Friday, December 16, 2016

 Pollution and Climate Change
                                                                       The pollution is increasing day by day and it is adversely affecting the climate. The Ozone layer is being broken by heavy pollution and it is creating hot climate from day to day.  It is very difficult to control pollution as it will adversely affects the developmental activities. Hence it has become the cold war  for wasted interest,
                                                                      The all develop countries are responsible for the present state of affairs regarding climate but they are the countries who have now realized the seriousness of the problem. It is creating damage of Billions of Dollars in the world on account of flood, storms, drought and forest fires. However the measures shown for controlling the climate change are more damaging for the developments of  undeveloped countries. China is  now verge of becoming world power by heavy industrialization which consume the highest quantities of coal in the world. Similarly even India is also in race to become world economic power through industrial developments. it is also fact that heavy industrial developments emit large quantity of  Carbon Dioxide.  All these factors are creating  adverse effect on climate change. Besides that it makes the pollution control more difficult.  However the pollution of any sort is adversely affecting the climate and it  also create the abnormalities thereof. In short non polluting energy has to be used for controlling the further deterioration in the environment.

                                                                     It is also fact that develop country can afford to change into renewable energy faster and easily than underdeveloped countries.  But developed countries also have to also face their internal wasted interest in the matter.  The scientists and enlightened politicians are also issuing warnings regarding danger of climatic change. The former American Vice President Al Gore has also written books 'Your Choice' and 'An Inconvenient' regarding danger from climatic changes.  Ian Lowe has written book titled ' Living in the Hothouse' on the said subject.  Narendra Modi, Prime Minister has also written book on climatic changes titled 'Convenient Action - Community for Change'.  But the President elect of America Donald Trump have some reservation on the subject of climatic change.
                                                                        Scientists have forecast that if present climatic change will continues than world has face its adverse effect one or other forms. For Examples as under-
-The  Great Barrier Reef of Coral,Australia will ' Mass Die Off.'

-The the Maldive Islands which  are formed from Coral will Submerge in the Sea
-The significant increasing of  Temperature in Alps has already melt the Snow and that is shortening the Winter Sports.
-The continuous rise of temperature in Rhone Valley in France and in Napa Valley,California, USA are making  environment  inhabitable for Grape Wine.
-The  Water Level at Venice, Italy is rising due to climatic changes. The Key West Resort in Florida,USA will be submerging in sea due to rising of Sea level up to 15 Inches in the  Next Thirty Years.
-In the few Decades the some of the parts of Mumbai,India may submerge in Sea due to rise of Sea level. This may be due to the continuous climatic changes
-The external changes at Amozon Forest has put the Habitat Animals in danger  and made Forest Trees Susceptible to fire.
- Alaska, USA  is already facing the erosion of Coastal Line and sea Retreat due to climatic changes.Even Perm Frost is melting due to rise of Temperature.

                                                                       In view of above some concrete steps have to be taken in order to stop the adverse effect of climatic changes. This is mainly due to the increase of temperature on account of heavy pollution. It has also broken the Ozone level in the world.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Narendra Modi
                                                                            The 'Time Magazine had previously  declared that the Narendra Modi is heading on online contest as a' Man of the Year 2016' among all World Leaders. But 'Time Magazine Management' thereafter  Chosen the American President Elect  Donald Trump as 'A Man of the Year'.
                                                                             The Daring decisions of 'Surgical Strikes' on Pakistan and  Demonetization  of  500 and 1000 Rupees notes have made him Popular and Controversial Leader.  In view of above  it is necessary to know the a Style of his functioning of Narendra Modi.

1) It is very difficult to enter in his' Inner Circle'.
2) He does not take advice from any one without appropriate and trusted references.
3) Narendra Modi likes Economists like Jagdish Bhagavati and Arvind Panagaria,
4) Narendra Modi has few  Industrialists friends like Ambani, Adani and Tata.
5)  Narendra Modi is not Exessable to Media and Rarely gives Interview.
6)  Narendra Modi had not appears to have taken part in 'Indian Freedom Struggle'.

7)  Narendra Modi has change the Model of Indian Politics.
8)  Narendra Modi  has direct contact with his Constitutes through Rallies and Programs like 'Manki Baat' / 'Namo App'
9) The Demonetization has proved that he is ready to make correction on need.
10) Narendra Modi is serious about Cashless Society.
11) Narendra Modi is ready to take Risk and Challenges.

12) Narendra Modi has proved that he can be Emotional and Spiritual as Situation demands. He is not Dry and Crude.

                       These are some of the Characteristics of Narendra Modi which have contributed to his his Political Career.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

India After Demonetization
                                                   The India is under is under Economical Stress and Strain on account of  Exchange of old notes  and also due to the the scarcity of new notes in the Economy. There are protest by various political parties looking at the long lines of common men before the banks for Exchanging the Old Notes and for obtaining the new and small denomination notes for their day to day Expenditures. The effect of this phenomena has reach to Rural level.  It has become very good weapon for Opposition Parties to beat the government with it. Besides that wasted interest are also enjoying the fun of economic problems. However it is observed that  the common men are waiting in line but rich class is appears to be missing from the line.  It may be that influential class may be managing all their requirements through backdoor. It may be one of the reasons for long lines before  Banks.

                                                 India has very complex problem of Black Money. It is said that more than Nine Lakh Crores Rupees have been deposited with banks so far. But still the about Five Lakh Crores Rupees are out side. We hope that it may  come in banks in time to come. It is also reported that Black Money  are being deposited in 'Jan Dhan Accounts' of Poor People. Besides that Employees, Farmers and other people accounts are also used for depositing Black Money.  Moreover Black money are also invested in Gold, Diamonds and Real Estates. It is to be seen how government deal with such matter.

                                                  Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said he will deal in  deterrent manner with those elements and will also chase Benami Properties including Gold, Diamond and Ornament Dealers.  We hope for the best.