Tuesday, December 19, 2017

God and Faith
                                                                              Faith  is very important aspect in life. One should never do anything wherein one do not have faith. Besides that faith creates conviction  which turns into strength.  The majority people leave their lives on faith but some section of society question the faith on basis of logic and reasoning or on the scientific ground. However they forget that big religious books like Bible, Koran, and Gita does not have signatures of writer thereon. Those books are being followed by masses on basis of mere faith.

                                                                               It is said that when faith enters in anything than  it becomes most pious thing in the world.  The Food served in Gurudwara becomes very Pious. Similarly Sweets distributed in Temples becomes so pious that it is sought after by all worshipers.  Even water become pious when offered to God. The faith is behind all those beliefs.

                                                                              One Travels to the places of worship  than that  becomes pilgrimage. The pilgrimage becomes pious because one goes their by conviction and faith. One can enjoy songs in anyway he likes but when it is sang in Worshiping God then it becomes  Kirtan or Sufi Songs. It carries Spiritual and Religious values as it is being sang in a different spirit.
                                                                               There is a peace of mind and good feeling  as soon as one enter in to house where  idol is installed. They call it as a Temple as people  carries complete faith in the Idol therein. The same type of feelings one  find when you enter houses which are  known as Mosque   and Church.

                                                                                Hence anything can become a pleasant  if people attach their faith there on. There are people who are questioning the existence of God on logic and reasoning as one cannot See, Touch, Smell and Talk to God.  But one can experience God by having Faith.  God exist in faith when one understand his/her limitations which cannot be overcomed.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Senior Citizens- Health Care
                                                                  It is observed that Senior Citizens are facing some of the  common problems in their lives. The loss of Memory or Knees problems or  Frailer of some of the faculties.  However overall weakness is the the Major problem which leads to falling and braking of bones. The recovery from such old age  mishap becomes fatal or  it makes them disables. Therefore necessary precautionary measure has to be taken in this regard.

                                                                  Senior Citizen has to be careful when they climb staircase. They should hold railing firmly when they climb. They should warm of their body before doing following  activities.
1) when they twist their head
2) when they intend to touch their toes
3) when they do their exercise

                                                                  It is better to wear pant while sitting down in order to avoid fall. Besides that when one gets up from bed they should sit up from Left hand side or Right hand side of Body. Some time Senior tries to show their fitness by walking backward. It can cause grave injuries. It is advisable to bend knees when one lift heavy weight.

                                                                  Some Seniors gets up immediately from the bed which may cause certain type of Physical problem. However it  is  advisable to wait few minutes before getting up from bed.  It is also observed that in majority cases Senior slip in the Bathroom. Therefore bathroom should be equipped with railing suitable for senior and disable.

                                                                  The difference between Young and Old is found in Spirit and Attitudes towards life. Seniors can cross those barriers by living  Positive and Active life.  It is also a way of  Happiness.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

                                                                               Colombia is one of the Latin American Countries which is known for its  strong drug Mafias. Besides that it is the third largest country in the Latin America.
                              It's GDP was 4.8% in year 2015 and considered to be good for doing business.
Meanwhile Civil War has also ended which have brought stability in its economy.  It is very rich in coal reserve and stands third regarding the same in the Latin America. There are lots incentives for foreign investments and more than 200 foreign companies have entered in the last five years.  Colombia is producing very large quantity palm oil and stand 4th in the world. It intends to further improve the infrastructure by spending by 50 Billion Dollars.

                             There is a sound fiscal management in order to further improve its economy. World Bank reported that Middle Class of Colombia has increased by 50% in the last decades. Middle class form the 27% of Colombian population. All these factors are increasing the marketability of Colombian Economy. Hence there is good market for  assembly and manufacturing  of vehicles, trucks, buses and automotive components. There are free trade zones which further encourages the foreign companies. Besides that the aggressive campaign against drug lords have further improve the image of the Colombia in the world.

                            In view of above the  Colombia has become the better place for doing Business and have acquired  now 34th place in the world for doing business. Therefore it is one of the rising economies in the world.