Saturday, September 19, 2020

 The Truth of Life

                                              Life has a long search journey for truth but sometimes some of the truth is very near. It requires insight or depth or introspection of oneself.

                                             It is said that people like several colors in the Rainbow but among them, white color is the most classic which is peace-giving to the soul. It gives lots of peace and pleasure to one.  It is simple and without glamour.

                                            People life has become very much disturbed due to various types of high voices and sound in urban life. However, silence gives internal peace.  The silence can avoid friction in life. Lord Buddha said that ' The silence is the best answer to bad abuses.'

                                           It is said that people do not dye because of fasting or starving but people do die for eating. There are millions of people who does not get two meals per day but they survive. Hence fasting is some time Blessing in Disguise. 

                                           People travel for change and peace of mind but some time meditating under trees on the mountain peak is more healthy. It can save once energy and money. It is unique to close our eyes and looking within instead of wandering here and there to see so many things. That is the greatest truth of life.

                                         Some people seek the advice of others to solve their problems but sometimes the answer is available inside with your soul. One some time neglect the internal voice which answers truly.

                                          People do not know how to control their senses which creates lots of difficulties in their lives. However, they are busy creating a happy life by pleasing their evil senses. It is the root cause of all evils in worldly lives.      

                                           In short, people know the truth of happiness and healthy lives but they go on searching the wrong places.



Tuesday, September 8, 2020


Diet and Health 

                                                  It is observed that the roots of all decease are lying in the stomach. Hence which types of food one takes is very important for once health.

                                                 The fast-food is very tasty but it is difficult to digest for the stomach.   One may enjoy the taste of such food for few seconds (i.e. 10 to 15 Seconds) but it takes hours to digest the same.  It takes forty-eight hours to get the rid of remaining substances from the body. This is a routine digestive system but everyone's digestive system does not work in order.   Hence it creates a problem for some of the people. That is how all sort of decease starts by eating unhealthy food.  The consumption of some of the foods like Cheese, Butter, Potato, Oily/Chilly Food, Cold Drinks, Spices, and Salt can be reduced or avoided. It is advisable not to eat stale food because such food loses its nutrition value. 

                                                 Every religion one or other manner has indicated that periodical fasting is also good for health. It gives relief to the digestive system and to get rid of remained toxic substances from the body. It also helps to keep one healthy. In this connection in Islam fasting is observed doing Roja. Hindus also observe fasting during certain religious days. Jains observe days long fasting . while Buddhist observe fasting under' 'Upostha. In a short periodical, fasting is also good for health.

                                                Therefore eating a healthy diet and periodically fasting one can remain  'Happy and Healthy'.


Sunday, September 6, 2020

Teachers' Day

                                                                                            Fifth September is celebrated as a Teachers' Day in order to give them due respect for their contributions to Society. 

                                                     The Teacher is a very important person in once life and one cannot forget his memory of good teacher forever. It is observed that all successful and powerful persons bow down to their teachers and pay high respect to them. They know very well what important part those teachers played in the building of their careers and achievements. 

                                                      Lord Krishna who took his education in Saint Sandipani Ashram school use to help his wife in day to day work.  In those types of schools, Princes and Ordinary students use to stay to gather in order to build up their future careers. That is how poor Sudama and Krishna became good friends and their friendship story is exemplary in history. In short, their Love and Respect in Friendship for each other was a reflection of their character building done by their Teacher/Guru.

                                                      Some teachers are unique and they do not buildup their students as per their image but they make them capable of creating their own image in their lives.  APJ Abul Kalam our former president said' Some of the brightest minds can be found in the last benches of the classroom'. The bright teachers can only identify such students. Therefore the teacher's role in society is very important. Albert Einstien said"  School failed me, and I failed the school. It bored me." It shows how school and teacher can fail even their prominent student. 

                                                      It is observed that some time teacher have their own limitation of knowledge and he tries to limit the knowledge of his students accordingly. In this connection, Rabindranath Tagore once  said 'Do not limit a child to your own learning.'  Hence good teacher always inspires student's creative mind and cultivate his love of learning.   The good teacher gives love and takes care of his student along with sharing his knowledge with him.

                                                      Last and the least teacher has to be role model for students and has to be a torchbearer in Society.   This is because most of the great men in the world have given the credit of their contributions in the world to their teachers besides their parents. 
