Thursday, September 15, 2016

Do you Know?
                                                                                               1)Brain remains alive for about Seven Minutes after the death of a person.
2) The research papers of Marie Curie still carries Radioactivity. Therefore all precautionary measures are being taken before touching those papers.
3) The Jelly Fish carries 98% water in its body and it gets dehydrate as soon as they are expose to Sun Rays.
4) Eiffel Tower was to be constructed in Barcelona,Spain but the project was rejected and it was built in Paris,France.
5)' NASA' is spending 250 Million Dollar for building up machine which can convert Urea in to Clean Water.
6) Norway is the only country which give free education  to the student of any country in its all Universities.
7)The 70% of all  Spices consumed in the world are produce in India.
8)Steve Job of Apple had not done any work of  program writing  in his whole life.
9)Rats are destroying the 1/3 of the  Food Grains of world during one year.
10)Sweden is using   its Waste for producing the Renewal Energy which is not sufficient and it is importing the waste from other countries.
11)Trees on one Acre of land can remove the 13 Tons of Gas and Dust from its surrounding atmosphere.
12) One woman had give the birth to 69 children out of which 16 were Twins, and 7 were Triplets. and 4 were quadruplets receptively.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Health Care
                                                                                It is said that 'Health is a Wealth'. One cannot have pleasure of life with wealth if health is not good.  The poor health makes person miserable with even lots of money and  comforts. Therefore it is very much essential that we eat food with lots of nutritious values.  It is also observed that more people dies after eating unhealthy food then people who does not get food. It is essential tot know which food contains which nutritious values for one's health benefit.
                                                                                 Therefore it is better to go through following chart for health point of view-
1) Almonds and Almond Milk Contains  Calcium, Iron and Proteins
2) Amaranth Grain -                          "       "           "      "   Vitamin-C
3) Arvgal                -                          "       "         and Vitamin-A
4)Asparagus           -                          "       Iron, Vitamin -A and C
5) Avocado             -                          "       Vitamin-A, C and Lots of Fiber
6)Basil                    -                          "       Calcium, Vitamin A and K
7) Beet                    -                          "       Folate, Vitamin C and K
8)Broccoli               -                          "       Calcium, Vitamin A and C
9)Artichokes           -                          "        Vitamin C and K
10)Brussels Sprouts-                          "       Iron, Vitamin C and A
11)Buck Wheats     -                          "       Calcium, Iron and Protein
12)Cabbage            -                          "           "          Vitamin A and C
13)Carrot                -                          "            "              "         "   "    "
14) Cauli Flower     -                         "            "            Iron, and Vitamin C
15)Celery                -                           "            "          Vitamin C and A
16) Chia                   -                          "             "             "         A
17) Chives               -                           "          Vitamin A and C
18)Cilautreit            -                           "       Calcium, Iron and Vitamin C
19)Coconut              -                          "            "            "    and     "      
20)Collard                -                          "            "          Vitamin A and C
21) Cucumber          -                          "             "                "       "    "   "
22) Cumin                -                           "            "          Iron, and Vitamin A
23)Dandelion            -                          "            "          Vitamin A and C
24) Egg Plan             -                          "            "           Iron. and Vitamin C
25)Garlic                   -                          "         Vitamin C
26)Ginger                 -                           "          Potassium 8 mg
27)Goat Milk            -                           "         Calcium, Vitamin A and C
28)Grape Fruit           -                          "               "            "         C and Iron
29)Gluten Free Bread -                         Not Contributing to Acidity
30) Flex Oil and Flex Seeds                  Contains Calcium, Iron and Vitamin C




Friday, September 9, 2016

China's- Cunning and Crooked  Policies
                                                                    China is has proved that it is a country which is expansionist and can do anything to fulfill its wasted interest. Besides that it has a intention to become a world power and that too at  any cost. It is observed that it  has a border disputes with surrounding countries one or other reasons. It has also territorial disputes with disputes with Japan, India, Taiwan, Philippines,Vietnam, and including with Brunei. China with its strong military strength keeps surrounding countries on toes. China still continues to  claim its right over South China Sea ignoring the verdict of international tribunal.  Besides that China can use any rough country of the world in order to serve it s own interest.  Pakistan is one of the examples of Chines cunning diplomacy.

                                                                     China has rivalry with India on Two Accounts i.e. One on ideological point of view. India is Democratic country while China has directorial regime.  Second reason is China do not want any country to challenge on its race for world power.  China is considering India as its potential rival in that sense
                                                                    In view of above China has started encircling India in order to choke up its progress. China has started inciting and helping Pakistan to harass India.
How China has encircled India? i.e. Through  Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Cambodia, Nepal etc.
                                                                    China is supporting Pakistan by investing funds on building up its Port, Industrial Corridor, Highways and including supplying of military weapons. It has recently signed the arm pact with Pakistan.  Those Chines military Assistance to Pakistan can be used directly against India.  In return Pakistan has also handed over some of the strategic areas of Akshai Chin, and Pak occupied Kashmir to China which is against the interest of Indian security. Besides that China is developing Ports in Sri Lanka. China is very much in Myanmar by obtaining drilling right of oil fields and also by giving huge financial aid. Chines present in Nepal has also increased.  China is building road from Tibet to Kathmandu, Nepal for opening the avenues for direct trade with China. This is also going against the interest of India. Incidentally now Nepal has Moist Government. China has also built up artificial island in south China Sea which is also militarily well equipped.  This is done in order to control the South China Sea. It is reported that 50% of Indian foreign trade also passes through this Rout.
                                                                   In view of above India has to form some policies in order to protect its interest. India has raised the questions of  unrest in Baluchistan and in Pak occupied Kashmir.   India has indirectly questioned the legality of highway and industrial corridor projects in Pakistan occupied Kashmir  along with building up a port at Gwadar, Baluchistan,Pakistan. Besides that India has signed the defense pact with USA under 'LEMOA' for exchanging and sharing each other military  facilities. India will also get 22 high tech drones from USA for defense surveillance in Arabian and Indian oceans. India has  also offered financial and military aid to Vietnam to protect its interest in South China Sea. All these military measures and policies are not liked by China as it goes against its interest.  It appears powerful military and industrial base have made China now uncontrollable country in the world. It is said that Chines Dragon is now awakened and it is becoming dangerous for the world. Wait and watch.