Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Charlie Chaplin
                                                                                       This is what Charlie Chaplin the great actor of the  time said in his  picture 'The Great Director'. He gave speech in the above film when the world was passing through bad time of Hitler and that too when  Democracy, Independence, and Value of Equality was in Great Danger. It was a very thought provoking speech of the time. This is a extract of his speech.
                                        .                                             "Forgive Me. I do not want to become Emperor. That is not my job. I do not want to rule over other or do not want to conquer any one.  I  am suppose to help people.  Yahudi , Non Yahudi, White and Black all wants to help each other. That is a usual nature of people. We want to see all happy. This world has a place for everyone and capable of giving their requirements. The normal way of life is independent and beautiful. However we are on wrong path.  Our greed have filled up our souls with Poison. It  has created hatred in this world. We are led to the path of bloody suffering. We have acquired speed in many field which has made us prisoner. Machines have given us many advantages but they have also increased our greed to acquire more and more.  The knowledge has made us unreliable. Our intelligence have made us more heartless and cruel. We think to much but we experience the least. People are more important than machines.
                                                                                    We are required to develop more Mercy and Nobility in our Heart. Our life will become more violent and everything will be destroyed in the absence of good virtues. Airplane and Radio have brought us very near and they  are demanding  to improve ourselves. They want universal brotherhood and  unity.
                                                                                      I appeal to people not to get dishearten.  We are suffering because of Greed.  We are going through bad time  and some people are very  much upset. However autocracy will end when hatred will disappear from this world. The strength of people will  ultimately return."
                                                                                    The above speech was given by Charlie Chaplin when the Hitler was on the pick of his time and no body dared to speak against his regime. It also reflect the stature of the great actor who used his celebrities status for the right cause of the people.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Nature's Furry Against Human Autocracy
                                                                     Human Race has created mess in this world by ill treating the Nature. People are throwing thousands of tons solid waste and poisonous water in to Sea. It is destroying various water living Spices. The Concrete Garden in the Cities have created the greatest danger for the mankind. It has destroyed the major portion of greenery from the Earth. It has also destroyed  sources of oxygen and increased carbon in the atmosphere.All these have changed the weather and increased the heat in the atmosphere. One has to see the Nature's furry in the context of above.

                                                                     The Icy Greenland in North pole has started melting and the sea level is increasing. It is said that by 2100 the Sea level will rise by 1.4 meter and there will be danger of existence for Island countries like Maldive and Tuvalu. It will  become reality if ice in Greenland goes on melting accordingly.  It is to be noted that the temperature in the Greenland  has  increased from Minus degree to  14 degree.  There will be total destruction of the world if Ice lying in Greenland entirely  gets melted. This is one of examples of danger which earth is facing due to imbalance in the weather of  the world.

                                                                    Besides that all shorts of  Nature furry  are to be viewed in this context. The continuous food and cyclone in America,  The  Heavy Rains in China and Philippines, and Land sidings in Himalaya are the signals of those danger which world is facing today. One can see the furry of nature in the videos of those natural calamities.

                                                                  It is a call of the time to protect the nature  by increasing the greenery, reducing the carbon in the atmosphere and to find right system to eliminate poisonous Waste.  The attack on nature in the name of development has to be stopped. The future generation will have to pay very heavily if we will fail to suitable measures in the matter.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

