Thursday, December 17, 2020


Sleep- Problems Thereon

                                                                           Health care is the most important for all but it is  neglected by some. Besides that life has become full of stress and strain due to fast and capitative world. In the process some time the important aspect of the life are being ignored. 

                                                    The sleep is one of the factors which plays very important role in human life. The all big decease starts from lack of sufficient sleep. It is to be noted that during the sleep period persons some of the  organs get rest while some of them perform their functions well. Therefore  and quality sleep is important for healthy body.

                                                    The most important thing is how to get get sufficient sleep? We have to change our life style to get good sleep. One should have cozy and restful nighttime one hour before the bed time.( i.e. There should be dim light in the room.) All electronic devices like Phone, Computer, Tablets are be switch off before going to bed.

                                                     It is better to reduce the consumption of the alcohol at night time in order to get good sleep. The room temperature also affect the sleep. Hence room has to be little bit cool at bed time. One can reduce and avoid the noise level by using Ear Plugs at bed time. Beside that one  should also  observe regular and fixed sleeping time. The comfortable pillows and mattress can also help to get good and quality sleep. 

                                                    The dinner should be light in order to avoid distrube sleep. The book reading  is good hobby before sleep. The daily exercise help to get good sleep as body exertion is best for sleep and healthy life.

                                                      The restless night and disturbed sleep at night are the signals of decease in the body. (i.e. Indigestion, Diabetes, Neurological Disorder etc.





Wednesday, December 9, 2020


Farmer Agitation in India

                                                                 The farmer  agitation in India  is drawing attention of world. India is a agriculture country with average income of farmer is less. They are also playing the major part in democratic elections in India. Hence all political parties are playing politics in order to get their support.

                                        In view of above the turmoil of the present farmer agitation has to be viewed. Narendra Modi government got it passed the farmer reform  bills in the last session of Parliament. Narendra  Modi had promised that he will try to increase the farmer income doubled. Narendra Modi is a strong leader and he think that present farmer bills will be very much beneficial  for farmers .  Besides that opposition  is simultaneously playing politics to  increase their voting support in rural areas.  

                                                    Some people think that the farming in advance country like America has the best farm laws and they are doing well in the free economy. But it is not so. Small farmers in America is not doing well in spite of having high tech and mechanized farming. 'Time Magazine' report says even before Corona Crisis American farmers were going  for liquidations as they are indebted very heavily. There is a recession in the farm and dairy products in America. Milk prices are going down in America. There are also cases of suicides among American farmers. It is also reported that migration of population has started from Rural Area to Big Cities due to bad conditions in farming sector. It may happen that 70% of American Rural population may migrate to big cities by 2040.  In view of above context the Indian farm reform has to be carefully viewed.  

                                        The Indian  government is also ready to amend the act as per some of the positive  suggestions of farmer leaders. However farmers have now taken stand to see that Indian government repeal the act entirely. All opposition parties in India are supporting their stand. There is no reasoning and logic in the matter. It seems that is a political move to put government in the embarrassing situation.

                                       There are two main dangerous factors are involve in this agitation. One is anti national elements are inciting and misguiding  farmers and another one is hostile countries towards India have started interfering in the internal matter of India. 

                                                                  Therefore it is  necessary to solve all genuine problems of farmers at the earliest. The elements which are encouraging the agitation unreasonably are playing with the fire. The enemies of India are now taking vicarious pleasure out of present farmer agitation. 



Thursday, December 3, 2020

Uighur Muslims

                                                         Uighur Muslims are the most unfortunate Muslims who are suffering at the hand of China. China is having a bad history with Tibet and recently with Hongkong. However, the Muslim world who is particular about protecting the Islamic culture is totally indifferent with the fate of their brother Uighur Muslims in China. China wants to change the culture of people according to its convenience and in the process, they are trying to eliminate the Uighur Culture and Traditions. They are doing the same thing with Tibetan Culture. Besides that China is making strong efforts in order to reduce the majority of Uighur Muslims in the Xin Jiang Province. Pakistan who claims to be the leader of the Muslim world is silent in this matter as they are heavily indebted to China.  Pakistan is ignoring the miserable conditions of Uighur Muslims.

