Sunday, July 24, 2022


The Smartphone 

                                                                                     The smartphone has made our life easier and distance communication more smooth. Sometimes it serves the purpose of a calendar or clock or entertainer or address book, and intime of emergency it serves the duty of a helper. In short, it has become our 24-hour friend philosopher, and guide.

                                                                                It has become for some people constant companion i.e. day and night. However, in the process, people ignore the damage which is being done to them by smartphones mentally and physically. They mentally become addicted to it and lose personal contact with their near ones.

                                                                                 It entertains child through poems, and cartoons, and even help them to sleep. But it affects the development of their brains and the quality of sleep also suffers. It creates greater Health issues due to radiation being thrown from the phone. Some people is having the habit to socialize on phones before going to bed but it can suppress melatonin which affects one sleep. Using technology before bed can encourage the brain to remain awake. It makes it hard to relax and makes it difficult to sleep. It is better to relieve oneself before 30 minutes of going to bed from such electronic gadgets. It will also help to get good sleep.

                                                                                   Some people have a bad habit of keeping their mobile phones on the side of the pillow. first of all phones radiation is harmful. Besides that notifications or messages or calls can disturb one sleep. Therefore one should keep a phone far from his bed when he goes to sleep.

                                                                                    The blue light from the phones suppresses sleep and it makes it hard to sleep.  The lack of sleep makes one less focused or less energized or lazy and which leads to diseases like diabetes, and obesity. It also increases anxiety.

          Hence using phones one has to take care that it doesn't harm one mentally and physically.



Thursday, July 21, 2022


Silicon Valley In Search Of a New Device 

                                                                            Apple gave iPhone which is presented above Desktop PC for personal computing. It brought revolutionary changes in the life of people.

                                                                             However, the changes which are being brought now are extraordinary. The said versatile device will now handle Banking, Net Working, Map Reading, and Games along with so many additional features. 

                                                                            But it is observed that sales of smartphones are being on the decline for the last five years. Therefore Silicon Valley is in search of new big things. The next big idea will be on Virtual Headsets (VR). Besides further they are also developing glasses for experiencing Augmented Reality(AR) in which computer Graphics are overlaid.

                                                                         However, in this project, all big tech giants like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, and ByteDance are after it.  There are efforts to see that the new Headset become wearable. The Health wearable gadgets which measure Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar, and Sleep patterns sale have now become nearer to smartphones.

                                                                                  Hence the latest new product of Silicon Valley will come into the market very soon. 



Sunday, July 10, 2022

High Tech Eyes On Health Care

                                                          All advanced countries spend an average of 10% of their GDP while the USA is spending about 17% of its GDP on Health Care. It is observed that the American health care system is very expensive and spends 3.6 Trillion Dollars a year.   All these factors have attracted the attention of high-tech sectors. 

                                                               Amazon, Meta, (The company affiliated with Facebook), Apple, Microsoft, and Google's Alphabet are all involved in Health Care in one or another way. They see huge world market therein with lots of potentials. The above companies are spending Billions of Dollars in the healthcare sector by the way of investment to get huge returns in long term.

                                                              Amazon runs online delivery of medicines throughout America.  Apple is in a Smartwatch with periodically gives new health features thereon. Meta offers fitness-related fun through its goggles and Microsoft keeps on expanding on its health regarding cloud computing offering. The Alphabet parent of Google has invested  1.7 Billion Dollars in new health ideas. Microsoft has even higher former health regulators to advance its cause.  Alphabets have concentrated its projects along with its main objectives i.e. In Wearable, Health Records, and Artificial Intelligence related to Health. including increasing human longevity.

                                                             These shows that high tech is bringing revolutionary changes in the Health Sector which will greatly benefit the whole world and humanity thereon,
