Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Russia and Ukraine
                                                                                                   Russia and Ukraine conflicts are centuries old story. Ukraine use to become independent whenever Russia was weak and Russia recaptured it as and when it became strong. In the Ninth Century during Kieveai  Rule Kiev was the capital of Russia which is now the capital of Ukraine.  Ukraine became Independent  in the year 1991 when Soviet Union was disintegrated. It was very painful period for Russia when many other provinces also choose to  became independent.
                                          Russia has once again become world power under the leadership of President Putin. It has started asserting and challenging the world powers.  The intervention of Russia in the Syrian war has given a new life to the dictatorial regime of Assad. Russia is also supporting China and Iran  against the western powers. Besides that Russia is selling high tech military arms to India, China and North Korea etc. The super power America is not happy with those Russian moves. America is asking all his allies not buy any armaments from Russian. In short Russia tries to take every opportunities to irritate and challenge the America.

                                            Besides that Russia does not like the pro western/american leaning of Ukraine. Russia took the advantage of political disturbances in Ukraine to capture its very important province of  Crimea. America has not taken said Russian action kindly. Russian army has recently captured the three navel vessels of  Ukraine including 24 navy-men thereon. This action was also strongly protested by European Nations and America.
                                              Besides that there are allegations that Russia had also tried to influence election of Ronald Trump during the last American Presidential election. The investigation is still on regarding the same.
                                              In short the Russia has restarted asserting its power in International Arena. It is a sign of  new cold war which is coming up between two super powers.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Jawaherlal Nehru-  Assets and Liabilities
                                                                            Jawaherlal Nehru was a mass leader and very good orator. He had a charming  personality which use to impress every one. He use to give very emotional speech with tears in his eyes which had mass appeal. He was a great democrat  and established strong democracy in India. He had unflinching loyalty to Mahatma Gandhi even-though he deferred with him on the fundamental principles regarding the economic development of India. Nehru was leftist and was very much impressed with the industrial revolution in Europe while Gandhi's views were based on practical economic conditions prevailing in India.  Besides that Jawaherlal Nehru implemented the non aligned foreign policy which was the best then in prevailing international political situation. He was a architect of  panchsheel principles which created  non aligned block of the countries. He also became the undisputed leader of non aligned block of the world.  However  his leadership was smashed by China through 1962 military attack on India. Thereafter Nehru was a disillusioned and broken leader.

                                                                        He violated the Democratic principles at the fag end of his life by making plan to install  his daughter Indira Gandhi as a Prime Minister of India.  In the process he manipulated and removed some of the the senior leaders of the congress party from government. That was the root cause of split in the congress party latter on. In other word he was for dynasty rule in India.

                                                                       Besides that he committed lots of the errors in his political judgments after independence. He was more emotional leader than the acute and deep politician. He trusted China in spite of advance warning given by Sardar Patel. Thereafter India has to face the humiliating defeat during the Chines attack of 1962.
                                                                        He also depended more on his personal friendship with Sheikh Abdulla and antagonized Maharajah of Kashmir.  Maharajah Harisingh refused to sign treaty of accession with India.  He signed the treaty of accession with India under compulsion when Pakistan attacked Kashmir.
                                                                          He trusted Sheikh Abdulla and under his pressure agreed to give special status to Jammu and Kashmir State. Nehru insisted to include Articles 306A and 35A in the constitution of India in spite of strong opposition by  Dr B R Ambedkar. Those articles which gave special status to Jammu and Kashmir State has become headache for India.

