Sunday, June 17, 2018

Fruits and Health Care
                                                                        Fruits are good for the health but there are different opinions on ' When to Eat'. Some Expert suggest to take Fruits after Meal while some suggest to take along with Meal. However it appears that Opinions differ only on How fast it can be digested and how much it is beneficial to the health of persons who consume them.

                                                                                                                       It is very much necessary to know the contents in the various Fruits. Some of the fruits contain  Sugar and Carbohydrates  on higher sides which can adversely affects the health of a person who consumes it. Following is a list of Fruits with various Contains therein. It will also will give ideas which fruits are good or bad for them as per their Physical Conditions.i. e.  As for example a Diabetic Person should not eat the fruits which contain more Sugar.

                                  Following is a list of Fruits and contains therein.

 Name of the Fruit -                Grams Sugar -  Grams Carbohydrate -  Serving                                 

1)  Olive                                     -0-                        0 .5                   1 Jumbo
2)  Lime                                      1.1                         7                     1 Whole
3)  Lemon                                 1.4                           5                         "    "
4)  Apricot                                 3.2                          3.9                      "    "
5)  Cranberries                           4                           12                        1 Cup
6)  kiwi                                       6                           10                        1 Whole
7)  Raspberries                           5                           15                        1 Cup
8)  Plum                                     7                             8                        1  Whole
9)  Strawberries                         7                            11                        1  Cup
10) Blackberries                         7                            14                       1  Cup
11) Grape Fruits                          8                           13                       1   Half
12) Orange                                  9                           11                        1  Small
13) Pear                                      9                            13                       1  Half
14) Coconut                                5                            12                       1  Shredded
15)  Avocado                              1.3                          17                      1 Average

                                                             This is only to show that how much sugar and carbohydrates contains in different fruits in order to take care while eating.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

 The  Industrial House of Tata
                                                               Jamsetji N Tata  started his first steel project in Jamsedpur in the year 1868. Hence it has a long history of  about 150 years. ' Tajmahal Hotel at Mumbai was its very prestigious project during British Colonial Rule.  However Tata has always  maintained very high Ethics throughout in their business and industrial dealings.  They have business all over world covering about 100 countries. Tata is the biggest employer with 60000+ employees in Europe. they have done lots of philanthropic work for Indian communities including for their own Parsee community. you will hardly find any Parsee suffering for wants of housing, education and due to wants of money. The Tata Institute of Social Science, The Tata Memorial Center For  Cancer Research and Treatment, and the Tata Institute O f Fundamental  Research Center, Mumbai are the glaring examples for their contribution in the development of India.

                                                               Tata have many Hotels Abroad i.e, at Capetown, Dubai,London, Boston etc. They have business interests  in Brazil, Canada, South Africa, Jemica, Mozambique, Russia, UK, Poland, Australia, Newzeland, Saudi Arabia, USA, Bahrain, Singapore, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and China etc  They are dealings in High Tech, Tea, Coffee, Automobiles, Trucks, Chemicals, Steel, Coal Mines, Jewelry, Health Care, Network, Wind Farm, Metal, Rolling Mills. They are also in Constructions of International Airports and in  Building of Power Projects.
                                                               These are the Major Companies Under  which 'Tata' is having its business dealings i.e. Tata Steel, Tata Power, Titan, Tata Motors, Tata Chemicals, Tata Global, Voltas, Tata investments, Tata Elxi, Indian Hotels and Tanishq.

                                                          Ratan Tata, Chairman  of Tata Group Companies believes that One must act in life as a ' Human'. He says there is a lot of difference between  'Human Being' and being a 'Human' He added 'A Few Understand it' This show How in Humble and Noble spirit  such big Industrial Empire being Run. This is a key of success.


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw
                                                                        Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw was a first Indian Military General who was made Field Marshal in the Indian Army. He was Indian General who was responsible for defeating Pakistan  in East Pakistan which ultimately separated from Pakistan and became Bangladesh a Sovereign State. He made  humorous and very  sarcastic  remarks( i.e. After 1971 War) about Then Pakistani Military Ruler Yahyakhan  that " Once  He took my   Motor Cycle but did not pay Rupees One Thousand for it but now has to pay for it with Half of his Country". He was referring to the incidence happened when they were working to gather in the Indian Army under British Rule.

                                                                       Indira Gandhi then Prime Minister of India once asked then Commander Chief of Indian Army General Sam  Manekshaw 'what you are up to? 'The said question was asked by  PM because of some reports that Army is up to take over the Country. Manekshow replied very politely that " You do your Job and  am doing  mine"

                                                                     He was very confident Army General quote ' Gentlemen I have arrived and there will be no withdrawal without  written orders and those orders shall  never be issued'  He had great respect for the bravery of Gurkha soldiers. He said once ' If any one tells He is never Afraid, He is Liar or He is Gurkha.'

                                                                     He was coming from Parsi Community who landed at Gujarat. The Field Marshal had Ancestral  House in the 'Valsad' Town situated in the South Gujarat. Former Prime Minister Morarji Desai was also coming from the same Town.  Hence they were friendly.  Sam once asked Morarjibhai  to give permission for extra Pint of Alcohol for soldiers at high altitudes of Himalaya.  Morarjibhai replied him in light manner that too using respectable Gujarati word used for Addressing Parsi ' Bawaji why do not you ask them to give up Alcohol It is Bad.'

                                                                  He was very Calculative, Daring and Fearless General. He refused to attack East Pakistan when situation and weather were adverse but defeated Pakistan at right time with least casualties to Indian Army.