                                  Uighur Muslims have a unique identity with a 76% majority in the Xi  Jiang  Province of China. It is surrounded by the borders of eight countries. China is trying to establish its Han Chines population in order to reduce the Uighur majority. China has been able to reduce the Uighur majority up to 42% and increase the Han Chines population up to 40% by wrong means. About 10 million Uighurs are kept in Camp in the name of educating them. They are illtreated in camp wherein they are compelled to eat pig mutton on Friday which is prohibited to eat on Friday. Two million Uighurs are behind the bar. Uighurs are even not allowed to observe their festivals. It said that 1 out of 10 Uighurs Muslims is behind the bar.

                                   Xin Jiang province is very rich in natural resources. It has 1/3 of gas and 38% of Coal reserve of China.  It produces 60%of Chines Cotton. The Uighur Muslims are not happy with the Chines rĂ©gime and they want to have independence from China.  The surrounding Turk origin Muslim Countries are also supporting their demands.

                                   China's way to Central Asia passes through Xin Jiang province that is the reason why China wants to have strong control over Xin Jiang province.  


Saturday, November 14, 2020


                                                                             One may go to America or Antarctica but his love for his native land will reflect in one or other forms. He always misses his place where is was nourished, brought up, and lived with Nature. Nature is the same everywhere but love for his native land always makes him to compare with the nature of his place. This is what refect in the poem below.

                                                             Where is?

                                         I have seen the beautiful mountains here

                                         And running wild rivers Everywhere 

                                        The golden rays of the sun can be seen

                                         And moonlight also glitter here

                                         Nature full of beauty here

                                         But where is dust of  motherland here

                                         Where is?

                                         The heavenly beauty is sprayed everywhere 

                                          The gardens with the fragrance of flowers near.

                                          Beautiful fruits are hanging all over

                                          The songs of birds can be heard in the air

                                          Nature full of beauty here

                                          But where is the smell of  motherland's air here

                                          Where is?

                                          The showers of rain are very pleasant here

                                          And running water is very crystal clear

                                          Icy peaks of mountains are attractive mere

                                          With snowy valleys  look very beautiful  here

                                          Nature  full of beauty here

                                         But where is muddy water of motherland here

                                          Where is? 

                  ( From the Book of Author Title 'Heart Beats' Published in the USA)












Thursday, November 12, 2020

Inside Iran

                                              The present ongoing conflict between America and Iran is a conflict of interest. It is an old story that in the time of Shah of Iran  America was getting crude oil at a very low price from Iran with a guaranty from America to protect the Shah's Regime. However radical Islamic organization of Iran revolted against the Shah of Iran and he was thrown out. Shah has to take Asylum in America.

                                            Besides that Iran is Shyia's dominant Islamic Country which has a natural conflict with Saudi Arabia which is a radical Sunny Country. America has good relations with  Saudi Arabia that too based on its huge crude oil resources. 

                                            The other major reason for the American Iran conflict is the research and building of the Atomic Weapons thereof by Iran. Former American  President Barak Obama had signed the Atomic Treaty with Iran in order to control Iran's activities regarding building up of  Atomic weapons. However, the present American President Donald Trump was not happy with that treaty and he broke the same and imposed strong restrictions on Iran. This had created a very bad financial Crisis for Iran.

                                            Besides that, Top Iran's General Suleman was killed by America through the Drawn attack in Iraq. These have further deteriorated the relations between America and Iran.

                                           Under this difficult time Iran has become more friendly with China which has offered them, Million of Dollars aid in various fields of Iran, i.e.In  Port Development, Road Building, and Railway, etc.

