Monday, March 12, 2018

                                                                                The Heavy Industrialization and competitive Economic conditions are the breeding grounds of depressions. Some time people suffering from  depressions does not  know what they are going through.   However it is dangerous decease which can lead to  suicide or death if suitable treatments are not given in time . The depression is a serious mood disorder which brings loss of Interest, Appetite, and Concentration. It is reported that 350 million people world wide are suffering from this deadly decease. It is also not a new decease for this world but it comes through  thousands of years.

                                                                                There are glaring references of this decease in the history of thousands of years. i.e. One of the instances when Arjun refused to fight war against his own Family, Relatives, and Associates.

                                                                                 The depression of Arjun  was then described in the following Poems-
Arjun was shivering  with fear
And all his muscles had become stiff
His Mouth was totally dry
Which reflected  his depressed state of mind
His Weapons were slipping from his hands
Along with his skin was burning like  fire
He was  unable to stand straight
As was loosing control over his body
He was very unhappy and making efforts to stand
That too no solution to overcome said situation
                                                                            There are Medicines in the modern medical science for depression which are prescribed  by doctors. But it may not be the permanent solution. It is a mental  and psychological decease which has to be treated on spiritual and self development Basis. The victim has to change his way of life as well as looking at the things. Following are few suggestions given in our scriptures to permanently coming out of Depression.
1) Daily spare some time for prayer
2) Do not concentrate to much on one thing
3) Manage to keep some patience
4) Daily spare some fix time for walking
5)Try to make your self simple
6) Live life with strategy
7) Try to understand others
8) Dedicate some work to others
9) Forgive others
10) Live life with positive Approach
11) To read good books
12) To learn how to say 'No' -If Necessary.

                                            These are few general tips to come out of Depression.


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

America Before Century
                                                                               India and all other Asian colonized Countries were mostly liberated after  1947. They were all mostly colonized by European Countries like England,France, Portugal and Dutch etc.  They have hardly seven decades history of Independence. They are all  still developing countries while America which won freedom from England  has become super power in their independence History of 242  Years. However it is very interesting to know the America and its Economy One Century Ago.

                                                    It is reported as follows regarding  the  American Economic positions before 100 years.
1) The average life expectancy for men were only 47 years.
2) The car fuel was sold  at Drug Stores.
3) The Bath Tub facilities were available only at 14% houses
4) The Telephones were available only to 8% House Holds
5) The average wages for hour were 22 Cents
6) The average wages of american Workers were $200/- to $400/- per year
7) following were the Average Wages for the professionals
    a)Accountant $2000/- per year
    b)Dentist        $2500/- per year
    c)Veterinarian $1500 to 2000/- per year
    d)Mechanical Engineers $5000/- per year
 8) The 90% Doctors had no college education.
 9) America had only 45 States in the Union and American flag had 45 Stars Accordingly.
10) Only 6% population was graduated from school.
11) Two out of Ten Adults could not read and write.
12) The following commodities were sold-
    a) Suger 4 cents pound
    b) Eggs 14 cents dozens
     c) Coffee 14 cents pound

                                                 It can be seen how much American  Economy was Low and have now become bubbling within 100 years.  This was possible because of Creative Vision,  Hard and Sincere Work of Americans.  America is a role model for all developing countries.  However they must also follow the American Mantra i.e. ' The  Sincere and Hard work along with Creative vision leads to Success' 

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Cashless Economy - India
                                                          The Indian government under the Leadership of Narendra Modi is trying hard to introduce Cashless Economy in India but it is against the nature of Indian people. They are accustomed to deal with cash in various economic activities for the reasons best known to them. It is reported that the same amount of cash has return to the Indian economy in spite of that Indian government  introduced demonetization.  It is better to examine  the reasons for cash dealings in the Indian economy.
                                               It is reported that hardly 3 to 4% people in India pays Income Tax. Some of the people are not paying taxes by running their major business transaction in cash. It is a known fact that India is having  the fastest growing  economy  which generates  lots of new wealth.   It appears that newly generated wealth is mostly going out of tax net and it is floating  in form of number two Economy.  It gets accumulated in the Hands of Business, Traders and Industrial communities.
                                              In short the full advantage of economic development is not reaching to needy people but it is cornered by wasted interest.  The question arise where those black money is going ? It is being mostly invested in Real Estate, Diamond, Gold, Jewelry and being spent on luxurious living.  It can be seen that people have good buying power but Tax collection is not increasing.  Besides that it has increased the Gap between Poor and Rich.
                                              One of the reasons for opposing the 'GST' is that it will cover large number of traders who are not covered under Tax Net. There may be also some procedural problems regarding GST and also of High Tax being imposed on certain items. The said problems are required to be solved by the government
                                               It can be seen that India is facing very complex problems in introducing cashless economy. The people are to be trained and educated for cashless system. Besides that it requires  Nationalism, Honesty and Sincerity for success of the said system.
                                               One can see that how much advantage India gained by introducing High Tech  Adhara Cards. One Million fake Ration Cards disappeared. 195000 Fake  children list of scholarship was detected from Madrassa. 40000  fake NGO were closed.  300000 fake companies were closed. Besides that 30 Million fake LPG connections have ended. In the similar way high tech Cashless System can bring more people in to Tax Net, and the development advantage of economy can reach to the poor people of country. However it is very difficult to introduce Cashless System without  cooperation of the people.