Sunday, January 19, 2020

Leadership and Its Success
                                                                    The Leadership comes through Democratic process or through Revolution which sometime turns out to be Autocratic. However in all the cases the qualities of leadership is required for success.   Sir Winston  Churchill was a great democratic leader who led England to victory in  a very difficult time while there are leader like Adolf Hitler and Maotse Tung who lead their countries in dictatorial ways.  However one can finds some qualities behind them for their success.

                                                The successful leader is  direct, clear and firm in his Communications.  He is honest in his actions. Besides that he is ready to take more share in blame and less in credit. He has open mind and who understand their followers very well.  Good leader does not promote him self but stands as a problem solver. He has a vision and can see the things whatever invisible to others. He does not ask  but earn the respect of followers. The successful leader is always positive in the the difficult time and become a role model for his followers. Leader should not be afraid of the success achieved by their subordinates.  In short a Good Leader always delegate and distribute the work among subordinates and  stand behind them as a problem solver. 
                            These are the qualities which create successful leadership.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Indian Economy and Democracy
                                                                                            Indian Economy is going through recession. The inflation has  gone up to 7.35% which is highest in the last five years.  'GDP' has gone down  up to 5%which is also lowest in last five years. The Manufacturing activities have gone down and unemployment have gone up. The consequently export is also going down. The only good news among all above economic sickness are that Foreign Reserve is going up.  The Government has now accepted that present  recession in India  is a world phenomena and necessary steps are being  taken to come out of it. However people have started feeling pinch of it and their dissatisfaction is  being reflected in one or other form.

                                                                    The political front is getting hot on the issue of  'CAA' (Citizenship Amendment Act) and NRC(National Registration of Citizenship). There are agitations pro and anti against those Laws. However some of the anti Law agitations have turn out to be violent.  Some of the  opposition parties are also using those agitations against government to set their political agenda. They are doing it on the name of Minority community or on the name of Constitution. In short  the law which are passed by parliament are being questioned on the name of discrimination of Minority. In the process the the democracy is also under trial.
                                                                     In the view of above Indian democracy and economy  are both under crisis. The protest is the part of democracy but violence thereon  is the danger for the same.

Friday, January 3, 2020

 Citizenship Amendment Act- 2019
                                                                         It has become controversial in India because Muslims are being kept out  of its preview. It is meant to give Citizenship to the refugees who came from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan. They are  refugees who came to India long back and who suffered badly on account of they are being Hindu, sheikh, Jain, and Buddhist in those  countries. There is also cut off date for getting citizenship for those refugees. It appears that majority of them are from Dalit or Poor class who remained in Pakistan during partition and suffered heavily thereon.
                                                                      The opposition party has taken the act as Anti Constitutional because Muslims are being omitted from it and they are discriminated. while Indian government of view that Muslim have other options available.
                                                                    Besides that it is a  act which is approved by both the houses of parliament and already approved by president. In short it has become the law  of the land. The said law is also challenged by few  citizens in the Supreme Court  which is pending for  hearing.
                                                                  Meanwhile opposition party has taken up the matter through agitation which had been violent in some places. Some people have  also propagated that  the said act is Anti Muslim . However delicate question has arised out of it.  How the law of the land can be challenged  in the streets with violent Agitation. The right course is to challenge it through peaceful agitation or in the court of law. Besides that Indian constitution is  federal but unitary in  Nature.  Some of the states have refused to accept the said law which is required to be examine on the constitutional point of view.
                                                                All these have created complicated situation which is the test for Indian Constitution.  Such situations are bound to arise in Democratic Country but some restrain lines drawn in the constitution  are to be observed by concerned parties. The constitution of India is more important then Individuals and Parties.