                                            However, the Islamic government of Iran has imposed many restrictions on women based on their Islamic guidelines. women are supposed to wear Burkha and to Cover their Faces. They should not wear western dresses like jeans.  There are few Women TV Ankers in Iran.  There is an inhuman law that one father who has adopted a daughter can Marry her. 

                                             Iran's government has started becoming lenient and allowing to educate women and now lots of girls can be found in the university without Burkha and Jeans. There are western professors in the Universities who are also influencing the women's culture in Iran. One can even find even women TV Anker without Burkha on TV Station. All these do not mean that Iran is changed but more is required to be done for the betterment of Iranian Society.

                                                Iran has an Ancient and Glorious Cultural History in the World and it is trying to once again to regain the same. We have to wish Iran all the best.





Friday, November 6, 2020



Pakistan and India

                                                                                 Pakistan was created by Britishers by creating conditions that Hindu and Muslim cannot live together or Muslims are not safe in Hindu dominated India. They incited communal feelings among Muslims to demand separate states from  India. In short, they wanted to make India weak. Even they gave freedom to the Native States of India to maintain their position as they like. i.e.To remain independent or to choose to join any one of them. This was a move to divide India into several States which can ultimately create chaos in the subcontinent after they leave. It is due to a visionary and strong leader like Sardar Patel who made India united one through his policies of diplomacy and force if requires. 

                                                                               This is the only background behind the creation of Pakistan. It is very unfortunate that Pakistan has not able to come out of the communal background and failed to progress in the field of developments. It is struck up with Kashmir and Terrorism problems out of hatred of India. It is said that any Pakistani government can't survive without keeping Kashmir Dispute burning before the people of Pakistan. Pakistan's s enmity against India being used by various countries in order to control India's increasing power in the world.  In the process, Pakistan's debt has increased up to such an extent that some of the world powers are using Pakistan in their interest. 

                                                                               Besides that Pakistan's army has also become very strong and they are dictating the Prime Minister of Pakistan. Nawab Sheriff's former prime minister of Pakistan has also confirmed about the same In short, it has become clear now that all civilian governments were and are being dictated by the Army.  It is said that the present Prime Minister Imran Khan is also today existing on the support of the Pakistani Army.

                                                                             it is said that the Pakistani government is also supporting terrorism and terrorizing surrounding countries like India, Afghanistan, and Sri Lanka. Several innocent people are being killed by terrorists. It is a proxy war of Pakistan with India as Pak Army can't face war with the Indian Army. Pakistan is also helping the Taliban in Afghanistan in order to destabilize the Afghan Government. It is reported that three Pakistani terrorists were arrested in Shri Lanka on their intelligence report. Sri Lankan government is very much alert after the 'Easter Sunday' attack of terrorists. 

                                                                              China is using Pakistan by giving huge loans which it can't return due to its weak economy. In the process, China has taken over the Port of GADWAR in Baluchistan. China is also using militarily the Pak occupied region of Baltistan and Gilgit in order to harras India in the ongoing Border dispute and conflict with China. In short Pakistan and China have formed an axis against India.

                                                                            Pakistan is playing with Chinese tunes as if china is its Boss.  These are being done at the cost of its freedom and that too satisfy its hatred against India. Pakistan seems to be playing with fire in this game.  




Friday, October 16, 2020


Laser Rays

                                                                                 Albert Einstein had discovered the principle regarding Laser which has brought a great revolution in the field of science.   It is the use of the system which centralizes powerful rays in one straight line, which is known as a Laser System. Laser means ' Light Amplification By Stimulated Emission of Radiation.'

                                It is noteworthy to note that how Laser has helped the lives of people in the world. The laser is now used for detecting Crime and During human surgeries. Its rays are so powerful that it can dilute any hard metal. Laser Rays are used in Measurement and it can be a source of Clean Energy. Air pilots are using 'Gyroscope' for finding ways that are based on the Laser. The Laser can be used as a medium to convert various energies like electricity, Sound, and Light.  Some people compare laser with the third eyes of Lord Shiva which said to be throwing very powerful rays.  All radiation-related scientific plants are also having the shape of Shivling. 

