Friday, July 14, 2017

Indian Banking System
                                                                         The  Reserve Bank of  India has observed in its 15 Th Financial Stability report of June 2017 that Indian Banking system is suffering from huge' Non Performing Assets' up to 10 Lakhs Crore of Rupees. The Non Performing Assets amounts to Bad Loans given by Banks which are not expected to be recovered. It comes to 9.6% of the loans given by the various government owned banks up to the year 2017.  But the figure may cross 10% in the year 2018. This show that 'NPA' positions of Banks have reached to very alarming Figure.
                                                                         We have to go in the background of Nationalization of 20 Big Private Banks in the the year 1969.  Indira Gandhi then Prime Minister wanted to Nationalize the Private Banks on the pretext that Private Banks are not giving enough finance to Common Men. But the main purpose for Nationalization of Banks was to Gain  Popularity and to create impression among people that she is very progressive leftist politician who wants help common men of India. Even Bank Employees were also behind her in order to get  total job security from Government. Besides that Indira Gandhi also wanted to use Bank funds for her political gain.

                                                                         However her then Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Morarji Desai was for open economy and  he was opposing Bank Nationalization on the Ground that 'It will stop competition among  Banks and its Services will be deteriorating. Besides that he believed that all funds of the Banks are already invested and Government will take simply the burden to runing  the same.  Therefore he introduced Social Control Order for the Banks  wherein Banks were asked the lend  40% of its deposits to  needy Common Men, Farmers, Small Scale Industries i.e. Priority Sector. It was working very well.  However Indira Gandhi took the advantage of Congress Split of 1968 and  took away the portfolio of Finance then from Morarji Desai, Deputy Prime Minister. Morarji Desai resigned and protested against her action. However thereafter she Nationalized  the 14 Private Banks for political reasons. India is still paying very heavily for that decisions.

                                                                       The present 'NPA' position  is created because of  loans given by  Corrupt Bank Officials in collaboration with  Capitalist and politicians.  The 'NPA' of big Industrial Houses are running  in Thousands of Crore Rupees. The Glaring examples are Mallya, Essar etc. The present position will go on deteriorating further if deterrent steps are not taken forthwith. Otherwise Government will be compelled to sell those Banks like 'Air India'. The Government cannot go on maintaining those Banks by giving Tax Money to them at the cost of National Development. It is observed that Private own Banks are running very well with better Customer Services. It is to be seen how government will handle the difficult problem of running the Banks with very high 'Non Performing Assets.


Friday, July 7, 2017

Brain and Heart
                                                                      The good health is always helpful to fight against difficult problems of life. what is  the use of having wealth which  cannot be enjoyed due to poor health. Therefore it is essential that some of the important  Organs of body like Heart and Brain are to be taken care of.
                                                                      The  Heart is one of the most important organs of body which help to live very healthy and pleasant life. In this connection the habits of the person are responsible for Heart trouble. The overweight is the first signal for  Heart problems.  One must observe some discipline in eating habits.  The excess in take of salt and sugar are responsible for  making Heart Weak. Besides that fatty and  bad cholesterol substances should be avoided. Eating lots of vegetables, fruits and fish with omega are healthy inputs for Heart. Even drink has to be taken moderately  for Healthy  Heart, It is also advisable to do comfortable level of  exercises with variety for 30 to 60 minutes per day. Besides that Swimming, Cycling, and Walking are also good for healthy body.

                                                                      The Brain is another organ which is very important in the life. It depends upon  how one take care of the Brain in order to keep it active and sharp. One has to also  decide what to remember i.e. To Recite, Retrieve and Review. Besides that  one has to systematically brake down the the information i.e. like Care Code and Phone number etc. It is also advisable to  remain in touch with maximum number of  people to keep Brain Healthy.It is very much essential to maintain and develop routine by keeping things in same manner and at same place. The Meditation also increase the Blood flow in Brain and Increase Memory.
                                                                       These are the measures which can keep  above organs of the body Healthy .

Thursday, July 6, 2017

China- The Expansionist Nation
                                                                                                        China has become economically and militarily strong and now they have air in their mind that they have become World Power.  This types of situation  was prevailing  in Germany before Second World War. Germany was mad with its military power started crossing the borders of neighboring  countries on the pretext that it belonged to them. We know the his troy what happened thereafter. Similarly China is now having border disputes with all 14 countries around it including  Mongolia, Russia, Japan,Myanmar and India etc. China has also claimed its  sovereignty  over  South China Sea and number of islands thereon. All these have created disputes with Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei, Malaysia, and Spartan islands. It means that China have disputes with most of the countries with whom it is sharing Borders and Water of South China sea. This reflects the mental attitude of power drunk country.

                                                         In this connection India have several border disputes with China as their border runs more than 1400 kilometers from East to West. besides that it is a border which also runs  through mountainous region of Himalaya.  Indo Chines border is known as Mecmohan line which is based on Axis. China is taking advantage of the same and claiming the Thousand of Square miles Indian territories  as its own.  In addition  to that China support the rough nations like Pakistan and North Korea in order to serve its own purpose.
                                                       China has already occupied Aksay Chin which is Indian territory,  Besides that China has made claim over Arunachal Pradesh of India.  China have started encroaching in the Bhutanese border and also question the Status of Sikkim which is a integral state of India. This shows that China has mental attitude of expansionism Nation.
                                                       India has to  now protect its border from Chines Expansionist Attitudes.  It is a historical fact that Tibet was a autonomous region and was never under China.
In short then British government had crated buffer state between India and China. India's First Prime Minister Jawaherlal Nehru committed  Error to accept Chines Sovereignty over Tibet. The said error is now costing us very heavily.
                                                       Why not to rectify that error  now by denying the sovereignty of China over Tibet and declaring said region as autonomous. Why India cannot reverse the position regarding Tibet when China has started questioning the Status of Sikkim. China can be put on defensive position by doing so.