                                                                         Besides that Pandit Nehru refused to permit the Indian Army to recapture the  Gilgit/ Balistan areas of Jammu and Kashmir State which were captured by Pakistani invaders. He further escalated the issue in to United Nation. Even Indian people were not properly informed  regarding the special status given to Jammu and Kashmir under Indian Constitution.( i.e. 1) Regarding giving higher number of seats to Kashmir Valley.2) The  State legislature have excessive powers  to make law deciding who are the citizen of the Jammu and Kashmir State. 3) No implementation of Indian penal code in the State)The Article 35A  deals with the important aspect like Employment,Acquisition of Properties, Settlement/ Scholarship etc of Jammu and Kashmir State. In short it has created state within state. Pandit Jawaherlal Nehru also trusted Britishers who always wanted to help Pakistan. In short these are the legacies Nehru has left out of which Indian people are still struggling to come out.5) Thus  the excessive powers are being given to the legislature of  Jammu and Kashmir State.
                                                                     All above are the Assets and Liabilities which are left by the first Prime Minister of India.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Immigration Polices of America
                                                         The American President Donald Trump has taken tough stand on the  immigration policies as there are 10.7 Million people who are illegally living in America.( i.e. As per 2016 figures).  He believes that lots of crimes are being committed by illegal immigrants  and they should be deported at the earliest.
                                                         Besides it is reported that  even the 'HI B Visa' are being misused and they have become the root cause of  unemployment prevailing among American Youth. American companies are paying less salary to the 'H1B Visa' employees in order to make more profits.
                                                         It is also reported that 2400 Indians are in American Jails for illegal entry in the USA.  The majority of them are Punjabi and Gujarati. They are asking for asylum in America on various  flimsy political grounds. Punjabi are telling that they are victim of violence and harassment by the Punjab Government. While  Gujarati are asking  asylum on the ground that they are being harassed by Gujarat Government as they are followers of Hardik Patel. Even Hardik Patel may not be knowing about it. These are being flimsy and wrong reasons.
                                                        It is also observed that some of the people with 10 years multiple VISA  are also misusing the same i.e. They will make two three return trips and then get lost in USA.
                                                         In above context the tough immigration policy of Donald Trump have valid reasons.  There are indications that new immigration policies will be on basis of High Skilled and Merits only.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

The Empowerment of Women
                                                            The 'Empowerment of Women' is a very popular slogans now days. It is a slogan created by the men dominated society.  Women  were always strong since the inception civilization in this world. However they were  exploited for one or other way. Women emotional qualities have become their greatest weakness. They are mostly exploited on the Name of Family, Society, and Culture. Besides that women had been their own enemies because some section of men have  always encourage their natural instincts of  rivalries. Some people in the society are talking about equality of men and women but privately their thinking and behaviors are different.
                                                           Women has  natural qualities like Softness, Sincerity, Flexibility, Patience and Loyalty  which makes them  powerful. There  were several women in public and Social life who contributed very much for the family, Society and Country. It is rightly said that 'There is a woman behind every successful man'.  Who empowered those Women?   Women are still contributing in Society. It is their own inherent power which they are exercising.
                                                            Besides that men are compelled now to recognize the power of  women as they have become powerful force in Democratic system. The voting powers of women  are now counted and has become valuable.   Women opinions  can now change the face of the Society and the Country.

                                                            In short it is women themselves have to look after their rights in the Society. Some time they are suppressed as they are poor and uneducated.  They are also exploited in sophisticated manners in the advanced Society.  Some section of men divide them for their own interest.  Women has to be careful  with the hypocritical behavior of the Men.
                                                             However it is to be noted that Society is sustained on the sacrifices and certain qualities of women. Therefore finer things of women qualities have to be preserved in order to make this world worthy of living. Those qualities should not be lost in the process of women becoming equal to men.
Woman has---
Woman has to Maintain Character
Along with her Softness and Sweetness.
Her simplicity and purity of  soul
Should not to be compromised in her struggle for equality
Woman has---
Service mind and Tolerance are her great Assets
Adhering to  Truth and Dharma must be her goal
If Love and Affection are Maintained
Then her Beauty and Loyalty can makes a perfect Woman
Woman has---
Bharat Desai.


Monday, November 12, 2018

Indian Politics And Nehru Dynasty
                                                                                                Indian politics is always surrounded around Nehru family since independence. It is a politics wherein  so many imminent political leaders Careers were victimized. Even the history is also  twisted accordingly.

                                    Mahatma Gandhi was the first victim of it. Some of the Congress leaders never agreed with the Gandhian philosophy but they avoided to come out directly in conflict with Mahatma Gandhi. Jawaherlal Nehru was one of them. Mahatmas Gandhi was a Giant personality to challenge.  Jawaherlal Nehru had accepted that he never agreed with some of the the Gandhian views on the Indian Economy. Gandhi was very much hard pressed between the stalwarts like Nehru and Sardar.   Sardar was then undisputed leader of Congress Party  while Nehru  was popular among people but had a little support in the party.

