Monday, April 19, 2021


Genius Are Born Not Created

                                                                   Education is meant to create self-development and to developed skills in a specific subject. But if education fails then what is the meaning of obtaining several degrees which do not give such expertise. Skill sometimes comes through experience and natural qualities in oneself. American mainstream also encourages inbuilt creativeness, vision, and skill.  Out of that encouragement, several visionaries like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Elon Musk have Shined in the world. Their successes are unique as they left their university education and entered the world which is changing the lives of people.

                                                                   The latest entry of Elon Musk has seen the unique development in the spheres of  Electric Cars, Space/Rocket Science, Hyperloop Tunnel Transportation, Artificial Intelligence, and use of Solar Energy, etc. Elon Musk is the person behind all those projects. He wants to give something unique which will change the lives of people.  He has given the slogan that 'Those products should be also Beautiful and Sexy'.  His company 'Tesla' manufactures Electric Cars that have Models Named S, X, Y, and 3 (i.e. Reverse of 3 comes to' E'). This forms the word 'Sexy'. Thus he wants Tesla Cars should be Sexy and Attractive.

                                                                Elon Musk lives a very colorful life that is full of joy.  He believes that 'One must live colorful life in the present with a vision of the future. He is a critic of those feudal elements who want to keep control over everything. He is fond of good food and he says 'What is the use of living long and not eating tasty food.' This is another side of his life.  

                                                                However, Elon Musk can also live a simple life. He was sleeping in the conference room of his factory when he was declared one of the Billionaires of the world. Elon Musk says 'what is necessary to buy big Mansions?. He never carves to buy big Estate which other Billionaires are after. One will be surprised to know that Elon Musk was earning $138 Crores per hour in the year 2020. i.e. When the world was going through recession due to the Corona lockdowns. He is a person who works on his birthday for twenty-four hours for the development of his product. This shows he is very sincere and hardworking even though he is a pleasure-seeker sometimes.

                                                                   Elon Musk left world-renown Stanford University leaving his Ph.D. thereon. However, today he is the most successful person in the world even though he left his study halfway. There is some born genius who use their Quality, Skill, Vision, and Practical Experiences for their success.  Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Elon Musk are a few examples of the same. 



Monday, April 12, 2021


Small Country With  Great Goal

                                                         Nowadays global warming is a very hot subject in the world and every country is fixing its target for controlling the emission of carbon. However, there is more talk and less action in the matter as developed and developing countries do not want to stop their industrial progress. Their industrial productions depend upon coal-oriented plants. Besides that their transportation systems mainly depend upon Diesel and Petrol which vomit out lots of pollutions.

                                                        Norway is one small country which achieved their carbon emission control target very well without making much noise. It is situated near the North Pole where the Sun comes out at Midnight. It has a population of about five million. Norway sold 50% of battery-driven vehicles in the year 2020. One will be surprised to note that in the year 2015 the Market for diesel and petrol-driven Vehicles was 71%. This is done by the Norway government by subsidizing battery charging stations. Besides, the government imposed taxes on petrol and diesel. Today Norway is having the highest number of battery-driven vehicles per head in the world.

                                                      This does not mean that Norway is short of diesel and petrol because it has a very large number of oil fields.  It earns a very large amount of foriegan exchange through exporting crude oil. Hence the Norwey's per head income is also the highest in Europe. 

                                                     Norway wants to reduce carbon emission to 40% by the year 2030. In short, if there is a will there is a way for everything. 



Wednesday, April 7, 2021


The Success Is In Our Hand

                                                                          Each one tries in life for success but all are not successful in their efforts. they blame sometimes others or their rivals or luck. However, success is made of sterner stuff that depends on our own habits, attitude, and approach. It requires analysis of our own self.

                                             First of all, one must have healthy habits which keep the body full of enthusiasm and high spirit. It helps one to increase productivity. Besides, that failure is sometimes inevitable but that should not discourage one. One must be innovative to find a way to come out.

                                              The mild and adjustable nature also helps to face set back and lead to success. One has to learn how to rectify owns mistake to turn failure into an advantage. This is a process of self-development. The self-development also improves by talking to people and making more and more friends. Even in a bad time, one has to maintain consistency. It will make one personality more impressive aggressive to reach a goal.

                                                 Besides that Meditation and Exercise are very much necessary to heal once emotional scar of failure and to proceed further to achieve success. It is, therefore, necessary to do meditation and exercise at least for 20minutes per day. These are few keys to success in life that are in our hands.

                                                  Here below a poem regarding success-

                                            The Success--

                                            The success comes with vigorous efforts

                                             But it is very quick when selflessly done

                                             It is easy to achieve for Needy's One

                                             When all endeavors are without malice One

                                             The Success-

                                             The pleasure of success is well derived

                                              If it meant as per God desired

                                              However, it is delayed very much

                                              if it benefits  to go undesired

                                              The Success-

                                              The success can be long and enduring

                                              Which comes using good means

                                             Success may  bring perversion of mind

                                             When it is not digested  we find

                                             The Success-

                                             The fruits of success are always sound

                                             Where bad intentions are not found

                                              Bharat Desai.

                               (From 'Heart Beats' - The  Collection Of Poems Published In USA)