The Kashmir Issue- Inside Story
                                                                        Kashmir is a burning issue for India as the thousands of crores are already spent on it and that too with out any solution. While for Pakistan it is a issue on which depends upon its survival.
                                           One has to go back the period after partition when British government gave  options to all native states to merge with India or Pakistan.  They had also third option to remain independent. Sardar Patel could  perused most of the native states to join with India with exception of Gunaghad, Hyderabad and Jammu/ Kashmir. However he  merged the States of Gunagadh and Hyderabad with tactful and strong measures. The merger of Kashmir  was being jointly handled by then Pandit Nehru, PM and Sardar Patel, Dy PM of India. Nehru was depending upon then on the advice of Sheikh Abdullah, President of National Conference of Kashmir. The relation between Sheikh Abdullah and Maharajah of Kashmir were very much strain then.  Besides that Maharajah Harisingh of Kashmir wanted to make Kashmir as a  Independent states.
                                            However the invasion of Pakistani Tribales on Kashmir changed the whole situation for Maharajah. The invaders reached very near to Srinagar and  Maharajah decided to sign the treaty of merger with India with a request for help of Indian Army. He sent his Prime Minister  Meherchand Mahajan to Delhi with that request.
                                             Meherchand Mahajan who subsequently become first Chief justice of India described his meeting with Nehru and Sardar Patel in his book ' Looking Back'.  He requested them for help of Indian army forthwith in order to save Kashmir. He further added that Maharajah of Jammu/Kashmir is willing to sign treaty of accession with India. He said if you do not give Army help immediately than we we will have to go Pakistan for help. Nehru got flare up hearing that and showed the door to Meherchand Mahajan. Meherchand Mahajan further wrote that when he was leaving the room Sardar came to him and told in his ear ' Mr Mahajan you will not go to Pakistan. That mean he is getting the Indian Army help as requested. Nehru meanwhile received one note from Sheikh Abdullah wherein he informed Nehru that he also agree with Mr Mahajan. Thereafter Nehru cooled down. The said meeting shows how tactfully Sardar handled the situation and how much Nehru was depending upon his friend Sheikh Abdullah.
                                            Sardar Patel managed to send army along with tanks etc to  Srinagar through planes in order to save Kashmir. Sardar Patel wanted to  throw out invaders from Kashmir and to reach Rawalpindi at Pakistan.  He wanted to compel Pakistan  to accept the Kashmir's Treaty of Accession with India.  However Pandit Nehru stopped him and dragged Kashmir issue to United Nation. India is still bleeding for that  decision of Nehru.
                                                   There was a great influence of  Sheikh Abdullah on Nehru and he demanded the special status for Jammu/Kashmir in  Indian constitution.  The said provisions were opposed by many stalwarts including Baba Saheb Ambedkar in the constitution assembly.  Once Sheikh Abdullah threaten to leave constitutional assembly if his demands are not complied with.
Sardar Patel who was Home Minister told him ' You may leave assembly but you will not be able to leave Delhi' It was indirect hint to abdullah which was taken seriously by him. Thereafter he sat down quietly. However Sheikh Abdullah could get the special status for Kashmir under Article 370 with the help of his friend Nehru.
                                                   What is article 370 which gives special status to state of Jammu and Kashmir?
1) The Article gives duel Citizenship to Kashmiri people.
2) They  have their own National Flag.
3) The Kashmir legislative assembly is having six year term while all other Indian state assemblies  are having five year term,
4)The Supreme Court of India has no jurisdiction over Kashmir.
5) The Insult of Indian National Flag and National Symbols are not crime in Kashmir.
6) Indian laws are limited to Indian only not in Jammu and Kashmir
7) Kashmiri woman can loose Kashmiri Citizenship if marry to Indian Citizen
8) While Pakistani Citizen Marry to Kashmiri woman than he can get  Kashmiri Citizenship.
 9) Indian cannot buy or own land in Kashmir
                                                       In Short  Sheikh Abdullah was successful in creating the State within state' with help of his friend Nehru.
                                                       The above Special provisions have become the  great obstruction in  complete  integration of Jammu/ Kashmir with India.  Hence  the root cause of Kashmir issue is the mishandling of whole issue at initial stages. India is still paying very heavily in terms of Money, Men and Energy for those Omissions in the matter.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Narendra Modi- Second Term as PM
                                                                   Narendra Modi received a Mandate for the second term as a Prime Minister from the people of India and that too with vast majority.  It has increased the responsibilities of Narendra  Modi and  BJP.
                                                       In the first term  Modi government had concentrated mostly to improve Foreign Relations,  Measures against Corruption, Terrorism, Black Money, and Health Care.   The government had also introduced  several administrative measures including abolishing several old laws which had become irrelevant with the time. Besides that They introduced the system to credit the subsidy, or government  grant/benefits of the  people directly into their respective Bank Accounts. It will stop the misappropriation of the said amounts. In the process Government had encouraged to opened the millions of Bank Accounts of the poor people.  The introduction of GST, and Adhar Card for all Indian Citizen are one of the glaring achievements of the Modi Government.                                                          The opposition parties have  failed to put up concrete plan or to have United Opposition on Program Basis. That is why they failed make good show in the last general election.
                                                       However in the  Second term of  Narendra Modi Government has tremendous task to improve the recessionary  trend in the Indian economy. The GDP has gone down.  The unemployment is on higher side. The production has also gone down, The export is not picking up. The Economical conditions of  Small farmers are deteriorating and thousands of farmers are committing suicide.  The Inflation is also increasing  as Oil/Diesel  prices are going up.  The American/Iran conflict is also one of the reasons for climbing of fuel prices.  All these problems will be required to be handled with proper planing and in effective manner. Narendra Modi has required majority and has no obstruction to handle said issues strongly and successfully. Let us wish him all the best.