Friday, November 17, 2017

Facts about Indian Economy
                                                  ' Moody' the International Agency has put Indian Economy from Stable to Positive. This is on account of comprehensive reforms taken up by Indian government under Narendra Modi.  The Introduction of 'GST' including Introducing the ' Aadhaar Bio metric Account System'. It has also helped the direct benefit Transfer Schemes. The Government has also taken up steps regarding  addressing the bad loans of Banks. It has given boost to the Indian Share Market.
                                                   Modi government  is under fire from opposition on two accounts i.e, 'Demonetization' and introduction of GST in Haphazard manner.  The Demonetization has brought down the 'GDP' by 2 points and brought recession in small and medium Businesses/ Industries. The Unemployment have increased along with Inflation.  The Export have also gone down. The Medium and Small Businesses have suffered due to  high tax rates of 'GST'. However Government has rectified the high rates of GST which created dissatisfaction among Business Communities and Industries. It is a on going process. Besides that Government thinks that all those initial problems will be solved and all those measures will be advantageous in long run.  The American Think Tank Research Center reported that  Narendra Modi is  still most popular leader in India with 88% people fevouring him.
                                                   Besides that Government objectives were to control Black Money, and to bring more people in to Tax Net with the measures like Demonetization. The Demonetization has brought out 3 Lakhs benami Companies which were closed. 40000 fakes 'NGO' were also closed. 12 Crores additional people were brought in to Tax Net. The All Types of Tax collections have also increased considerably. The Banks liquidity have also increased as they were flooded with additional funds.  In addition to that  3 Crores benami 'LPG cards' and 195000 Ration Cards were cancelled by Government. It can be seen from above measures that some of the sections of society may be not happy  with Government.  However it is for people to judge about the Merit and Demerit in the matter.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The Reflection of Time
                                                                               People has to change with the time and it has to reflects in their Life Style. In this connection one has to analyse the Time as below-
  Now and Then
  Morning people use to Chant prayers
  Along with  conentrated meditation
  But Now they are hurry to go office
  Forgetting all those Healthy rituals 
 Now and Then
 They use to work very  hard 
 With sparing little bit for needy one
 Now they rot whole life for money
 To accumulate wealth for themselves
 Now and Then
 The Ladies were use to be Respected
 But now they are made Showpiece
 It was a time when parent were  Respected 
 Now it is a time when parent has to obey children
Now and Then
People are Agitated and Unhappy with Change
 But are not ready to change with the time .
Now  and Then
                                                    People are Restless and Unhappy in spite of changing  their  Clothes, House, Friends and Relationship.  But they overlook one problem that they are not ready to change with the Time and Circumstances.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

The Home Land of Christopher Columbus- Spain
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Spain is very much in News because of the Catalonia demanding Independence. Catalina is one of the richest provinces of Spain who is struggling for independence since long time. However Spain has its maritime history wherein person like Christopher Columbus traveled lot and discovered the continent of America then. He was in search of India then on the entirely new Route  but accidentally he came across  America. Therefore he called the natives of America Indian thinking that he had reached to India. However Spain Monarchy then established many colonies in Latin America. American people wants to remove the Statue of Christopher Columbus from their land treating him as one of the Exploiters.

                                                                                          However even to day Spain is very important Country in the South Western part of Europe. It is a member of European Union. Even  European Union does not want the the division of Spain on  the economical reason. The Spain is a develop Country with Services being main sector in its economic development. Its GDP is increasing and it is expected to reach 3.1% in 2017. It has mixed Capitalist Economy and it is is open for the foreign investments. It has also booming Tourism Industry. It has highly skilled worker to Boom its Industrial Base. There are about  9000 Foreign  Companies in Spain.

                                                                                           The focus areas for  investment are in Aerospace, Pharmaceutical, Chemicals and Automotive components.  It also produce the Highest i.e. 44% of world Olive Oil. Spain is also highest manufacturer of Industrial Vehicles in Europe. It has highest speed Rail Lines.  Spain has become Entry Route to Latin American Countries as Spanish language is  mostly spoken language in  Latin America. However English is accepted as a Business language in the Spain. Spain is a very promising country with  64000  KM  Fiber Optic Cable Network. Catalonia or without Catalonia Spain will remain promising Country in the world to Come.