Wednesday, April 7, 2021


The Success Is In Our Hand

                                                                          Each one tries in life for success but all are not successful in their efforts. they blame sometimes others or their rivals or luck. However, success is made of sterner stuff that depends on our own habits, attitude, and approach. It requires analysis of our own self.

                                             First of all, one must have healthy habits which keep the body full of enthusiasm and high spirit. It helps one to increase productivity. Besides, that failure is sometimes inevitable but that should not discourage one. One must be innovative to find a way to come out.

                                              The mild and adjustable nature also helps to face set back and lead to success. One has to learn how to rectify owns mistake to turn failure into an advantage. This is a process of self-development. The self-development also improves by talking to people and making more and more friends. Even in a bad time, one has to maintain consistency. It will make one personality more impressive aggressive to reach a goal.

                                                 Besides that Meditation and Exercise are very much necessary to heal once emotional scar of failure and to proceed further to achieve success. It is, therefore, necessary to do meditation and exercise at least for 20minutes per day. These are few keys to success in life that are in our hands.

                                                  Here below a poem regarding success-

                                            The Success--

                                            The success comes with vigorous efforts

                                             But it is very quick when selflessly done

                                             It is easy to achieve for Needy's One

                                             When all endeavors are without malice One

                                             The Success-

                                             The pleasure of success is well derived

                                              If it meant as per God desired

                                              However, it is delayed very much

                                              if it benefits  to go undesired

                                              The Success-

                                              The success can be long and enduring

                                              Which comes using good means

                                             Success may  bring perversion of mind

                                             When it is not digested  we find

                                             The Success-

                                             The fruits of success are always sound

                                             Where bad intentions are not found

                                              Bharat Desai.

                               (From 'Heart Beats' - The  Collection Of Poems Published In USA)




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