                                  Laser rays can create holes in any strong metal. However, a laser is also used to detect any tiny hole in the plane or rocket, or space shuttle. The laser can also measure accurately the distances between two planets. It is also used in microsurgeries of Eyes, Ear, Stomach, Brain, and Cancer.  The Laser can destroy the censer system of war weapons including Tank, Missiles, Plane, and Warship.

                                 Scientists are now trying to use the Laser for creating the disappearance of things. The Magicians are using the technic of eye illusion for the same which science is trying through laser Beam. In the short laser is a very powerful and revolutionary discovery of the time.



Wednesday, October 7, 2020


Women -Difficult To Understand

                                                              It is generally difficult to understand women because women's actions decisions and behavior depend upon on emotions, rather than on logic and reasoning. They are more close and secretive in certain matters than men. They are more adjustable, amenable, and loyal in outlook. Former British Prime Minister Margret Thatcher  believed that  ' One wants to talk out any task  you give to men but if one desires to solve the problem then use the neck of a woman.' 

                                                             However, sometimes it is very difficult to understand women. It is said that sometimes a woman carries secrets with her death. In certain rare cases, it was observed that women failed to keep secret with them. This shows women are very complex personalities.

                                                                  There are other positive aspects also related to women which are admirable. It is difficult to understand a woman using intelligence but can know them well by showing love.  In the absence of, a woman in the house it becomes dry and boring.  A woman can destroy once life but can even make one life.  It is said that 'There is a woman behind every successful man.'

                                                                 Women always live life for family and always live a life selected by others. She is like fire which can spread fragrance through candlelight but can destroy the whole family in the same fire. She can be also symbols of patience, tolerance, and sacrifice.

                                                                   It is observed sometimes that no notice is being taken regarding the absence of a woman in the house but when she is absent from the house it looks like an unglamorous and deserted place.  Woman plays a very important role in the family. In sister, it reflects love. In wife, it is a symbol of sacrifice. She is like a God in form of a mother. Woman in short represents love, affection, patience, tolerance, and sacrifice.  

                                                                 It is more important to use the best qualities of women instead of trying to understand them.              



Friday, October 2, 2020



                                           India is the origin of many things in the world including '0', Yoga, and the great literary creation of Panchatantra.

                                             Panchatantra is considered to be written in 300 BC by one Vishnu Sharma but nobody knows whether he was an author of Panchatantra or he was some imaginary character. However, Panchatantra stories have become the most popular and well-read books in the world. It has its versions in poetic, dramatic, and storytelling forms. It is translated in Major fifty languages in the world. It is available in Sanskrit, Arabic, Syrian, Hebrew, Latin, German, French, Spanish, and many other languages of the world.

                                            The wisdom stories in Panchatantra are narrated through the participation of Animals like a Lion, Fox, and Bull including Birds. Stories teach Smartness, Diplomacy, Crookedtness for doing something good in an unethical way. 

                                             Besides that, it deals with the following Main Subjects in its Stories.

1)How to Brake the strength of friendship?

2)How to make friends for one advantage?

3)When to go for War and when to end the Same.

4)It describes how one loses important thing which is in his hand?

5) How to be cautious about the things one does not know much.?

                                                      However, some of the critics are not happy about the Panchatantra which teaches Smartness, Crookedness, and Cunningness.

                                                      But nobody can deny that Panchtantra is the most popular, well-read book and translated into the major languages of the world.


Saturday, September 19, 2020

 The Truth of Life

                                              Life has a long search journey for truth but sometimes some of the truth is very near. It requires insight or depth or introspection of oneself.

                                             It is said that people like several colors in the Rainbow but among them, white color is the most classic which is peace-giving to the soul. It gives lots of peace and pleasure to one.  It is simple and without glamour.

