Wednesday, February 13, 2019

The Nature Is Beautiful Everywhere
                                                                  God has given the same gift of beautiful nature every where in the world. One requires eyes only to appreciate it.
                                                                     Some people in India dreams to enjoy the Swiss Alps beauty in their life time. They want to have even their honeymoon in Switzerland as if one do not find any natural beauty in India. It may be that they find every thing superior  than Indian including Nature. One throw their eyes on natural beauty of Switzerland then they should not forget that they have  Himalayan natural beauty before them. There is no intention to degrade the Swiss natural beauty any way but only to describe and to point out the Himalayan natural beauty.

                                                                  One can describe the natural beauty of Himalaya as follows
Himalayan Beauty-
Icy peaks of Mountain Every Where
Like Diamond  Neckless is wearied by Nature
It is also known as  God Places
Where Great Temples  are their since  years.
Himalayan Beauty-
Look just below is  a green valley
Where water is flowing through mountains therein
Why saints have been in search of truth in those places
As colorful valleys of flowers and rivers inspires them
Himalayan Beauty-
One moves all over the world
 In search of Beautiful Nature
But if one Miss the Himalayan beauty
It is a great loss to said Nature lover
Himalayan Beauty-
Bharat Desai

                                                                    However  Nature is Beautiful in Ice Covered Alps in Switzerland, Europe.  But One has to search Natural Beauty through Rural mountainous region thereon. It can be described in following manners.
Alps Natural Beauty-
The Ice Peaked Mountains are standing in row
 Like diamond Crown  being wearied by  king
The Small village stands in the valley
With several cattle moves in pasture around
Alps Natural Beauty -
The fall of Sun rays on those mountains peaks
The Nature reflects in  Golden Color
The spontaneous words comes out from within
If there is Heaven 'It is here It is here'.
Alps Natural Beauty-
Bharat Desai.

                                 This is only to show that nature is beautiful Everywhere.
 ( It is my Experiences while Touring Chardham, Himalaya, India and Switzerland, Europe)

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Health Care- In Aryuvedic Style
                                                                                In Ayurvedic science some of the food  grains and Herbal medicines are given very much importance.  One spoon Methi ( Baked Powder along with water) or Termic Powder( Along with Water or Milk ) in the early morning or One Glass Neem Juice are very Healthy for the Human Bodies. It gives very good relief in advance age to reduces Pain and Infection/Inflation in the body. Ajama seed can also give relief against the Gas problems. These are all House used Aruvedic Medicines which are very useful for immediate use. Similarly even Sprouted/Cooked Mung grain is also used for the sick people as it is very light and Nutritious.

                                                                                The Aryuvedic treatments were considered to be based on a old faith has now being endorsed by the Scientific Research. One of the example is Mung Grain. It is also used in Aryuvadic treatments for a sick person. The science have now found that Mung contains following nutritious substance which are very much good  for Human Body.

                                                                                 It contains following Vitamins which are vary rich in nutritious  point of view.
Vitamins                          Row and Sprouted Mung                Cooked one and Unsprouted
  Vitamin-K         -                            41%                      -               3%
      "       -C         -                            15%                      -                2%
 Falate                 -                            15%                      -                40%
 Calaries              -                            30                         -                105
Manganese          -                            9%                        -                15%
Copper                -                            8%                         -                8%
Protien                -                            6%                         -                14%
iron                     -                            5%                        -                 8%
megnesium         -                            5%                        -                 12%
fiber                    -                            7%                        -                 30%
                                                                                   All this shows that Aryuvedic is a forgotten Science which is required to be revived.


Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Narendra Modi and  2019 General Election
                                                                                The forthcoming Indian general election is going to be fought with the sole goal to defeat Narendra Modi.  All opposition parties and Regional parties are forming the front against  BJP with the main objective to defeat Narendra Modi.  some of the past allies of BJP  have also joined the opposition front.
                                                                                   The Anti Corruption and Anti Black Money campaigns of Narendra Modi has become bonding force for all opposition leaders. Narendra Modi has cornered Rahul Gandhi,Sonia Gandhi, Lalu Yadav, Mayawati, Akhilesh Yadav, Mamata Benerjee, and Chidambarum on one or other issues.

                                                                               There are positive factors in the fevour of Narendra Modi government i.e. the IMF have reported that GDP of India will  touch to 7.5 to 7.6 in the year 2019 to 2020. The Foreign Investment has also increased. Besides that Modi government has successfully introduced Health Scheme which includes the 10 Crore poor families and covers 50 crores down trodden people of India. Narendra Modi has been successful  for giving 10% reservation to the economically weak people from forward communities which also includes minorities. It may also help 'BJP' to catch votes. it is also to be noted that BJP is a cedar based party  which is the additional advantage to it.

                                                                            However there are negative points against BJP which  may damage the party's prospect in forthcoming general election.  The anti incumbency factor  may go against party as they are recently defeated in the state elections of Madya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Chhattisghar. Besides that Modi's 'Achhe Din Aayege'  promise to voters is yet to be fulfilled.  There are no figures available regarding employment and it is reported that 10000 applications are being received for one government job. It is also reported that  30% to 35% crop only receiving minimum support price. hence farmers are not not happy with the government. The NPA of Nationalized Banks have reached to 10% which is very alarming. This shows that Nationalized Banks are not doing well and it adversely reflects on Indian economy. The fiscal deficit has also reached to 7%. Besides that BJP is accused of spreading extreme form of ' Hidutve' which can divide the communities. These are few factors which may go against ' Bhartiya Janata Party.'
                                                                           In view of above Bhartiya Janata Party may loose some seats and it will become difficult for the party to secure absolute majority. Hence there is a possibility of  Indian coalition government after election.