                                                                              There were two factors which went against Sardar Patel to become first Prime Minister of India. One of the reasons was that he was Gujarati. The selection of Sardar would have branded Gandhi Pro Gujarati.  The another reason was that Nehru refused to work under Sardar Patel. He would have preferred to leave the party than to serve under Sardar.  Besides that Mahatma Gandhi  knew that Sardar is amenable to him but not Nehru. Hence he selected Nehru as his political heir against the will of the party. He instructed  Sardar Patel not to stand for leadership. It was a great injustice to Sardar.  Sardar then requested Gandhi to let him work in the party. But Gandhi  could not imagine to have the first Indian Government without Sardar Patel. Mahatma Gandhi was well aware of political skill, statesmanship, and Administrative ability of Sardar Patel. He insisted that Sardar has to join the Government. It may be his check and balance move. However in the process Sardar was  another victim of Nehru. It is also said that Subhash Bose was also third victim of Nehru accordingly.  Mahatma Gandhi was never party to the Partition of  Country while Nehru was also for it.  Thereafter it was made out that Mahatma Gandhi  created Pakistan as he was favoring Muslims.
                                                     Sardar Patel died in Mumbai in the year 1950 and Nehru reacted adversely. It is reported that he withdrew the government car allotted to Sardar Patel immediately. He asked  officers of  Union Home Ministry to spend their own money if they desired to attend Sardar's funeral. He also advised Rajendra Prasad, President not to attend the funeral of Sardar Patel. However  he ignored his advise.

                                      It is the same story with Former Prime Minister Morarji Desai. Morarji Desai was Second man in Nehru's Cabinet. He refused to give way to Indira Gandhi in Nehru life time. He was removed under 'Kamraj Plan' thorough manipulations. Morarji Desai has to wait another two decades to become Prime Minister thereafter. He was also one of the victims of  opposing Nehru Dynasty. Morarji Desai was also tall national leader and had occupied all most all constitutional positions except president of India.

                                       Ram Manoher Lohiya had said once that' Nehru is like a 'Banyan Tree' nothing grows under it. It is true as so Many Leaders suffered under Nehru Hierarchy. The present politics of Nehru Dynasty is also  against Narendra Modi(i.e. Who hails from Gujarat.)


Sunday, November 4, 2018

Kailash And Mansarover
                                                                   Kailas is the most sacred place for the Hindu. There are religious and scientific reasons for the same. Hindu believes that that their God Shiva lives on Kailas and from where rivers like Indus, Brahmaputra, Sutlej and Karnali  having starting point. Those rivers makes India rich and prosperous. Besides that the great Hindu culture  developed around those water rich Rivers. Therefore Hindu religion is  indebted to Kailas and Mansarover. It is said that one of the family members of 'Lord Rama a King Bhagirath brought great river ' Ganges' from Himalaya to the plains of India through his great efforts. These things have made Kailas and Mansarover very pious for the Hindus.  In short all water resources of India are flowing from Himalayan region of Tibetan side where Kailas and Mansarover  are situated.
                                                                      The Height of 'Mount  Kailas' is 22028 feets and it has circumference of 48 kilometers. Every Hindu who visit Kailas makes attempt to do' Prikrama' of  that Most Pious Mountain. They believe that after death that is the best place to merge with 'God' and Nature. Even  after winning the war of'' Maharashtra'  Pandav also went to Icy Himalayan Region for their ultimate destination .

                                                                        Mansarover with circumference of 88 kilometers is at  feet of Mount Kailas.  The maximum depth of the Mansarover is  300 feets with  surface area is 320  Square  Kilometers.
                                                                         There are Six Routs to reach Mount Kailas and Mansarover as under-

2)Gangotri( Nilanjghat)
3)Badrinath( Manghat)
4)Jyotimath(North East Direction)
5)Almora( Lipughat)
6)Nepal( Direct Mount  Kailas and Mansarover)
                                                                         It takes  28 days to reach Mount Kailas and Mansarover but pilgrimage has to pass through very difficult Icy Region.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Afghanistan - Ancient Gandhar
                                                           Afghanistan has very friendly relation with India since ancient time. Afghani people are very noble and were friendly with Indian people. Ravindranath Tagore wrote very interesting story 'Kabuliwala' where in he drew a picture loving relationship between  Noble Afghani Pathan and Young Innocent Bengali Girl. The story has became very popular as Afghani Pathans are known for their Clean and Loving Characters.

