Monday, January 14, 2019

Two Great Democracies Of The World
                                                                        America and India  are  the greatest democracies of the world.   America have more Matured,  Conscious and Enlightened Democracy while  India can claim one of the biggest democracies of the World. India has to go long way to establish the ideal Democratic System
                                                                        There are many differences in the functioning of the both democracies. American voters are well educated, Conscious and follow the System. While Indian democracy is still based mostly on Cast, Language and Religion.
                                                                         Donald Trump was elected as a President of America against the Popular Votes.  That means his rival Hillary Clinton got more popular votes than Donald Trump. Donald Trump was mainly elected on his programs of ' Buy American Goods Manufactured  in America, and to further tightening of the Immigration laws. He believes that illegal immigrants are committing more crimes in America and they also become burden to American welfare. He also promised to create job for Americans by stopping cheap lebour coming from abroad. Therefore some of the white states voted for him through electorate votes. In short he got more electorate votes than Hillary Clinton. Besides that Donald Trump  became President of  America against the will of large number of voters and against the will of his own party leaders.  But he has been trying to remain loyal to his voters and trying to implement his election promises. There was a long shut down in America  as American Congress  refused to sanction the budget for building wall across Mexican Border. Donald Trump wants to stop illegal immigrants entering  from Mexico Border. However in all these it reflects the  balance  and check system of American Constitution.
                                                                     While Indian Democratic elections mostly depends on  Cast, Religion, and Regional Aspirations. Therefore lots of Regional Parties are flourished. Therefore there are very few parties ( i.e. Like BJP, CONGRESS)   at  National Level.  Hence there is not much choice for the voters in the system. Besides that major part of voters are uneducated, poor or not conscious. They get attracted by  Money, Wine Religion and Cast considerations.  It appears that Indian political parties are more interested in grabbing power.  Hence they join  to-gather in order to  grab power without much common program. In the process the National Interest become less Important. However all those drawbacks of Indian Democratic Systems will take some time to become National Interest Oriented System. The democratic system requires lots of patience of the people in order to become effective. There are some positive sign of improvement regarding the same.
                           That is How American and Indian Democratic Systems differs.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Celebrities Witt
                                                                                        It is not  easy to create humor in sarcastic manner.  However it goes with intelligent and talent.  There is a way to say the truth in a very intelligent way with out deeply hurting concerned people. Some of the celebrities had neck to do so.
                                                                                       There is a welknown incident in which  George Barnard Shaw was asked by one of the well known Actress that '  We both will be very good match for marriage. i.e, Your intelligence and my Beauty.  George Barnard Shaw just smile and replied '  If it happen other way round then.'  Actress was then taken back. Once George Bernard Shaw was watching the film and the actress of the said film was sitting next to him. Suddenly George Barnard Shaw said ' Oh it is Wonderful!' The Actress sitting next to him said 'Thank you very much'. ' It was for the film not for you.'  replied Barnard Shaw.
 Once Richard Nixon
 call 'Pierre Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada 'An Asshole' to which Trudeau replied him  very intelligently ' I have been called worse things by better people'.  In another case Pope John  was asked' How many people work  at the Vatican? '  He replied 'About half''. It was very sarcastic reply which convey very important message between the lines.  Once Dorothy Parker threw some satire at rich people. She said if you want to know what God think of money, just look at the people he gave it to.'

                                                                                       Once Rotten Cabbage were thrown at Oscar Wilde. He thanked them and added 'Every time I will smell it, I will be reminded of you.' Mahatma Gandhi was once pointed out the dubious characters  of  some of his ashram members. He calmly replied that what can I say about them because I have lots of drawbacks. It reflects his humble approach toward the human weaknesses.

                                                                                       It show that why some people are celebrities because they are not only talented but they are even intelligent and smart.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

What Is Management
                                                                                   The true managers are those who can get it done the assigned work from their subordinates. It is very unfortunate that some of the managers are doing the work of their subordinates who can not cope of the work assigned to them. Sometime managers are  completing the work of their subordinate in order to develop personal relationship with them or to avoid the embracing situation before their higher ups. However this amounts to the failure on their part to take required work from their subordinates.The doing of  others work should be treated as failure of managers in the organization.
                                                 Management always give some goal in the organization which is to be followed accurately with clear directions. The Team Work is also required for achieving the organizational goal.  It is also necessary of proper and specific dedication of duties at management level.  Besides that manger has to show the subordinates that he doing his job as assigned. It will be a role model for the other employees.
                                                  Besides that each and every employees are supposed to be evaluated as per their quality and weakness. Thereafter  they may be assigned suitable job in the organization. The transparency in the management leadership  will further encourage the employees to do their duties successfully. The direction in the work should be also consistent and not wavering.
                                                 There are finer things in the management which always boost up the spirit of workers.  The management  must publicly recognize the achievement made by employees. But failures should be discussed privately with them. These steps are necessary to encourage good work  and to give another chance to failure.
                                                 The subordinate's opinion/ suggestion has to be given due respect and to be accepted if they can be implemented. People will come out in their true self if management arrange casual lunch conversation and outing with them. It is also necessary to listen people who differs with you at management level. Thus it will make the successful management.