Friday, September 27, 2019

Inside Story of Mahatma Gandhi on his 150th Birth Anniversary
                                                                                                                  India is going to celebrate the 150 th Birth Anniversary of  Mahatma Gandhi on 2nd October 2019.  He said 'His Life is Message'.  He was for Truth, Non- Violence,  Simplicity and Cleanliness. (i.e. For Outside and Within One Self) Therefore it will be the best tribute to him if his life message is being followed truly, sincerely and literally.
                                                                                                          Besides that  he  is  also made a  Scape Goat for many Chronic problems of India for which he was not responsible. He is blamed for the partition of the country which he deadly opposed it. The creation of Pakistan is the root cause of big Ego of Mohammad Ali  Jinnah. Therefore Gandhi wanted to make Jinnah as a  Prime Minister of Independent United India. He was sure that with passing of time Jinnah will have to fall in line.  But then  Most of his Congress leaders opposed his plea i.e.  Giving reason that 'Indian people will not accept it'. Hence he was very much dissatisfied with the Proposal of dividing the Country. He protested and left for the riot torn  Nauakhali Area of Bengal. He was among the riot effected Hindu Muslim people when partitioned India was celebrating its independence day. He could stop the division of India on the basis of 'Backward/Forward Community' but miserably failed in the case of  'Hindu/Muslim Community. He was pleading for soft approach towards Muslim in order to stop the division of India which Britishers desired then. However he was misunderstood and unfortunately killed for his soft political approach towards Muslim.   Gandhi's soft approach towards Muslim community then was to keep India one and to stop partition thereon.. 
                                                                          The partition  of India was the great mistake which was accepted by three most important persons involved therein. Lord Mountbatten, a last British Viceroy then accepted that he never knew that so much killing and misery will take place on  partition.  Mohammad Ali  Jinnah accepted before his death that' It was his great mistake in creating Pakistan'.  Pandit Jawaherlal Nehru first Prime Minister of Independent India said that ' We were compel to go for partition because our Senior leadership of Congress was not ready to wait further. i.e. For power.  All these facts shows that Gandhi was right but he was isolated.  We are still paying very high price for the division of India.
                                                                            Some people blame Gandhi for selecting Nehru as a First Prime Minister of India instead of Sardar  Patel. Gandhi was helpless in the matter as Nehru was not ready to work under Sardar  Patel and would have preferred to walk out of Congress.  Gandhi also knew that Sardar Patel will comply with his decision  but Nehru will revolt. Hence he selected the name of Nehru as a  first Prime Minister of Independent India. Besides that Gandhi and Sardar both were Gujarati that also went against the candidature of Sardar Patel. Gandhi never wanted him to be branded as Communal. Besides that Gandhi never wanted to split the congress at the eve of Independence. Therefore Gandhi prudently selected then Jawaherlal Nehru  as a First Prime Minister of India
                                                                          Gandhi who played major role in achieving the  freedom of India was isolated on so many other issues after Independence.  He was for simplicity and simple life for Ministers of independent India. He disliked the VIP culture. He suggested that Ministers should stay in Small Houses and to Draw Minimum pay of Rupees Five hundred per month. His own followers ridiculed him telling that he has lost his balance. This was also very unfortunate.  Gandhi wanted to leave Delhi after independence as he felt that he was not wanted by his own people. However one of his disciple told him that' People of India still needed him'  In short he was delusioned after the independence of India looking at the behavior of some of  his own congress people.
                                                                            Gandhi stood for cleanliness and he him self use to clean his own toilet etc. He also perused his wife Kasturba to do so who was not accustom to do such work. He use to allot the cleaning work to each and every member of  the  Ashram. He also believed that one must be clean within  before pointing fingers at others.  Once one of the Ashram members complain to him regarding drawbacks of his  colleges. He  replied him that ' I am also having some drawbacks than how can point a finger at others'. Thus he wanted that individual himself should find his own drawbacks first instead of looking at the drawbacks of others. That mean one has to be role model for others.
                                                                             Gandhi was for Prohibition in India in order to improve the conditions of poor but some of his own followers considered the prohibition as one of his fad. It is observed that some people even use  name of the Gandhi  for leap service and that too for their wasted interest. Gandhi is no more but 'Gandhism 'will be remembered for ever.



Monday, September 9, 2019

Angry Nature
                                                                                            Human Race has Cruelly and Ruthlessly  tortured Nature. They  are digging the Earth every where for Oil, Precious Stones and Metals etc. They are not even sparing rivers by digging out sands thereon.
                                                                                           They are cutting  trees on the name of development for their short term gain. The big and thick forest in America, Germany Russia and Brazil( i.e. Amazon)  and every where are getting fire due to negligence of Human Race. Thereby Billions of trees are being destroyed. The destruction of trees have reduced the sources of Oxygen and increased Carbon . Thus it has resulted in increasing the major deceases in the world.

                                                                                             Human race has even reach to North and South poles to dig the Icy layer of the earth for extracting  oil and other precious metals. It has created Havoc and now ice have started melting thereon.  Therefore now oceans  are overflowing with water and they are submerging  so many areas and cities around. The melting ice on  mountains are flooding  the rivers creating total disaster.

                                                                                            Besides that plenty of polluted Air and Water are being   released  by Industries . It is increasing the Heat along with  pollution in the air.  All these adverse  climatic conditions are the root cause of Cyclone,  Flood , Drought.  All these shows that nature is very angry and  its angers is reflecting in the various forms of natural disasters.    One can now Pray God to save the world from the Anger of  Nature.
                                                                                           One  Poet has rightly ask for the mercy of  God -
                            Oh  God Stop all these Disasters
                            One side is Flooded  while other side Drought.
                            Some places are being destroyed by Cyclones
                            While Somewhere  Cities are Flooded within
                            Oh God---
                            Somewhere Earth is shivering with the shocks
                            Thereby destroying the whole Localities.
                            It is happening because of our Faults
                            Hence pardon us for our Omission and Error
                             Oh God-
                            We exploited your beautiful Earth
                            That too Satisfy our greedy Instincts.
                            We are tend to commit error as being human
                            But as Almighty God you are tend to forgive us.
                             Oh God---


Thursday, September 5, 2019

Parliamentary Democracy - Mahatma Gandhi
                                                                                           Mahatma Gandhi  has written very clearly  in his book 'Hind Swaraj' regarding the Indian Government  after the Independence. He also mentioned therein  his expectation from citizens of Independent India.  He was very clear that independence has no meaning without Swaraj. i.e.There should  good Government along with responsible Citizens thereon.  He was not for Parliamentary Democracy but preferred People ruled Government  up to village level. He wanted the  Government with  maximum participation of people from urban and rural areas. He was very much inspired of the Ancient Indian system of the village level rule.
                                                                                              He was not happy with English Parliamentary System.  He believed that English Parliamentary system is not doing any good work for the people. He observed that the members of the parliament are hypocrites and selfish.  Sometime they sleep  when the  important matters are being discussed on the floor.  Besides that they vote  their party in parliament without thinking. He further observed we can do better for good and needy people rather than spending time and wasting money in parliamentary system. Sometime parliament becomes toy of the people wherein lots of money is being spent. It is believed that people are electing the good people for the parliament but some time they are not of people's expectations. He concluded that if India is going to adopt English Parliamentary Democracy than it will be  disastrous.
                                                                                           In short Mahatma Gandhi was for Democracy wherein  people have maximum voice from Rural to Urban Areas and that too Decentralization of maximum  powers  up to bottom. He also wanted Indian Citizens should be conscious of their rights along with their obligations towards the country.