                                                          However it is very unfortunate that the land of loving and noble people have constantly remained the land of violent civil wars. Besides that even Afghan Rulers have influenced the Indian history and Culture. In the Famous war of Mahabharata Shakuni and Gandhari played very Negative roles. Shakuni, and Gandhari were the Prince and Princess of Gandhar(i.e. Of Afghanistan)  receptively. Shakuni had grievance that Kuruvansh  arranged the marriage of his sister Gandhari with their blind prince Dhutarashtra through manipulations . Therefore in order to take revenge he misguided his nephew Duryodhan which led to the war of Mahabharata. Besides that all the aggression on India came through Afghanistan. Mohamed Gazanvi and Shahbuddin Gori attacked India and they looted and destroyed  Temples and places of cultures. The destruction  of Somnath Temple is one of the glaring example of their destructive activities.  The Afghani Emperor Babar who attacked India and established the  Moghal Dynasty in India. This are the historical facts but the relationship  between Indian and Afghani people were always cordial as today.

                                                        Afghanistan a Country with shape of ' Tree Leaf 'is having a population  of 3.55 Crores. They are miserable since long time.  Some time back  Russia and Britain were fighting war in Afghanistan for occupying the same. Thereafter  there  was a struggle against the occupation of communist Russia  from the  year 1979 to 1989.  The Mujaheddin movement started between 1889 to 1892 under which civil war continued. However in the year 1996 the Taliban established their regime with the help of Pakistan and Western powers.  Asama Bin Laden of Al  Kayada  also joined with Taliban  Government of Afghanistan.

                                                         USA took Military Action against Taliban regime of Afghanistan as they found the hands of 'Al Kayada' and 'Taliban' in the 9/11 destruction of 'World Trade Center, New York. The American Military  removed 'Taliban Regime' and Established Democratic Afghan Government. However ' Taliban' is still active and fighting Gorilla warfare in Afghanistan.  The present violent Civil war in Afghanistan has made  poor Afghani very  miserable.
                                                          It is also fact that no body can conquer the Mountainous and difficult Terrine of Afghanistan completely and forever.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Indian Government Own Banks
                                                                              Indian government own Banks are in very bad shape due to the very high NPA of Rs 8.96 Lakhs Crores.  The excellent banking system of India has now become the most ineffective and faceless. It is public  money which is being taken to ride. Therefore the strong and effective measures are the need of the hours.
                                                                             The main reason for such condition is the Banking recruitment system which is  faulty.  The Private Sectors Bank were use to recruit people on the basis of not only on academic qualification and intelligence but they were  use to scrutinize the background of candidates and his character. This is necessary as person working in the bank has to deal with cash/ money in the day to day transactions.  In short Bankers first requirement is honesty and strong characters. The government now recruiting  bank staff on basis of passing entrance examination without examining the above mentioned quality. That is how Indian banks are in very bad financial conditions.

                                                                      Indian banks are not having only high 'NPA'(i.e. Non Performing Assets) but lots of frauds in the system as reported under-
1)Central Bank of India had frauds of Rs 437 Crores in the year 2014.
2 Bank of Maharashtra had Rs  836 crores frauds in the year 2017
3) Vijaya and Canara Bank had frauds of Rs 290 Crores in the year 2017
4) It is reported that  Nirav Modi and Mehul Chokshi had committed the frauds amounting Rs 14000 Crores with the Punjab National Bank in the year 2018.
5)There were also frauds of about Rs 150 crores in Oriental Bank of Commerce and IDBI Bank in the year 2011.

                                                                     Besides that Government Banks have written off Bank loans of about 3.16 Lakhs Crores and out of which only RS 44000 Crores were recovered. This only show that how grave is the financial conditions of the Government Banks. The immediate strong action is the need of the time and that is to be done before it is late.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Rastriya Swayamsevak Sangh -RSS
                                                               RSS was formed by K B Hedgewar in the year 2025 at Nagpur, Maharashtra.  It is a Hindu Paramilitary volunteer Organization. The main mission of 'RSS' is to unite Hindus. It has about 5.6 million members with 56859 Shakhas  (As per 2016 figures). It has its roots in doing public services for poor and needy.
                                                                RSS Members does not take part in politics unless they are specifically permitted by their organization. That is how it has now become the  parent organization of the Bhartiya Janata Party which is a ruling party of  India. It is to be noted that each and every RSS member goal is to serve and uplift the Society.  Therefore the success of 'BJP' is also attributed to the ground work done by RSS workers.
                                                                RSS  believes in equality of all and do not incriminate anybody on the basis Cast and Clan. Long back Mahatma Gandhi visited then RSS headquarters at Nagpur and asked its Head then ' Do you enroll Backward Class and Untouchables in your Organization?  RSS Head replied him ' You may ask this question directly to our  members'. Thereafter Gandhiji  himself inquired with RSS members and confirmed that people from all Cast and Clan are enrolled therein.  They are all treated equally. He was very much impressed then with with RSS Cader.