                                            People life has become very much disturbed due to various types of high voices and sound in urban life. However, silence gives internal peace.  The silence can avoid friction in life. Lord Buddha said that ' The silence is the best answer to bad abuses.'

                                           It is said that people do not dye because of fasting or starving but people do die for eating. There are millions of people who does not get two meals per day but they survive. Hence fasting is some time Blessing in Disguise. 

                                           People travel for change and peace of mind but some time meditating under trees on the mountain peak is more healthy. It can save once energy and money. It is unique to close our eyes and looking within instead of wandering here and there to see so many things. That is the greatest truth of life.

                                         Some people seek the advice of others to solve their problems but sometimes the answer is available inside with your soul. One some time neglect the internal voice which answers truly.

                                          People do not know how to control their senses which creates lots of difficulties in their lives. However, they are busy creating a happy life by pleasing their evil senses. It is the root cause of all evils in worldly lives.      

                                           In short, people know the truth of happiness and healthy lives but they go on searching the wrong places.



Tuesday, September 8, 2020


Diet and Health 

                                                  It is observed that the roots of all decease are lying in the stomach. Hence which types of food one takes is very important for once health.

                                                 The fast-food is very tasty but it is difficult to digest for the stomach.   One may enjoy the taste of such food for few seconds (i.e. 10 to 15 Seconds) but it takes hours to digest the same.  It takes forty-eight hours to get the rid of remaining substances from the body. This is a routine digestive system but everyone's digestive system does not work in order.   Hence it creates a problem for some of the people. That is how all sort of decease starts by eating unhealthy food.  The consumption of some of the foods like Cheese, Butter, Potato, Oily/Chilly Food, Cold Drinks, Spices, and Salt can be reduced or avoided. It is advisable not to eat stale food because such food loses its nutrition value. 

                                                 Every religion one or other manner has indicated that periodical fasting is also good for health. It gives relief to the digestive system and to get rid of remained toxic substances from the body. It also helps to keep one healthy. In this connection in Islam fasting is observed doing Roja. Hindus also observe fasting during certain religious days. Jains observe days long fasting . while Buddhist observe fasting under' 'Upostha. In a short periodical, fasting is also good for health.

                                                Therefore eating a healthy diet and periodically fasting one can remain  'Happy and Healthy'.


Sunday, September 6, 2020

Teachers' Day

                                                                                            Fifth September is celebrated as a Teachers' Day in order to give them due respect for their contributions to Society. 

                                                     The Teacher is a very important person in once life and one cannot forget his memory of good teacher forever. It is observed that all successful and powerful persons bow down to their teachers and pay high respect to them. They know very well what important part those teachers played in the building of their careers and achievements. 

                                                      Lord Krishna who took his education in Saint Sandipani Ashram school use to help his wife in day to day work.  In those types of schools, Princes and Ordinary students use to stay to gather in order to build up their future careers. That is how poor Sudama and Krishna became good friends and their friendship story is exemplary in history. In short, their Love and Respect in Friendship for each other was a reflection of their character building done by their Teacher/Guru.

                                                      Some teachers are unique and they do not buildup their students as per their image but they make them capable of creating their own image in their lives.  APJ Abul Kalam our former president said' Some of the brightest minds can be found in the last benches of the classroom'. The bright teachers can only identify such students. Therefore the teacher's role in society is very important. Albert Einstien said"  School failed me, and I failed the school. It bored me." It shows how school and teacher can fail even their prominent student. 

                                                      It is observed that some time teacher have their own limitation of knowledge and he tries to limit the knowledge of his students accordingly. In this connection, Rabindranath Tagore once  said 'Do not limit a child to your own learning.'  Hence good teacher always inspires student's creative mind and cultivate his love of learning.   The good teacher gives love and takes care of his student along with sharing his knowledge with him.

                                                      Last and the least teacher has to be role model for students and has to be a torchbearer in Society.   This is because most of the great men in the world have given the credit of their contributions in the world to their teachers besides their parents. 



