Friday, October 22, 2021

Elderly Fallings

                                                    It is generally observed that Seniors are victims of falls at an advanced age. Sometimes the fall of Seniors becomes the reason for the deterioration of their health which leads to death. It is also reported that fall has become the seventh cause of death for Seniors. Besides that 'US Center for Disease Control and Prevention has reported in their report of 2018  that' The 30%of Seniors age 65 and above have died and become victims of falls. 

                                                     Seniors become miserable because of falls and they become weak and their balances become poorer. They also get afraid of moving. Seniors even leave doing the thing which can prevent further fall. The chronic conditions at the age of 80 and above also make them unsteady if they survive. 

                                                    The excess use of Medication may be one of the reasons for falls of Seniors. The drug which makes an impact on the central nervous system may also make an effect on their Steadiness. Besides that age-related changes in Vision, Muscle Strength, etc also increase balance risk.

                                                   Suitable Exercises, Drug Regiments, and Fixing of Vision problems can also reduce the risk of falls. The removal of hazardous types of Rugs and fixing of Grab Bars in the Bathroom and next to the Toilet can reduce the risk of falling for Seniors. 

                                                   The use of hi-tech can also help seniors to increase self-awareness regarding falls. The web-based patient electronic health records can also help to measure the fall risk factor of concerned seniors.  The' Apple' is also introducing ' Walking Steadiness' which can measure Walking Speed, Step Length, Step Symmetry, and  Showing of Shuffling. 

                           We hope all these measures can help seniors to reach on safer footing.


Saturday, October 16, 2021

Bull Fight 

                                    There is a fight going on among world power for the supremacy of the world. It can be said that it is a fight between the two Bull. However, in the process, other Countries will have to choose the side. 

                         Who are those Bulls? One is America and another one China. America is already a world Power but American supremacy has been challenged by China.  China has created an axis of north Korea, and Pakistan. While America has strong Major allies like European Block, UK, India, Australia, South Korea, and Japan. Besides that, it is reported that China is the villain to spread covid -19 in the world. It has also created world opinion against  China which has further strengthen the American blog in the world.

                          China had displayed its Military Power in the Parade of  ' One Hundred Years Celebrations' of the Communist Regime in China. It was a grand display of military power that has shaken up the world. China had presented the most sophisticated high-tech military arms therein. They displayed Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles with a range of 9000 miles with the speed of three times of sound. It can carry six nuclear arms to reach America in thirty minutes. There were the latest strategic Jet Bombers.  Besides that, there were supersonic combat drones that can strike on the Giant Aircraft Carrier. It is to be noted that China has the biggest Military in the world with more than Two Million. All this shows that China is well prepared to face the American Military power. Even in Trade, China is a manufacturing Hub with a waste surplus in trade.

                      America with super military power has also started cornering China around its Borders in Asia. America has recently signed the' AUKUS 'Agreement with UK and Australia wherein America has agreed to supply six nuclear-powered submarines to Australia. This development has further disturbed China. It will give high-tech Navel Nuclear Arms to  Australia to face China in the Pacific and the South China Sea. America has also supplied high-tech Appeach Helicopters to face China in the Himalayan region Borders of India. Besides that, there is a military agreement between India, Japan, Australia, South Korea, and America in order to help each other in case of Chinese Aggression. Taiwan has also received the latest Jet Fighters from America for facing the Aggression of hostile China. Vietnam and Laos, Cambodia, Brunei are already close to America as Allies. This shows that America is tightening its rope along with Chinese Borders.

                   All these developments can lead to the greatest show of the World i.e.' Bull Fight'. It can start at Any time if China misbehaves with its expansionist policy.


Wednesday, October 6, 2021


Where Is God?

                                                          The wast majority of people in this world are God-fearing and they believe in God  However the people who believe in God and who do not believe are asking where is God? The people who believe in God search Thy in Temple, Church, and Mosque, while people who do not believe say there is no God. Those people who do not believe in God say we get everything because of our hard work, intelligence, and efficiency. 

                               However, those who believe in God are afraid of God and they think twice before doing anything while on the other side who do not believe in God are sometimes reckless or rebel and do not afraid of doing wrong things. i.e. Sometimes they become outlaws.

                                There is a rational and logical question is where is God ? and if it exists then where one can find him in physical form. However, the great Saints and Thinkers have said God is in an abstract form one can't see touch, and feel but it can be realized. It is very difficult to digest the same by ordinary people. Hence for convincing them  Temples, Mosques, and Churches are there wherein they can go and have faith that God can be therein.

                                    However, in this scientific and modern world, people are still facing several limitations.  There are certain things where mankind has not been able to control. i.e. Death, Nature, and Certain events in this world.  Therein God comes into the picture. Those who believe in such limitations start believing in the existence of God accordingly. But the existence of God is a controversial subject for a long. 

                                   One believes or not there is a power that controls the limitations in this world. It is being identified as a God. The power of nature which creates calamities and destructions can be identified as the power of abstract forms of God. Therefore one may not believe in the personalized form of God but one can't ignore the certain power of nature on which mankind has no control. Hence one has to recognize those power. Once one recognizes those power directly or indirectly lead to believing in God.

                                   One Poet has reflected the same thing as under-

Who was doing?

The rain was pouring like hell

The river was running like a bull

The wind was blowing very wild

The lightning was striking here and there

It was a nature of  furry

Who was doing?

 Trees were shaking like a oldmen

Windows were making terrible noises

Ignorant did not know who is creating trouble

Enlightened knew who control those problems.

Who was doing?

Bharat Desai.

                            I hope this gives the answer where is God?