                                                                However on the Assassination of the Mahatma Gandhi RSS became very controversial and it was also banned by the government for some time.   RSS has always remained controversial as it was a close Organization. Therefore it is said that' It is very difficult to understand RSS but very easy to misunderstand it'.
                                                                Bala Saheb Deoras, RSS, Head brought Reforms in RSS through  Seva, Sampark , and Publicity. He opened up the organization through Sampark of Swayamsevaks.  I got opportunity to look in to the working of  RSS under their campaign of ' Seva and Sampark'. I met a RSS Grass Root level worker and Stalwart Shri Narayanabhai Bhandari(Nana). He who established 'Vidyarthi Parishad' in Gujarat. i.e. A Youth Wing of RSS.  Narendra Modi Prime Minister and BJP President Amit Shah were also active worker of Vidyarthi Parishad.  I show Nana  working for the upliftment of Middle Class, Tribal People and  Slum Dwellers . This is only to show how RSS people are working for needy and poor people of  India. 
                                                                The present head of the RSS Mohan Bhagwat  went further and gave slogan that ' No Hindu Rashtra without Muslims. ' He also extended hands for the cooperation of Indian Muslims. Mohan Bhagwat further said that ' All Religions are Equal'. He believes that some of the thoughts of RSS are time out and no longer relevant. He agrees with the view of Mahatma Gandhi  in this matter i.e. ' If there is contradiction in his thought then they should go according to the latest one.'

                                                                 The fast changes are being introduced in RSS by  inviting prominent persons from different fields to mold the thinking of RSS workers. The Former President of India,  Pranav Mukerji addressed  the RSS gathering very recently. Even Congress President Rahul Gandhi may be invited to address the RSS gathering. These are the glaring examples of changing mood of RSS and its desire to open its gates for new ideas and views. It will bring the great  changes in the outlook of RSS . i.e. To suit the needs of time.
                                                                Mohan Bhagwat appears to be in mood to follow the view of Former Russian Leader Gorbachev i.e. ' If not me, who? If not now,

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Tribal Athlete From India
                                                                    It is remarkable that Sarita Gaikwad is a Athletic Star from the most Backward and Tribal Area of India. She is 23 years of age and a Daughter of  farm Worker from village of Ahwa, Dang District, Gujarat State. Her parents are uneducated  and poor.  She develop interest in the sports at the age of Ten by watching sports events on TV at the place of her relatives.  Her family could not afford to have TV at her home. However her parents always  encouraged her interest in the  Athletic fields.
                                                                   Sarita was discovered by Sport Authority of Gujarat during one of its Sport Events. Thereafter Gujarat Government started encouraging her by giving financial aid of Rupees Five Thousand. She is now under training for seven hours a day under supervision of her couch Ajimon HS.

                                                                   Sarita had covered 400 Meter Race in One Minutes and now its takes 54 Seconds to finish it. She received 'Silver Medal' at ' The  National Women Athletic Championship of 2016' and 'Bronze Medal' for 400 Meter Race. She also intend to represent India in Olympics One Day. Besides that she is also going to take part in forthcoming 'Asian Athletic Championship'.
                                                                  This Shows how India is getting talents in sports from the most  Backward Areas. Its makes every Indian proud of Sarita Gaikwad's Athletic Talent.
                    It is not easy to achieve such achievement without any financial Means .