Thursday, August 13, 2020


Sunder Pichai -American Indian CEO

                                                              Sunder Pichai, Chief Executive Officer of google is from IIT Chennai, Tamilnadu, India, and he still cherishes his roots in India. He has done his MS from Stanford University, Silicon Valley, California, and MBA from the prestigious American University of 'Wharton School of Business Management'. His all above achievements show that he rightly deserves the position which he is occupying at present. 

               '                                    He said once that  'There are probably things about technology that frustrate you and make one impatient. But one has not to lose patience.  It will create next technology revolution and will enable one to build things my generation could never dream of. One may be just as frustrated by my generation's approach to climate change or education'.

                                                             He said once phone call to India which was costing $2/- per Minute and a backpack was costing monthly salary of my dad'. However, everyone knows that it has now become a matter of past. Sunder Pichai came with a deep passion for technology. The result of which he developed Google Toolbar, and  Google Chrome is the world's most popular browser.

                                                                Sunder Pichai is now trying to give back to India his land of origin. Google is going to invest millions of dollars in the various technological projects in India. It is mainly due to the initiative taken by the Sunder Pichai, CEO, Google. Sunder Pichai and others who are occupying the highest position in the American companies are the product of independent India's prestigious institutions.


Saturday, August 8, 2020


Heath is Wealth

                                              One has to give the first priority to health to enjoy wealth. It is said that wealth has no meaning without good health. Therefore it is very much necessary to give due attention to some of the aspects related to life.

                                             first of all, one must fix aim or ambition in life for which one can actively work. The basic principle in once life should be to remain active with healthy, positive, and constructive activities. However, for doing those activities once all faculties should be healthy and fit.

                                             Therefore one must take care of eyesight by getting it checked periodically. Eyes are the most essential organs of the body.  Besides that drinking of adequate water is also the most important as the majority part of the body consist of water. The dehydration of the body can harm the most important parts of the body and it can be the reason for bad medical conditions. Therefore quench of once thirst of water should be satisfied and to drink at least 65 ounces of water per day.  

                                                one must take sufficient sleep and make effort to get good sleep. Good sleep reduces the stress and strain of life problems. It is an art to get sleep smoothly and gracefully. It is a good habit to get a bath before going to sleep. The hearing of soft music is also advisable before going to sleep. It is better to cut TV one hour before one goes for sleep. Besides that rest in dark before going to sleep.

                                                The brain is also very important organs of the body and it has to be kept active, sharp, and healthy with various types of activities.  Playing games and solving puzzles can make once mind active. 

                                                One can cheer up oneself by chatting with friends, relatives, and Associates. Yoga and meditation can be best to make one tension-free.

                                             However, food input should be healthy to keep the body healthy. Eat fresh fruits, vegetables.  The milk products and Vitamins -D are good for making bones strong. The input of Whole grain food and food of Rich Fiber keeps one healthy. It is better to avoid high-fat food. 

                                            The most important thing is to do work which gives one inner satisfaction.  Age should not restrict once activities. The regular body exercise and at least half an hour walk per day can keep one healthy and happy. Wealth can be enjoyed but Good Health can be a Wealthy experience.



Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Ram Mandir at Ayodhya 
                                                                                     Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India today performed the  Bhumi Punjan at Ayodhya for the building up of Ram Mandir which was destroyed during the time of Mogul Emperor Babar about 500 years back. The Mosque named 'Babri'   was built up thereon by the commander of the Babar Army. 

                                                         It is the most pious place for the Hindu as Lord Ram was born on that land where the said Mosque was built up. It was done then in order to crush the spirit of Hindus and to encourage the spreading of the Muslim Religion. The same thing was done consistently by Muslim invaders in the cases of Kashi Viswanath Temple, SomnathTemple, Saurashtra, Gujarat, and Krishna Janam Bhumi, Temple at Mathura. That was modus Operandi of Muslim Rulers to hurt Hinduism and its followers. 

