Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Few Experiences of life
                                                                           Some of the experiences of life is common and how Poet looks at it. He describes it in his own ways  which are very interesting.
'With the passing time one understand,
That the views of  Parents rightly stands.'
                                     But when one understand then Parents are no more.
'One see the change of colors in  day to day life,
As with Age the way of living life goes on changes.'
                                     However one does not observe those changes at all.
'Some people walk like Lion out of Arrogance,
 But time comes when are unable to move without others help.'
                                     People forget all realities in the Arrogance of Youth.
'Do not be proud of  Good Time,
Bad Time can Demolish any Mighty one.'
                                     People always lives in present without thinking about future.

'Why one has be to be so  Proud,
Whole life one live on Earth and after death within Earth.'
                                    It is said Body is made of Dust , One live on Earth (i.e. Made of Dust) and On Death Emerges in Dust.
'Loneliness can be  Boring But to remain alone is Relieving
Like Fire gets you Burn but Campfire Makes One Warm.'
                                   It is said the thing Unwanted are Painful but Wanted one can become pleasant even though uncomfortable.
'One Can Possess Ego For Knowledge
While One Have No knowledge of Ego.'
                                  In short Ego is bad for everything that is the absolute Truth.


Friday, May 18, 2018

                                                                                  Some people are mixing up the spirituality with the religion in the sense that one person is religious than he is bound to be spiritual. It is a total misunderstood and misleading concept about spirituality. i.e. One may be Spiritual but may not be Religious.
                                                                                   There are many Religions in the world but Spirituality is One and persons who are  awake supposed to follow the spirituality. It is to be noted that person belongs to any Religion can be Spiritualed. Spiritual people stands for Trust and Faith. Besides that Spiritual people always lives on their own inner conscious. They do not search God but they live with God. Spirituals lives in Glory and Paradise of the world and do not search Heaven after death. They live in present and  knows about the existence of Eternal Life in this World. The spirituality leads one to God in this Life only that too before Death. In short it liberates once Soul in life time only.

                                                                                    Hence we cannot compare Spirituality with Religion because Religions some time  Creates  Dogmatic Rules,  Fear, Hatred and Speaks about Sin and Guilt.  Besides that some of the religions creates rift Among People and it becomes unquestionable in the nature. Religion is Human but Spirituality is Divine.

                                                                                    In view of above  Religion and Spirituality has not much common.  Therefore they should not be Mixed up any way.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Mothers Day
                                                                                    The Second Sunday of May is celebrated as Mothers Day in America. This is to show the  important roles which Mothers are playing in building up of families and Society. It is a Universal Truth.
                                                                    Mothers are the symbols of sacrifices for their Children and Family. It is said that you will not find any human being who does not love to his or her Mother. Besides that every successful person and including Great Men have accepted the important roles played by their Mothers in molding their lives. It is also observed that several Celebrities have dedicated their Public Awards to their Mothers recognizing their Positive roles in their lives.

                                                                    Abraham Lincoln left his important presidential election campaign for visiting his ailing Mother. Mahatma Gandhi accepted the role of his mother Putilibai in building up his character. The great Chines revolutionary leader Mao Zedong learn how to buildup  quality leadership  from his Mother. Jesus Christ loved his mother Merry very much. Gautama Buddha touched the feet of his sleeping Mother (i.e. Giving due respect to Mother) when left his house in the search of Truth. Lord Krishna when met his mother Yashoda after long time he slept on her lap with rolling tears in his eyes.  This is to show that Mothers are the fountains of love and character builders. It is also said behind every successful men mothers sacrifices and efforts are there.
                                                                  What is the strength of Mother?  Mothers is the source of Peace. One can find God in the qualities of Mother. The Heart of mother bleeds  whenever her child gets hurt.  One Author wrote that '  He was searching all corner of his house ( i.e. After death of his Mother) where she had hidden the all sufferings and Pain thereon.

                                                                   What is role of mother in building up once character ? I give here one of the instances of  my personal life.  I was very much  afraid of going to school alone in my childhood. That was due  to hearing the stories about the kidnapping of children by Anti Social Element. She compelled me to go school alone in spite of that I was crying and making big show out of fear.  However she was to be the first person to move her hands on my face with love and affection on my return. Once she whispered in my ear 'I am sorry my child. I have to do it in your best interest.'  But thereafter I gradually became 'Fearless'.  It seems she could not tolerate my coward attitude then.

                                                                   This is only to show how mothers are the pillars of building up character among their children. Therefore relationship of Mother and children remains same through out regardless of their age.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Simple Health Care
                                                                            One can maintain good health by simply observing certain regular habits in daily life.  The certain health problem  in life  can be avoided by adopting certain way of life.
                                                                           The input of food and water is very important  in once life. The light and regular physical exercises are also essential in life. It is said that 'People do not die because of not eating but they do meet bad fate by over eating'.  Therefore it is believed that first happiness of life comes from Good Health. Besides that life is a struggle and one can face any problem in life if health is good.  It is not difficult to maintain good  health if simple Habits and Practices are adopted in life.

1) Every morning one should drink two to three glass of warm water with empty stomach. The water should be drank slowly and that too sitting
2)Always eat food  by chewing for long time.
3)One can take heavy Breakfast in the Morning.
4) However  Lunch should be  not be heavy. One may drink Juice or Buttermilk along with Lunch.
5)The Dinner should be light. One may take Milk along with it.
6)One must avoid drinking cold water.
7)One may drink water about 40 Minutes prior of taking food.
8)One may walk for 15 minutes after Dinner.
9)One should make practice to walk for atleast 30 minutes per day
10)Always make habit to eat food within about forty minutes of its preparation.

                                                                          These types of Habits and Practices can keep one Healthy.