Sunday, September 9, 2018

                                                                                          There are several old age diseases but  Alzheimer  is the most deadliest among all. It makes a person not only disabled but also makes one  more or less dead for all practical purpose. What is a use of life without knowledge of it?
                                                    The most powerful man of America President Ronald Reagan suffered from Alzheimer after his retirement.  He could not recognized any body at the advance stage of Alzheimer.  He was use to be taken by his grand son for a walk or for change on Santa Monica Beach, LA,California. This shows how much deadly is the effects of Alzheimer?
                                                    There are 5. 7 Million  people are suffering  from Alzheimer diseases in America.  It is expected to reach the figure of 14 Million  by 2050. In the year 2018 America had spent $277 Billion for giving treatment for Alzheimer. There is no specific Medicine for its treatment except the medicines for its symptoms.

                                                   It is reported that High Blood Pressure affect Dementia because it damages the fragile arteries which deliver the blood to the brain and other organ. It may be one of the reasons which is  leading to Alzheimer. The Meditation, Long Walk,  Maintenance of Weight, Moderate Drinking, Healthy Diets,and Non Smoking may help in preventing Alzheimer. In short one requires to change his life style in order avoid such disease. However the Research also  reported that the Alzheimer may have  roots in  gene of a person. Therefore people with family history of Alzheimer have to be more cautious in this matter.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Democracy and Autocracy
                                                                   In Democracy it is a government of the people by the people and of the people. Democracy also gives Liberty, Accountability, Economic Opportunity. While in Autocracy Government Control Media,  All powers are Centralized, Courts are being Manipulated and Protests are Crushed.
                                                                   Democracy is some time Inefficient because Group Decisions makes it slow. The simpler Systems in democracy increases  Drug crisis, Mass migration, Criminal activities and Terrorism. While Autocracy brings easy Changes, Faster Communication and Problems are solved faster.

                                                                   It was presumed that fall of communist Russia democracy will very much flourished all over world but 39% of the world population is still under authoritarian rule.  Venezuela is a country which is facing hunger, economic hardship and people unrest. The political leadership has manipulated election, and trying to crush the dissidents. This is one of the instances of failure of Autocratic rule. In Gambia  22 years of Dictatorial rule failed and restrictions on media and personal freedom are removed. Tunisia is under Autocracy  since eight years but it is still suffering from  poverty and corruption. This shows that Autocracy cannot be successful with its plus point shown as above. However, countries like Bolivia, Nicaragua, Turkey, Hungary, Poland, Philippines, Russia and China  are drifting towards Autocracy which is the red signal for Democracy.

                                                                   Democracy is successful in USA, India, Columbia, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Armenia, and New Zealand  in spite of some of the drawbacks in the system.  The 60% of world population is under Democratic System. Hence it is not to show which system is better but to show that all systems carries its own Merits and Liabilities. However  Democracy with its own deficiencies preserve and protect the finer things of Human Life i.e. Right of Expression, Human Dignity and Liberty.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

India - 2018
                                                                                           India will celebrate its seventy first independence day on 15 Th August 2018 and  have to analyse  where it stands on  Independence Day.
                                                                                            India is now world sixth largest economy.  The  Income Tax  payers have reached to the figure of 6.84 crores with the  increase of Direct Tax Receipts of 19.5 % a Year on Year.  The present GDP is 6.6% and expected  to reach 7.03% in the year 2018-2019. India's foreign exchange reserve was $422.53 Billion at the end of march 2018. besides that india has become  third largest  start up base with 4750 Technology Starts Up. In view of above it can be seen that India has made considerable Economic Progress
                                                                                           However it is reported that Rupee has gone down up to Rs 70=32 against One Dollar on 14 Th August 2018.  The 10 GM Gold which was costing about Rs 88.62 in the  year 1947 has now reached to Rs 35595/-  per 10 GM Today. The Milk which was costing Rs 0.12  per liter in the year 1947 is now costing Rs 40/- to Rs 50/- per liter today. This is only to show that inflation is on high side. The population which was 330 Million  in 1947 has  gone up to  1.3 Billion at present. This is how the developments have  been eroded.
                                                                                            It is not to state that India has not made any progress.  The Road , Port and Airports infrastructures have been improved very much after Independence. The the mode of Transport of Average person is also improved from Bicycle/Horse Cart to Car, Metro, BRTS, Ola/ Uber Taxi and Air Travel. But  the shared Taxi Charges for 3 kilometer has gone up to Rs 80/-to Rs 100/- To Day .
                                                                                           The Lower Middle class has come up and it has become the biggest market and attraction for the foreign investors.  India has now become the biggest Mobile Market after China. The foreign Auto and Scooter manufacturers have started their manufacturing units in India in order to meet the demands of said upcoming class. India is already ahead in Atomic, Space, Missiles, Software, and Defense Technologies.
                                          In spite of that the 30% of Indian population is still below poverty line and more desired to be done by the Government.

