Tuesday, June 16, 2020

China Cornered India- Check and Balance
                                                                                                           The Coronavirus has damaged the whole world and China has become a villain in the eyes of the world. This is because it started in China and it is believed that China has concealed major facts about it from the world. Besides that China is following the policy of expanding its border and exploiting small countries Economically and Militarily.  Thus it has become a danger for those concerned countries. In view of above all western countries including America have started trade and military offensive against China.  In the process, India is the only country in Asia that can stand and take leadership against China thereof. India has the labor force and the market for world trade as a substitute for China. Hence China has started cornering and bringing pressure on  India militarily around.

                                                                            India is aware of Chines political maneuvering with surrounding countries.  Therefore India has been trying to develop better political relations with Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Maledeev, and other surrounding Countries. Indian Prime Minister has visited Nepal, Srilanka and other surrounding Countries for developing friendly relation with them. However, China is trying to influence them through economical aid, and military supply.

                                                                          Pakistan is heavily debted to China and it also depends upon China on Military and International support. Pakistan is breaking the ceasefire on the border every now and then and sending terrorists in India.  China may behind in instigating Pakistan which in its pocket. China appears to have incited the communist government of Nepal to open new territorial disputes with India. i.e. of  Lipulekh, Limpiapura, and Kala Pani.  Besides that China has an open front in Ladakh regarding border disputes. All these things indicate that China is trying to built-up pressure on India.

                                                                            China is a very Shrewd and Cunning Country in its policies. However, one thing is now clear that China wants that India should not take any leadership role in the front open by powerful nations of the world. That is how China is trying to corner India but it forgets that India is not now of 1962. It is a powerful country in 2020. Besides that India is not alone. It carries the support of most of the superpowers of the world. China should take care of all these factors. It is not now easy to play such check and balance policy on the International Chase

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Seniors Dilemma
                                                                                Once a person cross-age of sixty-five he or she faces some of the problems like maintaining dignity or identity among the family members or society. It is sometimes very difficult to survive in aged time than in life struggle. The younger people are in search of their own type of people where seniors have not much place. The young people have their own topics, subjects for discussion on which seniors have not much to contribute or to share. Senior's experiences may be out of time or stale before the younger generation. Under the circumstances, Seniors sometimes become irritating forces in the young meeting. It is not younger people but seniors themselves are responsible for creating such a situation.

                                            Therefore seniors have to change their attitude, views and thinking in order that they are being welcomed in younger groups. Seniors should understand that the world does not rest on one.  It is better to be a good listener.  They have to learn not to correct young people even if they are wrong. There is no question of becoming emotional on controversial subjects. In short, it is better to learn how to make younger people happy. It can help seniors to get easy entry among them and to get identity among them. It is better to love your dignity and your identity rather than your views and thinking.

                                               Seniors should try to keep a low profile and stop bargaining on things as they are not going to make them richer and less poor. But these attitudes will always help them to be welcomed in the crowd of young people. Elders have to learn one more thing to remain cool when someone plays dirty because they very well know their worth. They should not bother who does not value them. It can avoid the bad taste in the meet among young and aggressive people.
                                             In an old age one has to give more importance to relationships than once own ego that makes one life more smooth and happy.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Angry Nature
                                                                                                     World has become the victim of Angry Nature which has become furious. It is  destroying  Billions of Dollars worth properties and killing Millions of people.  One may not be knowing actual meaning of ' Pralay' but whatever worse is happening in this world is going to lead towards total destruction.   However the question arise who is responsible for all these calamities and decease and miseries?  i.e.  For Cyclone, Flood, Snow Storm, Heavy Rain, and Dangerous decease like Corona Virus.

                                   It is a Human nature who has been challenging the nature through their intelligence. They are digging in the Icy lands of  North and South poles to find hidden treasure within i.e. Oil etc. They have digged Mountains, Sea, and Rivers. They have destroyed valuable forest in order to use them for their comforts and convenience. They have destroyed healthy atmosphere of the world by creating lots of pollution. These are the factors which are going against mankind  and have  created havoc around. Lord Krishna said that' One can forgive someone for 100 mistakes but than there is a law of limitation which will destroy such person. That is how now nature has become angry as mankind has crossed the law of limitation.

                  How nature has turn angry and in which form can be seen now very clearly.
 Furry Of Nature
The Nature is furious in the world
By creating flooding, cyclone and Heavy rain
Another place it is Angry by shaking the Earth
While destroying the villages and cities Across
Furry of Nature
Who is making Rivers Mad with flooding water
Who is  pouring the rain heavily to bring total destruction
All Genius  are watching the furry of nature helplessly
Knowing that it is furry of nature which is creation of our own.
Furry Of Nature
We digged Ocean, Mountains and Earth for precious Treasure
and created concrete jungal for our comforts
We buildup  Industrial plants and created  concrete barren lands
Forest and Greenery were destroyed  which brought pollution
Furry Of Nature
The present calamity of Corona Virus  may be difficult to understand
But one thing is certain that it is one of the ways of nature to show furry
Furry of Nature
   Bharat Desai.
                All these calamities on earth gives one signal to mankind that ' Be kind to Nature'