Sunday, March 27, 2022


The Way People  Die-In India

                                                        India is a highly populated country and it stands second in the world i.e. After China.  About  30 % population of India is living below the poverty line.  The Health Care system is also having inadequate infrastructure which is a root cause of death.

                                                        Two million people died in India during the second wave of the Delta Variant. Besides, that  Ten million Indians died per year due to Heart Ailments. Tuberculosis has killed Two million people in the last five years.

                                                         Air pollution is also very high side in certain areas of  India and about Eight million people were killed in the last five years.

                                                        Some of the people die in a Railway Accident. The suburban train which carries 7.5 million passengers daily accounts for nine-person death per day.  However overall death toll on the railway is 25000.

                                                         The road traffic death is officially 150000 people in one year. Besides that wild animals like lion, tiger, leopard, elephant kills about 500 people per year. The poisonous snake bites 6000 people per year.

                                                        Natural calamities also play very important roles in the death toll. Lightening had killed about 2876 people in the year 2019. There was 142 death in the year 2020 due to falling in sewers, Some time death takes place on a Motorbike or Scooter during kite season on account of fallen kite string.

                                                        The Suicidal death in India is 12.9 persons per 100000 people per year while the suicide rate of women is 11.1 per year.

                                                         This shows more is required to be done in India regarding Air Pollution, Transport/Railway/Traffic Regulations, Improvement of  Infrastructure, Healthcare, and Mental Health.


Monday, March 14, 2022


England- At Present

                                     The English power was such that the Sun never use to set on the British Empire. English colonies were situated on all continents of the world. The English Naval Power was the mightiest in the world. English crown used to suck and manipulate the maximum out of suppressed people of its colonies. The big native states and landlords use to bow down before the British crown.  British king once visited India all native kings of India were called to New Delhi for paying respect to the British crown. That was the glory of England on those days. But it seems that England is now receiving ends.

                                     The East India Company which came to India for trading and established its rules thereon is now unfortunately owned by Indians. England divided India when it was compelled to leave. It is now on receiving end from the same community whom they obliged for its own interest. They created Pakistan for Muslims out of undivided India is now facing the same situation in England itself. The people of Ireland and Scotland are already demanding independence from England. Besides that England is longer a world power after the second world war. 

                                    The nature of English Culture is also very much affected due to the vast immigrant population. That is on account of highly comparative high tech and industrial developments. A lot of Muslim populations are also drawn in England. They are in a demanding position which has made the English Government position very embarrassing. They want that sharia law should be introduced in the judicial system of England. There are already 130 Shariah Muslim Courts in England.  Besides that, there are four million Muslims in England with 3000 Mosques. 70% of Muslim women do not work and 63% of Muslim Men are on welfare.  English schools have started serving Halal Meat.  Mayor of London, Birmingham, Leads, Blackberry, Sheffield, Oxford, Luton, Oldham, and Rockdale were all Muslims. This shows they have also built up political power to Assert. 

                                      England did the same thing to divide and rule on a community basis. They also divided India by creating a rift between Hindus and Muslims. The same thing has become a matter of pain for England itself. It is also changing the Cultural and Political Geography of England.





Wednesday, March 2, 2022

 Sun- Superflare

                                                Sun is the life, live, and light of this planet.  All activities of society and the world depends on the sun. The weather also changes with the change of positions of the Sun and Earth. 

                                   However, there are lots of things that are happening in the sun which are affecting our lives. Scientists are also doing research on those divesting developments which can adversely affect our worldly lives.

                                 The superflares of the sun had created in the past lots of destructive effects on the world. But then there was no one was there to study it. But with the help of the latest technology scientists have studied those divesting effects of those superflares of the sun.  Scientists said that in the past such superflares took place once in 10000 years but now it could take place frequently.  Three such superflares of the sun had taken place in the past. The important question is what is the effect of such divesting superflares?

                                   Such a Sunsuperflare of the sun can be of dangerous consequences for our society and world. It can adversely affect the satellite in the orbit of the earth. It can also disturb the internet traffic system in the world for months and weeks.  Data can be lost from computers which can badly affect Banking and Health systems. Such loss of Data will be unrecoverable. Besides such a superflare of the sun can damage ground infrastructures including electrical and telephone lines. 

                               In short, the sun which is the life savior of this planet can be totally destructive and can become the object of divesting consequences.
