Wednesday, March 2, 2022

 Sun- Superflare

                                                Sun is the life, live, and light of this planet.  All activities of society and the world depends on the sun. The weather also changes with the change of positions of the Sun and Earth. 

                                   However, there are lots of things that are happening in the sun which are affecting our lives. Scientists are also doing research on those divesting developments which can adversely affect our worldly lives.

                                 The superflares of the sun had created in the past lots of destructive effects on the world. But then there was no one was there to study it. But with the help of the latest technology scientists have studied those divesting effects of those superflares of the sun.  Scientists said that in the past such superflares took place once in 10000 years but now it could take place frequently.  Three such superflares of the sun had taken place in the past. The important question is what is the effect of such divesting superflares?

                                   Such a Sunsuperflare of the sun can be of dangerous consequences for our society and world. It can adversely affect the satellite in the orbit of the earth. It can also disturb the internet traffic system in the world for months and weeks.  Data can be lost from computers which can badly affect Banking and Health systems. Such loss of Data will be unrecoverable. Besides such a superflare of the sun can damage ground infrastructures including electrical and telephone lines. 

                               In short, the sun which is the life savior of this planet can be totally destructive and can become the object of divesting consequences.



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