Friday, August 10, 2018

 Poems With Messages
                                                         " Religion is the Truth
                                                            And Truth is Religion
                                                            The Center Point of Religion
                                                            Lies where truth is found."
                                                           "God cannot be touch
                                                             Nobody has  seen Thy
                                                             One can  reach near
                                                             With soul but not with intellect."
                                                          " Do not  move with Ego
                                                             As time can  humiliate any one
                                                             One who walks like Lion
                                                             Has to be carried on death by Many"
                                                            "Good friend are like a shadow
                                                              Which Gives help in need
                                                              But bad friends are like Coal
                                                              When Hot and Cool adversely affects everyone."
                                                             "Loneliness can Pinch  anyone
                                                              But to live alone is being liked
                                                              Sometime fire makes one scary
                                                              While campfire is very pleasant."
                                                             "Some people know what is right
                                                               But they can not practice
                                                               Even knowing something is bad
                                                              They would  repeatedly do it."
                                                              Temple is a place to seek Strength and Peace
                                                               And not a place for begging
                                                               What is difference? beggars and devotees
                                                               One begs outside while others are within


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

The Country Of Mass Surveillance- China
                                                                                                            In the year 2017  China had spent $ 197 Billion  for the Domestic Security and installed 20 million surveillance camera across the Country .  Besides that  China is  not a democratic country and lives of   are being  closely watch by the authorities on the name of Domestic Security.

                                                                                       Tibet and Xinjiang provinces of China are being watch very closely by Chines Government as people therein are very much agitated against the authorities.  It is reported that Mobile Phones and Internet Users in Tibet has to identify themselves by name. Similarly Uighur people in the Xinjiang province are compelled to install App to their Phones allowing authorities to Remote Monitoring of their Phone Contents. These actions appears to be the Gross encroachment on the personal freedom and privacy of Chines Citizens. This is  done for the sake of maintaining Internal Security of the China. Chines government also use the Surveillance System to crack down on Social  Unrest triggered by Defiant People.

                                                                                        People all over the world are very much impressed with the progress of Chine but  very few know how much Chines people are paying for the same. 'The Credible Reports' of UN  reported that more then  One Million Uighur of  Xinjiang province are are in Internment Camps and More then Millions are in 'Reeducation Program'. Besides that there are restrictions  on religious activities and on cultural expressions. There is a regular check on local people.
                                                                                       China is also in the process of developing facial recognition technology in order to solve crimes. They have been able to solve 100000 crimes with the help of installed Cameras. The surveillance system is also used to tracking down Drugs Smugglers and Murder Suspects.  The above measures are being considered necessary by the Chines Government in order to control Law and Order.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Melania Trump -First Lady Of America
                                                                      Donald Trump had given promised to his voters that he will have strong actions against 'Illegal Immigrants'. He also gave Slogans to Buy American Goods and Higher Americans. He wants to make America Great again. His wife Melania Trump has to help her husband in achieving his Goals. It has been traditions of all First Ladies of America. Besides that media will also look at the all actions and movement of Melania Trump in that context.
                                                                      Melania Trump is also immigrant from Slovenia and started her Carrieer as a Model. She has come in politics incidentally. She loves her 12 year son Baron very much. She went to stay in White House, Washington, DC six month after inauguration so that her son finish his school year. She has her own program as first lady.  She runs programs for Healthy living and to fight against Opioid abuse.

                                                                       It appears Melania Trump is not political minded but Simple. She recently visited 'Children Center' at Southern Border of Texas.  She was Waring Green Jacket which Carried Words behind i.e. ' I really do not care. Do you? It has been noted by media very much in context  of  immigration policies of Donald Trump. However Donald  Trump has to  then clarify on twitter that 'Jacket Message was to the' Fake News Media'. This also shows how political issues are being raised on the Jacket of the First lady.  Even media also raised questions regarding  the conversations First Lady had with those children.
                                                                         In short the each and every movements of First Lady are being observed minutely  by People and Media. Some time it amounts to encroachment on her private life. It is said that political entities have no personal and private lives, This is one of the glaring example.