Banking Crisis In World

                                                       Banks are the custodian of public money and trust. Hence their position depends upon how they utilize the public money in order to fulfill the trust people have put in them.

                                                       It is necessary to advance money by banks to the right people in order to maintain their profit margin. However, sometimes reckless advances are creating an adverse effect on the working of banks. 

                                                      It happens when corrupt and unskilled people advance public money to underserved people. Besides that excess and inexperienced staff also create difficulties for banks. The over-enthusiasm for developing the business of the bank also creates adverse problems. The most important reason for the bank crisis is the business condition prevailing in the market.

                                                      The problem also arises if decisions are taken in the bank on the basis of wasted interest or on political pressure instead of project viability and feasibility. 

                                                     Silicon Valley Bank, First Republic Bank, and  Signature Bank of America are the victims of maladministration. Even the Credit Swiss Bank of Switzerland is also now in trouble. The main reason is given that it may be due to the forthcoming recession but the decay in the administrative level of banks must have started a long time. 

                                                    The Indian Banks are also suffering due to the high percentage of nonperforming assets because of so many advances given on wasted interest and under political pressure. 

                                                      In short Bank, performance can be improved further if banks are given in the hands of the right men for the right jobs basis.


Friday, March 17, 2023


Japanese Culture

                                       The Nation is made by its people's culture and character which strengthen its power in the world. Therefore Japan has become one of the big economies in the world. 

                                      However nature is not kind to Japan and it faces frequent calamities like Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Flooding, and Volcanic Eruptions.  Those disasters have not made people disheartened and they have learned to face them bravely.  

                                      The National character of Japan has made it strong and powerful. which factors make Japan great? The Japanese airport workers clean the traveler's pieces of baggage before delivering them from the conveyor belt. It creates goodwill and a good impression about the nation they are visiting. The Japanese trains and bullet trains are cleaned within ten minutes of arriving at the terminal. There are no cleaners in the Japanese schools but everything is cleaned by the students only. This is the first step to making school students good and responsible citizens.

                                     Japan's trains are very punctual and they have time table showing up to a second.  Besides, those trains have foot bath facilities wherein people can relax during the journey.  Japanese sidewalks are heated in winter in order to make people comfortable.  Japanese drainage channel systems are clean wherein you can find living kor fish therein.

                                       Japan's toilets are fixed with high tech. They are heated and cover up unpleasant noises. Tokyo is considered to be the safest metropolitan city even children can move without a guardian. There is no looting during a natural disaster. This shows the high character of Japanese people.

                                       There is a robot restaurant in Tokyo which is a unique place. It will be surprising to know that sleeping on the job is permitted in Japan which is known as 'Inmari' It is said to be a sign of trueness and dedication.

                                       It can be seen from above that Japanese culture is very high moral values which makes Japan one of the great countries of the world.






Monday, March 13, 2023


Corruption -  Causes Thereof

                                                     It is said that one who gives money is also responsible for corruption as well as who received it.  It is no use complaining after giving money to someone.  The complainer is also the culprit in the transaction.

                                                 Sometimes it is observed people traveling from abroad complain about corruption in a specific country.  It is not a reasonable criticism as the giver and taker both are responsible for illegal transactions. The people are supposed to strictly follow counties law and should pay tax or duty applicable.  However one can not complain about corruption after encouraging corruption in any form. 

                                                     Which are the causes of corruption?  Sometimes one wants to get done his work immediately. It is a lack of patience that leads to corruption.  The lack of understanding of the law also makes corruption the only way to get it done work. People sometimes hate to stand in queues and they go for shortcuts to corruption. It is like throwing my waste on road instead of throwing it in the dustbin.     


                                                       Corruption is the greatest enemy of society which can't be removed without the cooperation and coordination of people and government.


Thursday, March 9, 2023

Secret Of Happy Life 

                                               Sometimes people are more critical of others than introspecting themselves. They also derive more happiness by finding the weaknesses in others than themselves.  This is not the way to live a happy life. It is said that The first requirement for a healthy and happy life is to improve the own self instead of improving others.'

                                              The first thing in life is to learn how to forgive others gracefully. Forgiveness is a virtue that is not easy to practice in life. Some people show apparently that they have forgiven but inside their hearts, it still remains active. This is also the cause of unhappiness within.

                                              The self-ego is also one of the main causes of unhappiness in life. It prevents one to introduce himself to even neighbors. Mixing with people eliminates the negative elements of the mind and makes it free from worse thinking.

                                              Regular and suitable exercises make one body fresh and also make the mind refresh which brings pleasure in life. 

                                             Traveling is one of the hobbies which makes the mind and body healthy. Meeting with new people and new places gives oneself a new vision which makes one adjustable and gives a healthy outlook.

                                             Besides, one has to learn how to relax with body and mind. Sometimes hectic life and no rest make a person sick and unhappy. Therefore peaceful relaxation periodically is very important for a happy and healthy life.

                                              It is also necessary to be spiritual for contended and happy life. There are many things in life that one can't achieve in spite of hard, sincere, and intelligently working. Their general law of limitations applies. Spirituality gives strength and willpower to sustain one happiness. A spiritual attitude makes one adjustable to setbacks without losing pleasure and happiness in life.

   In short, happiness is within and it has to be enjoyed by cultivating a positive outlook oneself. 


Wednesday, March 8, 2023


China and South  Sea

                                                Why China is claiming sovereignty over the south sea? The reasons are obvious.   Two Third of world trade is routed through the South China sea and China wants to control it. Besides that, there are big petroleum and gas resources below the South China Sea. Overall China has an expanding tendency by hook and crook.  It is also observed that China has one or another reason to have territorial disputes with all countries whichever are having Borders. 

                                             International Sea Laws are applicable to all the countries of the world but to advance its own interest china has gone up to creating Artificial Islands in the South China Sea and created its Military  Base thereon. One country can claim 20 kilometers of the Sea area from its coastline.  But to the overpass, same China has been creating artificial islands and also claiming some of the islands which are not habited at all in the South China Sea.

                                               It has created disputes between China and Countries like Thailand, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Indonesia.  America and European countries are also agitated over the disputes. America, Britain, and many other countries have activated their Naval and Air force in the South Sea Area.



                                               Hence South  China Sea area has become a very critical matter of tension in the world as it is also a trade route for the superpower of the world.
