Sunday, November 18, 2018

The Empowerment of Women
                                                            The 'Empowerment of Women' is a very popular slogans now days. It is a slogan created by the men dominated society.  Women  were always strong since the inception civilization in this world. However they were  exploited for one or other way. Women emotional qualities have become their greatest weakness. They are mostly exploited on the Name of Family, Society, and Culture. Besides that women had been their own enemies because some section of men have  always encourage their natural instincts of  rivalries. Some people in the society are talking about equality of men and women but privately their thinking and behaviors are different.
                                                           Women has  natural qualities like Softness, Sincerity, Flexibility, Patience and Loyalty  which makes them  powerful. There  were several women in public and Social life who contributed very much for the family, Society and Country. It is rightly said that 'There is a woman behind every successful man'.  Who empowered those Women?   Women are still contributing in Society. It is their own inherent power which they are exercising.
                                                            Besides that men are compelled now to recognize the power of  women as they have become powerful force in Democratic system. The voting powers of women  are now counted and has become valuable.   Women opinions  can now change the face of the Society and the Country.

                                                            In short it is women themselves have to look after their rights in the Society. Some time they are suppressed as they are poor and uneducated.  They are also exploited in sophisticated manners in the advanced Society.  Some section of men divide them for their own interest.  Women has to be careful  with the hypocritical behavior of the Men.
                                                             However it is to be noted that Society is sustained on the sacrifices and certain qualities of women. Therefore finer things of women qualities have to be preserved in order to make this world worthy of living. Those qualities should not be lost in the process of women becoming equal to men.
Woman has---
Woman has to Maintain Character
Along with her Softness and Sweetness.
Her simplicity and purity of  soul
Should not to be compromised in her struggle for equality
Woman has---
Service mind and Tolerance are her great Assets
Adhering to  Truth and Dharma must be her goal
If Love and Affection are Maintained
Then her Beauty and Loyalty can makes a perfect Woman
Woman has---
Bharat Desai.


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