                                                          It was agony for Hindus and they have been struggling for restoring the pride of Hindu Religion for centuries.  The Somnath Temple was rebuilt and restored after the independence of India. However, to restore Ram Janam Bhumi Temple had a long struggle of many decades including that of Court. The Supreme Court of India gave a verdict in the favor of Ram Janam Bhumi crusaders on the basis of historical and ancient pieces of evidence.  It was a long struggle wherein lots of people sacrificed their lives and now the dreams of Indian people are coming true as the building of Ram Temple is being started. 

                                                         Ram is the most Aradhya (Revered) God for Crores of Hindus spread over all over the World. Ram and Ramayan are very popular in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, the West Indies, and all over the World. Indians are now very happy that the Young Ram Idol (Ramlalla) which was temporarily lying in the shade will have Gorgeous Temple to install. 
                                                         However, it is unfortunate that the Kashi Vishwanath Temple and Krishna Janam Bhumi are still under the shadow of the Mosque nearby. Only time will solve the problems. Hope for the best for time to come.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

The Mental effect Of Corona Virus
                                                                 Coronavirus has been very Hot News on Media. Media is overactive in reporting numbers of people suffering from the virus and numbers of people died thereof. However, sometimes the media exaggerate some of the things in order to increase their TPA.
                                                              There are so many things media goes on informing as under.
-How the dead bodies of victims are being disposed of.  Sometimes they show that dead bodies are being kept in refrigerated trucks when hospitals have no place in their cold storage rooms. Besides that, they show the large numbers of graves are being dug and being kept ready for mass burial.
-India has different types of problems.  The media shows that some of the hospitals do not have enough facilities. They sometimes do not have enough medical staff to look after the victims. The relatives are not being informed about the death of their intimate in time. Even during the last right, a very restricted number of relatives are being allowed to remain present.
                                                              All these matters creat very tragic and horrible things in the mind of people.  People are very much insecure because of the absence of a vaccine for the Coronavirus. Besides that, some of the people's attitudes toward victims are not human.  This is being stated because there are some of the people in the society who are developing mental problems and they are disturbed thereof.

                                                             However, the mental agony due to coronavirus can be reduced up to a considerable extent by the change of attitudes and approaches.
1) To avoid 'Unnecessary News' regarding Cororanavirus which one may be already knowing.
2)  It is better not to know about the number of death due to Coronavirus.
3)  Do not go on the Internet to get additional information regarding Coronavirus.
4)  Do not give bad news regarding  Coronavirus to others. It can deteriorate their mental conditions.
5) Try to hear music in order to divert the mind.
6) Wash hands periodically and asks other members of the family to do so.
7) Once positive attitudes always improve the immunity power of one, but the depressive approach can also make one weak to face the Virus.
8) One must firmly believe that one can face the Virus and Overcome it.
                                                                            In short Positive approach can only solve mental Problems.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Indian Brian Drain Abroad
                                                                             India has been facing the great Brain Drain problem abroad but now it has to turn out to be a reverse way around.  It is because of the deteriorating world Economic Situation. Coronavirus has damage the world economy very badly. Unemployment, Inflation, and Recession have created a very bad economic situation for the world.
                                                     The suspension of an H-1B visa by the American Government will create an additional problem for high tech young people in India.   It will affect about 200000 people in India. Besides that another, about 200000 young Indian students studying in America will be compelled to leave the USA as per the guideline adopted for the foreign students by USA authorities. i.e. It is because Coronavirus is active in the USA. UAR government is also passing a law that foreign employees should not exceed more than 10% of the population to stop local unemployment. This will affect the lakhs of Indians who are employed thereon. This is only to show the gravity of problems Indians are facing abroad.
                                                     The Brain Drain problem has been becoming grave day by day as more and more Indians are seeking to go abroad for a better future. It is high time to analyze the reasons for such Brain Drain abroad.
                                                      There may be a lack of opportunity in India which drives all educated Indian people abroad.  Besides that, some people seek better living conditions abroad.  There may psychology among some of the Indian parents to send their children abroad as they create some type of social status for them in society. The Indian schoolchildren are now developing limited Ambition i.e. To go abroad for further study and settling down thereon.  Even some of the parents are encouraging them.   This is not fair for India. All most all developed countries are feeling the pinch of Indian immigration. They have now started resisting it.

