Thursday, August 19, 2021

Democracy or Dictatorship

                                                In a Democracy, it is a rule by elected people with all human rights while in Dictatorship it is the rule of an individual or few individuals with restricted freedom. 

                                                 Democracy is very much in demand because it gives a free atmosphere for the development of the country. In most western countries democracy has developed with maturity while in some of the other countries it has become a mockery in the sense that people enjoy rights without responsibility and without much civic sense. In India, even parliament is standstill since several sessions and laws are passed without discussions.  The prominent people including eminent judges have also criticized about paralyzed parliament.  Sometimes people agitate on the issues in such a manner that it damages the economy of the country. Even some people do not obey traffic or health rules which create lots of Health and Traffic problems. These are a few examples of how Democracy is being exploited by wasted interest.  The democratic forces encouraged democracy in several countries but it failed and proved that dictators gave more stability and progress. Thus sometimes people's irresponsible behaviors and tendencies also become responsible for the failure of Democracy. Besides that in a democracy the progress is slow. Despite that 'Democracy' is the most popular system because freedom has no substitute in this world. 

                                           China, North Korea, are some of the countries where there is a dictatorship and human rights are encroached upon with personal freedom are also absent. In North Korea, all freedom is waived and people are brainwashed in favor of the ruler through media and school education. it is the close country for the world. Similarly, China is ruled by a dictatorial system and every citizen is under their surveillance. Even freedom of citizens is restricted in various ways. Tibet's culture is being suppressed and children are also brainwashed through the education system. They are also settling the Chines population of China in Tibet in order to bring Tibet's local population in minority.  They have also restricted the cultural activities of local people.  In Hongkong  China has broken its undertaking given to people and trying to established its dictatorial regime.  In Xinjiang province, China has put more than one Million Muslim population in the Camp on the excuse of educating them. It is a province wherein Muslims are in majority and China wants to restrict their religious activities and suppress them. thus dictatorial regime is wherein all human rights are being suspended.

                                             In view of one has to choose the system with knowing full rights and duty thereon. In short, Democracy is the best system if all rights are practice with knowing that which are the duties attached to it. The steady progress in democracy is good than losing rights and freedom in a dictatorial regime.  


Saturday, August 7, 2021


Health Care- Above Forty

                                             It is observed that when one reaches the age of forty health requires more care. One should try to reduce the consumption of high calories food and to do some suitable physical exercise.  The 30 minutes walk every day must be the regular program.

                                             There are certain food inputs like sugar that should be controlled. 2 to 4 spoons of sugar per day appears to be alright. The excess input of sugar leads one to decease like diabetes. It may also lead to liver, heart, and kidney problems.

                                              The consumption of 5-gram salt per day may be reasonable but excess inputs will lead to high blood pressure, heart problems, headaches, and stomach problems.

                                              Some people eat dry fruits as they enjoy them well.   The 8 Almonds, 2 Cashonut and 2 Walnuts per day may be reasonable input but the excess consumption of more than that may create  Heart, Stroke, and  Over Weight problems.

                                              Even consumption of White Bread and Medo once or twice a week may be reasonable but excess inputs will increase Cholesterol.

                                             Fried food may be taken once in fifteen days.   Excess consumption may lead to Depression Heart disease or Cancer.

                                             The three cups of tea or coffee may be consumed for the day. The excess consumption of the same is not good for health. Some time coffee and tea may affect your sleep.

                                             The 30 Minutes Fast or Normal Walk per day or number of Minutes of breathing exercise is required solely depends upon the type of food inputs one takes.

                                              In short at the age of 40, one must start taking care of once inputs and the amount of exercise required thereon. 



Tuesday, August 3, 2021


Danger To The World Peace

                                                           Several countries in the world are dangerous to world Peace. Some of them are broken states of the world. A broken State means wherein political bodies have created conditions that the government no longer functions properly.

                                                       There is Three Country in the world which have an 'Axis of Evil'. i.e. China, Pakistan, and North Korea.

                                                       China is in the race of superpower with America and is now fully equipped with Nuclear Arms, Intercontinental Missiles, Submarines,  Latest Fighter Planes, and Aircraft Carriers. However, it is also an expansionist country that has borders disputes with 18 countries around it. China also supports and aligns with those countries which serve its purpose.  Thus has become a member of the 'Evil Axis'.

                                                      Pakistan has become the Hub of Terrorist activities with several Terrorist organizations supported by its Military and Intelligence agencies. The Haqqani Network which is operating in Pakistan is helping the Taliban organization of Afghanistan which is creating lots of violence and trying to grab political power in Afghanistan. Everything is not well in Pakistan and development is already at standstill.     Baluchistan and Sindh provinces are also asking for separation from Pakistan. However, Pakistan is well equipped with Nuclear Arms, Long-Range Missiles, Fighter Planes, and Submarines which can be a threat to world peace.  America has stopped all types of Aids including Arms Aid. However, China is now actively helping Pakistan Militarily / financially which is also a danger to world peace.

                                                  North Korea is also a Rough State with a strong Military Base.  Besides that North Korea is an Authoritarian Communist State. Kim Jong Un is a dictator of North Korea who rules the country in high handed manner.  North Korea is also having  60 Nuclear Weapons, Intercontinental Missiles, Nuclear Submarines which can deliver Missiles that could reach any city in the USA. China is the main supporter of the North Korean regime 

                                                     It can be seen from above that the Axis of China, Pakistan, and North Korea is very dangerous for world peace. 
