Tuesday, April 17, 2018

America and India- The Oldest and The Biggest Democracy
                                                                  America and India are the Democratic Countries but they are having similar race and cast problems. There may be difference and variation in the gravity of issues but they are severe in Nature.
                                                                 America is Super power today and its major population is consist of Whites, Asian, Hispanic, and  Blacks.  Each races has its own issues which can seen as reported  under-
a)The Child poverty rate of  Blacks and Hispanics are more than Double the rate of Whites and Asians.
b) Whites and Asians  complete their school graduations in large numbers than Hispanics and Blacks.  Hence Hispanic and Black  numbers are less in College Education.
c) In the case of life expectancy  Blacks have lower  age i.e. About 75 Years than Whites, Asians,Hispanics. ( The life  expectancy of Whites, Asians and Hispanics are about  90, 79 and 82 Year Receptively.
d) The Unemployment among  Blacks and Hispanics are more i.e. 8% and 6% Receptively.
e) In case of Health Care the absence of Health Insurance are on higher side among  Hispanics and  Blacks.

                                                                   It can be seen from above that Asians are near to reach the Standard of Living  similar to Whites in America While Blacks and Hispanics are quite below.  Besides that the gap between  Black/Hispanic and whites/Asian is increasing. It may lead to social conflict among them.
                                                                  Similar manner Indian Democracy has problems regarding Economically and Socially Backward people who are the 30% population of India. Those people have been given Reservation (i.e. In Education, Jobs and out of way Promotions  in Services) since Independence. Besides that there are people among Sikh, Muslim, Christian and Buddhist who are Economically Backward. The dissatisfaction among them are also rising.
                                                                         India is a vast Country with Several Languages and Religions. There are 74.33% Hindus, 14.20 % Muslims, 5.84% Christians, 1.86 % Sikhs and.82% Buddhists.  The different Languages, Casts, and Religions have created complecated problems to deal with. The over population of the India is absorbing the all development benefits. Besides that Castism is being used as a Vote Banks and Reservation has become political problems. There is a demand for having a reservation system for economically backward people and not based on Cast. These all issues are being politicized and it is coming in the way of development.

                                                                 It can be seen from above that America and India are facing the similar types of issues. i.e. In the both countries the Gap between Poor and Rich is Increasing. America is facing Racial and Unemployment  problems while India  is also facing cast conflicts and unemployment on large scale.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

China and India
                                                                                China and India are in race for taking leadership in Asia. Besides that it is a competition between two systems i.e. Dictatorial and Democratic. However it is observed that China has progressed very well and has become Economic and Military power in the World.  India has also progressed Economically and Military but its growth is Slow. The over population is one of the major problems which both countries are facing but China has been able to control the population up to large extent due to their authoritarian  system while India is still suffering from over  population problem and its progress is being  up to large extent sollowed by increasing population.

                                                                     It will be seen from following figures that how India is behind China. We have to also note  that China is bigger in terms of Area.
                                             CHINA                   INDIA
1) Income Per Head-      $800/- Per Head         $ 400/- Per Head
2) Below  Poverty  Line   3%   Population        40%    Population
3) Export  of China is 400 % more than India.
4) Agriculture Production of China is Doubled than India.
5) China is having 100 %  Literacy Rate While India is having  50 to 60% Literacy Rate.
6) China is having 24 Crores Telephone Lines while India is having 2.7 Crores Telephone Lines.
7) China is receiving 65% of  their NRI funds while India is receiving 10% of their NRI funds.
8) China is having  40 crores of TV Sets while India is having 7.5 crores TV Sets
9) China is having production of Cement 65 Tons Per Year while India is having Cement production of 9.5 Tons Per Year.
10) China produce  16 Crore Tons  petroleum products per year while India produce  3 Crore Tons
 per year.
11) The Increase of Population in China is One Crore Per Year while in India the increase is Double.
12) China is having about 22 Lakhs Military Forces while India is having  about 7 to 8 Lakhs Military Forces. However China is having well Armed  equipped Military forces than India.
                                                               This is only to show that how China has strengthen its Economical and Military Strength in order to become World power.  The more is required to be done by India in this direction.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Sleep Disruption
                                                                                                  Many people in the world are suffering  due to  wants of  sleep i.e. Insomnia. Besides that sleep has direct link with Healthy life.
                                Following are the reasons for lack of sleep or disturbed sleep. 
1) The Stress and Strain in life can directly effects the One's Sleep
2)  The  Habits of seeing the 'TV 'and to  Siting  on Computer up to Late night.
3)  The Drinks which contains Coffins  also adversely effects the sleep in many cases.
4)  The Emotional problems also disturbed one's Sleep. 
5)  The physical conditions of person also adversely affects the sleep i.e. For example Frequent Urination at Night.
                               However some time even Weather also effects the sleep i.e. For Examples
1) The Shorter Day  can affects Sleep i.e. Lack of Day Light and the absence of Vitamin C.
2) The Wet and Humid Air makes sleep Harder.
3) The Storm disrupt One's sleep
4) The changes of Weather is Painful and it can disrupt sleep.
5) The certain Seasons which brings Allergies and Illness can disrupt Once's sleep.

                               There are few Measures which can improve one's sleeping Conditions.The regular exercises including of Yoga can reduce the Stress and Strain. It can also improve ones's sleeping Conditions,  The less Input of Water after 8 pm can reduce frequency of Urination at night.  The practicing of deep breathing at bed time can get better Sleep. Hard and Laborious Jobs makes One tired and can lead to Sound sleep. It is said that 'Good sleep also leads to Healthy life and
Healthy life is the Key of all Happiness.