Thursday, February 20, 2020

Natural Cure
                                                                             Some people run for  medicines on minor health problems. However those medicines have aside effects and  creates new health problems.  It is better to use  natural cure for those minor  problems. There are some natural substances which are very effective.

                                                                             It is observed that Extract of the Grapefruit is very helpful in case of some of bacterial problems. It is anti bacterial in nature.  Likewise Ginger is more effective on digestive ailments. The extract of Olive Leaf can treat the Malaria and can halt harmful Bacteria / Fungi.

                                                                             The Turmeric is highly effective in  reducing inflammation, Gastric Problem, Stomach Ulcer and Allergic symptoms. Cabbage is abundant in sulfur which destroys the harmful cells. Besides that Coconut Oil with small dose can balance Thyroid, Cholesterol and  Blood Sugar level. It can also improve Immune System and Support Brain Functioning.

                                                                             The Apple Cider Vinegar  can help in Weight control and reduce the risk of Cancer.  Besides that Garlic is high antioxidant which support strong Immune System, Anti Viral, Anti Fungal and Anti  Microbial Properties.

                                                                             However it has to be practiced for minor problems under the Supervision of Qualified Person.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Happiness Through Creative Activities
                                                                            It is said that' The idle mind is devil's workshop.  Therefore wants of activities  is a waste of  time and makes one useless. The positive  activities in any form can makes one busy.  However if the activities are productive than it gives more strength.
                                                                             Some people have a habit of worrying too much which becomes the root cause of unhappiness. Besides that no one has control over the worries which are generally imaginary.  Hence by doing positive activities one can get rid of worries.
                                                                            The frictions or failures in life are  keys of success. The diamond has to be polished  through friction  and  gold cannot be purified without fire. Therefore good people goes through trail with bad and hard  experiences in their  lives. However it makes them better not bitter.  The every bad experience in their lives becomes hard teacher.
                                                                            Sometime one does not know where one is heading because of severe problems. But if one try to look inside  conscious then it will  show the way out.
                                                                           The fear of failure is within only. It is a fear only which breeds the inaction and that ultimately brings all problems and unhappiness.  The fear has to be  conquered by doing positive activities. Therefore the positive and creating activities will give satisfaction and happiness in the life.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Health Problems
                                                                                        Some time people get tired or fatigue because of so many reasons.  It may be because of  health conditions or lack of sufficient sleep of 7 to 8 hours. However sleep is the most important factor in the matter.
                                 The  Physical  weakness or mental problems leads to tiredness. The physical problems are due to deceases like Asthma, Heart, Acidity, Indigestion and the pain due to Inflammation. All those physical problems makes a person  weak and tried.
                                  The Mental  problems is  the another factor which makes a person tired. The mental tiredness is due to stress, strain, worries and strain relationship.
                                 The last factor which adversely makes effect on health is bad Habits. Some people  work late might.

                                 However the tiredness makes adverse effect on body. Its lead to Muscular pain, Depression, Daytime sleep, Difficulties  in concentration, Headache, Irritation, Stomach pain and Vision problem.

                                  All above problems can be  reduced considerably by regular physical exercise, walking for 30 minutes a day, and doing Yoga.   In short one can come out of tiredness and makes oneself full of energy by implementing the measures suggested above.