Friday, January 13, 2017

China and Pakistan
                                                             China and Pakistan are facing the same political situations in their respective Countries. Let us see which are the reasons which keeps both of them together.
                                                             Pakistan is very much in trouble with Baluchistan who wants to separate from Pakistan. Similarly the Xinjiang Province of China which is having 80% Muslim population wants to separate from China and wants to create independent state of East Turkestan.

                                                             Besides that China is  one of the Autocratic Countries while Pakistan is Democratic Country for Name shake and all the while controlled by its Army.  It is welknown fact that Pakistan was ruled by Army generals for more then half of the period after Partition.  China has rivalry with India regarding Economic growth and International leadership while Pakistan is jealous of India and maintaining its existence on the basis of religious fanaticism. In view of above it can be seen that Pakistan and China are very close on basis of common rivalry with India.
                                                             China and Pakistan are also expansionist countries. China has already grab the Tibet Autonomous Region, and have eyes on Taiwan and Arunachal Pradesh,India. While Pakistan is struggling to Grab Kashmir by hook and Crook. This also shows that Pakistan and  China have same tendencies. These are the  reasons why day by day China and Pakistan is consolidating their friendship.


Friday, January 6, 2017

How To Remain Young?
                                                           The  healthy Mental State of Mind and Good Habits are very important for Healthy and Happy life. It also makes you Young. Hence the increasing age  has nothing to do with the decreasing charm and dynamism. It is observed that some of the young persons looks and behaves like old one while some of the old persons are ever young in spirits with healthy physics.
                                                           One Poet has said that right approches towards life keeps one Young.
"He is young who is full of life
 Whatever the age he  flies like kite
 He faces the world without fear
 And Age cannot prevent do difficult task
 He is young---
 He has urge for learning more and more
 The success is a thing of which he is sure
 He can accommodate Young and Old
 But makes all efforts to reach the Goal
 He is young ---
                                               The Health Care through good Habits makes one more active and  Energetic.  The habit of walking 30 minutes every day  reduce the risk of Diabetes, Stroke, Cancer, Blood Pressure, Heart Attack etc. It also prevents the Hypertension, Depression. Besides that it improves the Circulatory System, and Strengthen  Bones.  There are certain bad habits for example-
1) Late and More Sleeping
2) High Sugar Consumption
3)Irregularly taking Meal and Breakfast
4) Not Obeying the Nature calls in time
                                                All those habits damages the body system and makes one Weak, Inactive and Charmless. In view of above some of the persons becomes old in Young Age.
                                                Therefore with cultivation of good habits and healthy mental approach one can remain young for ever While bad habits and Negative approach makes one old in Young Age. Hence Young and old age are relative terms.


Sunday, January 1, 2017

                                                                                        Gold is one of the very valuable metals in the world.  It was  once mode of exchange for Trade.  It  was also one of the attractions for invaders to attack those countries which were very rich in Gold. However now days  the gold stock is being used by various countries to show their economic worth.
                                                                                      Besides that women are very much fond of Gold Ornaments.  Indian Women also believes that' Gold Ornaments can be a great help to their families in the time of financial crisis as its value goes on increasing with time. Hence India is holding highest stock of gold of about 20000 to 23000 Tons in Private Hands.  It also amounts that total Gold Stock in private hands is more than what Government India is holding. Every year additional Gold of  800 to 1000 Tons being imported by government of India for the Private Needs.

                                                                                   The investment in gold ornaments use to be considered dead investments. But now it is not so as Private and Government Banks have started giving loans against Gold and Ornaments thereon. They give loan up to 60% value of the Gold. In short the Investment in gold Ornaments are being made useful for the economical developments.
                                                                                  It will be surprising to know that  three Private Companies in Kerala State in India are holding the Stocks of Gold  against Gold Loans as under
1) Muthot Finance           - 150.00 Tons
2) Munnapuram Finance -   65.90 Tons
3) Muthot Fin Corp          -  46.88 Tons
                                                                               While  the  Gold Stocks held by some of the Countries in the World are as under
1) Singapore- 127.40 Tons
2) Sweden    -125.70 Tons
3) Australia  -  79.90 Tons
4) Kuwait     -  79.00 Tons
5) Denmark  -  66.50 Tons

                                       This is only to show that  Private Finance companies in India are holding more Gold Stocks than some of the Countries in the World. It also show that the highest Gold Stocks  of the World is in India and that too in Private Hands