Monday, March 23, 2020

Spring In India
                                                                                    India is very colorful country with many   Religions, Casts and Languages.  But it is a Spring which brings different colors in their lives.   Spring  is one of the very pleasant  seasons which brings changes in Climate and Nature.  It is described in the poem given below.

                                    When Gardens---
                                    When Gardens are full of Fragrances
                                    With colorful Flowers all around
                                    When soft wind is blowing in the air
                                    which makes atmosphere pure and pleasant
                                    That is a time of  spring in making
                                    When Garden---

                                    When Jealousy and  Hatred  disappears
                                     Friends and family enjoys Nature
                                     It  is a effect of  colorful  climate
                                     Which  cleans the human within
                                     That is a time of spring in making
                                     When Garden-

                                     It is time to increase love and affection
                                     That too forgetting  all worldly worries
                                     Because it is a time of spring in making
                                       Bharat Desai.


Sunday, March 15, 2020

England -Fall From Glory
                                                                    England once considered to be one of the greatest power on the earth is heading for trouble. Once it was  time when' Sun was never use to Set in British Empire'.
                                                   Shashi Tharoor  described in his book(i.e.' An Era of Darkness') that how English Imperial power suck the prosperity of India which came down to 3% in world trade from 30% i.e. when they left India in 1948. England  also exploited the American resources before America became free from British colonial power. Britishers also used Indian Military  during the Second World War.  Besides that England had prospered at the cost of destroying best of India i.e. Trade, Education and Cottage Industries.  Divide and Rule was the policies of British colonial power. The living example is the division of India i.e. India and Pakistan.
                                                 However now the time is changed and English Economy is declining. England is  now being dominated by the immigrants in Trade, Industries, and Government.  Those immigrants are   mostly originated  from its former colonies. The present Secretary of State for Home Department,  Priti Patel and  Chancellor of Exchequer,  Rishi Sunak are  from Indian Origin.  Mayors of Major Cities in England  has been Muslim Immigrants whose origins are from Pakistan.
                                                England has recently taken decision to get out of European Union but it may have to face the major finical and economical problems. It will also  add the political issues.  North Ireland which is with England while South Ireland is a Independent Country. However  both Ireland have Cultural, Emotional and Political Bonds.  The South Ireland is going to continue in European Union which will create a problems for North Ireland, The result of it North Ireland may demand to go with North. It will become a severe  political issue for England. Besides that Scotland also want to separate from England. All these issues can divide England into pieces. It can be great setback for Great Briton. It is said that 'One get the fruits of Good or Bad actions accordingly.
                                                That is what is happening with England and who knows India may become Super Economic Power soon overcoming the Economy England.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Women Power
                                                                          Women are   powerful at all level including in Families, Societies and Countries. It is a futile exercise by dominating men communities to empower them. It  appears it is being mainly done to please women for getting their social and  political fevour.   It is hypocritical approach by men folk who wants to exploit them or to continue on Dominate over them through diplomatic manner.  Some men makes outside show while there is vast difference between what they Say, Think and Do.  However it is historical fact that women had always played their role very well in families, Societies  and world.  Women have been  successful as a Mothers,Sisters  and wives because they are  tolerant, friendly, adjustable, and   having positive vision towards lives. It can be seen that all those things reflects  in the lives of people.

                                                   Audrey  Hepburn achieved the success in Hollywood after long struggle. she said 'Nothing is impossible, The word it self says i.e. I am possible.  Elizabeth Taylor tried to described her success in her own way. she said 'Success is a great deodorant'.  That means it brings good fragrances in life and remove bad one. It brings good thing  and remove evil. 
                                               Margret Thatcher was a very successful Prime Minster of England. she was a Iron lady. She diplomatically said ' If you want something ask a man, if you want something done ask a woman'. She indirectly described the strength of women power. Eleanor Roosevelt was a first lady of America and a wife  of the  President Roosevelt. She was also good at social work and very popular then America. She was also great a great admirer of women power.  She said once'  A woman is like a tea bag. you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water'. It is clearly told that women are the best in the crisis,
                                                 These all shows that women are bubbling with inner power and they do not required to be empowered.   They themselves should come out in order to get rid of Social  exploitation imposed by Wasted interest in the Society.