Monday, March 23, 2020

Spring In India
                                                                                    India is very colorful country with many   Religions, Casts and Languages.  But it is a Spring which brings different colors in their lives.   Spring  is one of the very pleasant  seasons which brings changes in Climate and Nature.  It is described in the poem given below.

                                    When Gardens---
                                    When Gardens are full of Fragrances
                                    With colorful Flowers all around
                                    When soft wind is blowing in the air
                                    which makes atmosphere pure and pleasant
                                    That is a time of  spring in making
                                    When Garden---

                                    When Jealousy and  Hatred  disappears
                                     Friends and family enjoys Nature
                                     It  is a effect of  colorful  climate
                                     Which  cleans the human within
                                     That is a time of spring in making
                                     When Garden-

                                     It is time to increase love and affection
                                     That too forgetting  all worldly worries
                                     Because it is a time of spring in making
                                       Bharat Desai.


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