Sunday, June 30, 2019

Donald Trump
                                                                                                        Donald Trump is in hurry to fulfill his promises given to American people i.e.Deportation of illegal immigrants, Employment to Americans, and Encouragement to American products. Therefore all his policies to be viewed in that context. His trade war with China is the part of that package. He has been successful up to large extent in strengthening the American economy and damaging the Chinese trade. The Chinese GDP has gone down. He is also attacking trade of other countries who are supposed to be taking advantage of America including India. The restriction on H B-1 visa and abolition of H-4 visa are the part of those policies. He has also blacklisted many leading Chinese companies in order to encourage American companies. These all actions are supposed to be the part of his election promises. It is also indirect strategy to win second term. Donald Trump aggressive policies towards Iran is to so show American people that he is a strong president and can handle any defiant country effectively. One must recollect that Former American President George Bush attack on Iraq was one of his strategies to win the second term. It is the same strategy being followed by Trump against the defiant Iran to win his second term. He is trying to solve so many issues with one action. It is also to be noted that Iran is a great danger to Israel and is only country in middle East which is challenging the American super power. The American policy towards Iran to be viewed in that context. Lets see how much Trump will be successful in his plan to win his second term.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Healthcare- In Simple Way
                                                                                                                                     One cannot have a good health by having only  required medicines and regular exercises. There are other factors also in life in  which are also important.
                                                                                    It is said that root cause of all deceases are the mental disturbances or living very indiscipline life. Some people torture their body by living irregular life which in long affects their health.
                                                                                     However the sleep, emotion and self discipline are the three factors which are counted for having good and healthy life. Some people sleeps for more than six hours at night but whole day they feel tired, fatigue and feel sleepy. This is because their sleep is being disturbed during the night. Hence it is necessary to  have quality  sleep to improve Health.
                                                                                     Besides one must have control over emotions. One can control emotions by having positive approach towards problems of life. The negative approach creates adverse type of emotions which adversely affects life. The stress in life can be  reduced by controlling emotions.
                                                                                     The another factor for unhealthy life is overeating. It is said that mostly people dies because of overeating  and not out of starvation. Therefore for healthy life quality sleep, control over emotions and disciplined life is very much necessary.