Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Positive Attitude - Key To Success and Happiness  
                                                                                               Most people are all the while thinking about happiness and success in their lives. In the process, they neglect their health. However one has to fix their specific goals in life and have to make attempt to achieve them. But it is not necessary one to die for those illusory, impractical, and wrong goals.   In short  'Make sure that what one chase in life is worth dying for.' 
                                                                        People are more thinking about the achievement of others and forgetting where they stand.  These create lots of competition and create Jealousy and Heartburn. Instead of that, one must try to create its own unique image than others. This is the easiest way to get success and recognition. It can lead one as a role model for others. Trying to imitate others only creat competition with others and it is a waste of energy. Why to become a competitor of others instead of creating an image in which others may start competing. 
                                                                        Sometimes in the rat race of life one neglects the nearest one and forgets to reciprocate their feelings, love, and affection. One also forgets that he is struggling for benefit of those people. In the process at last one lose the feeling of a loved one. What is the use of losing what is real?

                                                                       All are with one when he is doing well and can share something with them. Some people let lost in such a comfortable time on illusory behaviour of others.
But the real test of life starts on one hard time.  It is said that the best lesson one gets is when one is broke, failed and had heartbreak.
                                                                       It is observed that only money and wealth does not give happiness in life. Once Health, Relatives, Friends and even Wealth can also bother and can create problems. But ultimately happiness depends upon how is one attitude towards those problems. A positive attitude is very important for achieving happiness for all you have.

                                                                      There are three types of people in the world. One who wants to happen which they want.  The second one wishes that it would happen. The third one will see that it will happen. The last one is who gets success and happiness in the world.
                                                                     Failure should not become a burden on one life it should be taken as a key to success. Besides that behind every Success and Happiness, there is always an attitude to take Risks, Self-discipline, Sacrifice, and Action.


Friday, November 12, 2021


China Within

                                                  There is a lot of talk and discussions regarding china trying to become a world power through its military and economic power. China has disputes regarding its borders around 18 countries which also reflects its expansionist bullying attitudes. 

                                                However, nobody knows what is going on within China due to its iron curtain around.  President Xi Jinping wants to get his term of president extended for a further period of five years. It requires an amendment of the constitution with the approval of the Polite Bureau of the Chinese Communist Party.  It appears that it will be done smoothly but Xi Jinping intends to grab the presidentship of china for a lifetime. 

                                            In that context, the propaganda is going on through government machinery and govt control Chinese media. President Xi Jinping has given a  slogan 'Common Prosperity '  similar to the 'Cultural Revolution' of Mao Zedong. Besides that Xi Jinping is the most powerful Chinese leader after Mao Zedong a leader of the Chinese revolution.

                                               Under the program of 'Common Prosperity' Chines president has started taking action against the Capitalist, Descendents, and powerful Real Estate Developers.  The 1% of people in China control 30% of Household Income. Therefore it is also crystal clear that China is facing the problem of inequality of income like its Counterpart Western Countries.

                                             The Chinese government has already started attacking the big tycoons of china. The government blocked the public issue of 'Ant Group'  which is affiliated with Alibaba a Tech Giant. It destroyed the wealth of Alibaba amounting to $ 2 trillion. 'Didi' a ride facilitator company is fined for listing its share in the American Market.'  Evergrande'  a property developer is now on the verge of a defaulter. The cryptocurrency exchange is being banned. Children's Games is being discouraged by fixing limited hours for children. The abortin is being curbed to increase the population. Population control has adversely affected China. They want Celebrities should behave in a patriotic manner. All these measures are to control the powerful people and to get popular among the Masses. All these measures make business more difficult and without much profit. It will further also encourage State-Owned Businesses.

                                           The government has appointed a 'Moral Council' in a Rural Area and in the Urban Area every business is having an Advisory Council of government-appointed members. It reflects that ' Xi Jinping authoritarian rule is prevailing everywhere in China'.

                                            It appears that oppression is the compromise for the failing system in China and an attempt to cement the authoritarian power of Xi Jinping.







Sunday, November 7, 2021


Late Sushant Singh Rajput- Indian Actor

                                                         Many artists in the world are enlightened and think of contributing something for the Needy, Society, and Country. Some of them we can find in Hollywood. Among them, glaring examples are Renold Regan, a former President of America, and Arnold Schwarzenegger, former governor of California.

                                                          You will rarely find such types of actors in  Bollywood who are service-minded, enlightened, and intelligent. They're generally qualified through handsome looks and how they swiftly move around trees and beautiful actresses.  Some of them of course doing some public service through their personal foundation but they are exceptions. Sushant Singh Rajput was academically well qualified, handsome, and intelligent actor. Besides that, he was a very popular rising star in Bollywood. His death is still a mystery and under investigation by the Central Bureau of Investigation, India.

                                                         However, he left his deep insight into the technological development of India. He invested about 20 crores in the development of the Digital Technology of  India through one of the woman entrepreneurs of India. His address to the people on that occasion was intellectually Memorable. These types of celebrities leave a long-lasting impression on the people and even motivate them. He was not only an actor but a great visionary. 