                                                    However, the crust of the problem is  India educates young people with its national resources and it is being used by foreign countries. We have failed to use their skill. It is observed that most of the successful Indians abroad were educated in reputed educational institutions in India but unfortunately, foreigners got the advantage of them. We lost them forever. Foreign countries used their talents and prospered while India remained behind.
                                                      India should learn from past mistakes and try to give employments and opportunities to all promising youngmen in India instead of encouraging them to go abroad. It is no use to get proud that they are doing best abroad and using them as a foreign exchange-earners. In short, there is no use of worrying about their return in lakhs but it is very important to use them in India at the right places and for the right jobs. That will benefit the country and people. Sometimes some adverse situations can become a Blessing in Disguise'.

Friday, July 3, 2020

India- Crisis On All Front
                                                                        India is surrounded by the crisis on  Economic, Corona, and Intrusion on its Borders. The month-old lockdown due to Coronavirus has damaged its economy very badly. GDP has gone down, Unemployment has increased,  the manufacturing and production activities have reached very low. Export has suffered. The purchasing power of people has also gone down up to large extent. The unemployed labor has become impatient and has largely migrated to their home states. Besides that, the long lockdown has created psychological and mental problems among people. The world economic credit rating agencies have started rating their credit ratio for India on the lower side. All these negative aspects have also effected foreign investments. The suspension H-1B VISA  by the USA will further create the unemployment problem for high tech  Indian youth. These are some of the economical problems faced by India at present.

                                                                   India has been trying to maintain very cordial relations with its neighbor in spite of that China, Nepal, and Pakistan have been very much hostile towards it. China has intruded at the Ladakh border of Galwan. China has also claimed Arunachal Pradesh and created border disputes near Bhutan and Sikkim. All these maneuverings by China have created military tension for India across the entire borders along with it. Nepal has also claimed some of the Indian territories as their own. It is believed that it is done at the instant of China. Pakistan is also continuing its Terrorist activities across Indian borders. Besides that Pakistan is also violating ceasefire across Indian borders. These adverse situation has been a matter of anxiety for India. In short, India is made to walk on a tight rope by its adversaries.

                                                                   However, it seems China has underestimated the strength of India. India is not of 1962 and it is now militarily strong enough to face China. Besides that, the whole world is militarily, politically, and morally behind India except Pakistan, and North Korea,  China is also isolated from the world due to spreading Coronavirus across the world. American Naval Ships are already there in the South China Sea. Even Russia is ready to supply military weapons to India as required.  All these shows that China can only create military tension for India. Pakistan and Nepal are only playing in coordination with China in order to harras India. But India is strong enough to settle the problem alone with the help of its friendly nations.

                                                                 India is required to do more on the economic front. But India's economic foundation is strong enough to recoup with the lost ground. The lifting of lockdown up to some extent has brought back life in the economy. The production has started and effort being made to bring foreign investments and blue-chips companies thereon. The foreign investments in The Reliance Industries Ltd' by foreign companies(i.e. Including Facebook) are the bright signs for the Indian economy. The American multinational 'Amazon' also increasing its investments in India which will create more employment in India. Even Microsoft is now planning to open its hub in the state of Uttar Pradesh. All these developments are a good sign for the further development of the Indian Economy.

                                                                     Sometimes whatever happens for good and it will bring new Economic Blood in India's future.' The USA' has also found a reliable and strong friend who can face the Dragon confidently in Asia. This all-new development is in favor of India in all these adverse crisis.