Saturday, October 22, 2022


Bullet Train In Japan

                                       The bullet train was first started in Japan in the year 1964. It started running between Shin and Osaka at a speed of 187 miles per hour. The train is a very convenient and fast mode of transportation. However,

Japanese Engineers had no solution to its sonic boom. The biggest problem was Sonic tunnel booms. It has taken billions of passengers since its opening but was disturbing and annoying thousands of nearby residents due to its sonic boom when it came out of the tunnel.

                                         Ultimately Japanese government asked the director of technical development Nakatsu with others to find a solution for making a bullet train quiet from a sonic boom.  Nakatsu was not only an Engineer but was also a Bird Watcher. He was also a good observer. He was in search of a suitable front design for the bullet train so that problem of the sonic boom can be solved.

                                         He observed the bird Kingfisher diving from air to water without making splashes. He shows that the kingfisher can do that because of its streamlined shape long pointed wedge-shaped beak. Accordingly, Japanese Engineers also conducted various shapes of the design and finally they shaped a bullet train front design practically identified to a Kingfisher's beak.

                              Sometimes Nature also gives solutions to Human problems.



Tuesday, October 11, 2022


American Economy

                                             The Russian and Ukraine war has disturbed the economies of the world but America is no exception. America has imposed economic sanctions on Russia along with the European Union for its invasion of Ukraine. But it also has an adverse effect on the American economy. The oil prices are rising and the inflation rate is also on the high side in the USA. Besides that many counties of the world are buying cheap Russian oil and gas through the back door. i.e. Countries like China, India, and even some European Countries.   However American economy is doing well regarding the job market at present but big American companies are predicting a  recession next year in the USA.

                                               World powerful oil organization OPEC has recently announced to reduction the oil production which will further increase the oil price. It will also adversely affect the American economy. It is reported that Saudi Arabia is very much displeased with the USA regarding one of the cases which is going on in America in which the Saudi Crown prince is involved very much. This all shows that circumstances are adverse for world superpowers.

                                                Besides that, there are a few hidden reasons for the suffering of the American Economy. The income gap between the high and lowest is increasing in America. Rich people are becoming Richer.  The middle class is shrinking day by day. Millions of people are living in poverty. Besides that concentration of ownership is growing. The few large multi-corporations are controlling the production and their cost too.

                                               There are a few firms( i.e. Black Rock, State  Street, and Vanguard) on wall street which control assets of 20 Trillion. It amounts to the GDP of the USA.  Hence few Billionaires in America who have large power over the Economic life of the American people. 

                                              All those factors have to be considered to rectify in order to control the Economic evils of the American Economy.




Tuesday, October 4, 2022

 Brain Implant

                                                 Brain implant technology will make learning about it obsolete.  It is known as a Neural implant. The device is planted on the surface of the brain thereon.

                                                 The implant device can download information and communicate with the brain's neurons. Besides that, it can report the activities of Neurons. It can also control the neurons and see that they behave orderly.

                                                One of the most common applications is to stimulate the different areas of the brain where electrodes are implanted. It reduces the symptoms of brain-based disorders. 

                                                The implant device can also control the neurons of other body parts. Doctors are already using Neural implanting in order to stimulate spiral cords. It is also used for the person suffering from paralysis so that he can walk. It also enhances people's memory capacities through stimulated neurons using the implanted device.

                                                    In short, it is the latest brain-related technology that will bring revolutionary changes in ailments related to the Brain.
